The Mom Test Summary

The Mom Test Summary

“It’s not the customer’s job to tell you what to build. It’s your job to find out if there’s a need and build the right solution.”

The Mom Test Summary

We all have great ideas we believe our customers or users of our products will love right?. What if your great idea is not what you customer wants? What if your customer wants something else?

Have you taught about that? How do you find out what your customer REALLY wants?

That is exactly what “The Mom Test” is all about. This book will teach you how to get the feedback you need.

Instead of not reading this book at all, pick the key ideas from the book now. We are just scratching the surface with The Mom Test Summary.

If you don’t already have the book, order the book here or listen to the audiobook  for free to get the juicy details. 



The Mom Test

Do you have an idea and wondering if it will sell? DON'T CREATE A NEW PRODUCT WITHOUT READING "THE MOM TEST" FIRST.
The Mom Test will teach you how to find the real problems people are facing; so you create a product people want to pay for

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“The Mom Test” is a straightforward guide for entrepreneurs and innovators who want to validate their business ideas by having better conversations with potential customers.

The name of the book comes from the idea that if you can talk to your mom about your business idea and get honest feedback, you’re asking the right questions.

The book teaches readers how to avoid getting misleading answers (feedback) from product users or customers by re-framing questions to focus on real customer needs, problems, and behaviours instead of just seeking validation for their ideas.

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“The Mom Test” shows you how to ask the right questions during customer conversations to get honest, useful feedback to avoid building products that no one wants to use based on misleading answers.

“The Mom Test” is for entrepreneurs, startup founders, and anyone looking to validate or test a business idea (or any idea at all) by talking to customers or users.

After reading “The Mom Test”, you will learn   how to ask the right questions, avoid misleading feedback, and gather honest insights from customers—helping reduce the risk of building a product or feature no one will use.

“The Mom Test” by Rob Fitzpatrick is structured around teaching entrepreneurs how to have effective conversations with potential customers to validate business ideas without being misled.

The premise of the book is that people, including your mom, will want to be polite and supportive when you present your business ideas; leading to biased feedback.

From this book, you will learn how to have conversations with customers that lead to actionable insights, rather than false positives.

This way, you can gather honest, useful feedback that will help you build a product people actually want.

By learning to ask the right questions and interpret customer feedback correctly, entrepreneurs can avoid wasting time on ideas that won’t work and increase their chances of building successful businesses.

Each chapter dives deeper into strategies for getting honest, useful information.

Here’s a  chapter-by-chapter summary of the Mom Test.

Chapter 1: The Mom Test

This chapter introduces the central idea: don’t ask people, especially your mom, if they like your idea.

The reason is simple: people want to be nice and don’t want to hurt your feelings, so they’ll often give overly positive feedback, which can mislead you.

Instead, you should ask questions about their problems, needs, and current behaviours, rather than directly talking about your idea.

Example: Instead of asking your mom, “Would you use my new app to track your groceries?” (because she’ll say yes just to be nice), ask, “How do you currently keep track of your groceries?

This way, you learn about her actual habits and can see if there’s a genuine problem to solve.

Chapter 2: Avoiding Bad Data

Here, Fitzpatrick explains how entrepreneurs often ask questions in a way that leads to false, unhelpful data.

The main idea is to avoid asking questions that make people give you positive answers out of politeness or hypothetical ones about future actions.

The chapter stresses the importance of focusing on past behaviour and real problems.

Example: Instead of asking, “Would you pay for this service?” ask, “When was the last time you paid for something like this?”

It’s better to understand what they’ve already spent money on rather than what they think they might do.

Chapter 3: Ask About Problems, Not Your Solution

This chapter emphasizes that when talking to customers, your main focus should be understanding their problems, not pitching your solution.

People are much better at describing their own struggles than imagining how your solution might help them.

Example: If you’re building a time-management tool, ask someone, “What’s the most frustrating thing about managing your time right now?” rather than saying, “Do you think this tool will help you manage your time better?”

Chapter 4: Keep It Casual

Fitzpatrick stresses that customer conversations shouldn’t feel like formal interviews.

The best insights come from natural, casual conversations where people feel comfortable enough to share their honest thoughts.

Example: Instead of setting up a formal meeting, try grabbing coffee with someone and casually ask, “Tell me about the last time you struggled with keeping track of your expenses,”.

This can naturally lead to an open, relaxed discussion about their challenges.

Chapter 5: The Path to Honest Signals

This chapter is about understanding which of the signals you got from  customer conversations that are actually useful.

Fitzpatrick calls these “honest signals.” When people give specific, past examples of problems, these are valuable signals.

Vague, future-looking statements (like “I’d definitely buy this”) are not useful.

Example: A strong signal would be someone saying, “Last week I spent hours trying to organize my expenses and it was a nightmare.”

This shows there’s a real problem. A weak signal would be, “That sounds like a great idea, I might use that.” You can’t rely on “might.”

Chapter 6: Commitment and Advancement

This chapter explains how to tell if someone is really interested in your product.

The best way to measure interest is through actions, not words.

If a customer is willing to commit time, money, or resources, it’s a strong sign. Words of encouragement alone don’t mean much.

Example: If someone says, “I love your product idea,” but doesn’t want to pre-order or sign up for updates, it’s not a strong signal.

But if they say, “Can I give you a deposit to get early access?” or “Let me introduce you to my boss who might be interested,” those are signs they’re serious.

Chapter 7: Find Early Adopters

Not everyone is an early adopter—someone willing to try new products before they’re fully polished.

This chapter is about finding those people who are actively looking for solutions to their problems, even if your product isn’t perfect yet.

Early adopters will help you shape your product based on real needs.

Example: If you’re building a budgeting tool, an early adopter might be someone who already uses multiple spreadsheets and apps to manage their money.

They’re frustrated and willing to try something new. Casual users who aren’t looking for solutions yet aren’t as helpful at this stage.

Chapter 8: Avoiding Common Traps

Fitzpatrick lists several common traps entrepreneurs fall into when talking to customers:

  1. Pitching too soon: Instead of pitching your idea to potential customers, listen to their problems first.
  2. Talking to the wrong people: Focus on people who actually experience the problem you want to solve, not just friends and family.
  3. Asking for opinions: Opinions are hypothetical and often useless. Focus on learning about real behaviour instead.

    Example: If you pitch too early, you might hear, “That sounds cool!” and think you’re on the right track. But if you hadn’t pitched and instead asked, “How do you currently handle this?” you might learn they don’t see the problem at all.

Chapter 9: Running the Process

This chapter covers how to keep track of the feedback you’re getting from customer conversations.

It’s important to record what you learn in a structured way to see patterns and make data-driven decisions.

Fitzpatrick advises keeping detailed notes on what people say about their problems and what actions they take (or don’t take).

Example: After each customer conversation, write down the specifics: “Customer X said they spend 4 hours a week trying to manage their budget,” or “Customer Y didn’t express interest in solving the problem.”

Look for patterns across multiple conversations to guide your decisions.

Chapter 10: Maintaining Momentum

In the final chapter, Fitzpatrick explains how to keep the momentum going once you start gathering feedback.

He suggests regularly scheduling customer conversations and continuing to refine your questions.

The more you learn, the better your product will become, and the more likely you are to build something people actually want.

Example: If you’re testing a new feature for your app, don’t just talk to a couple of people and stop. Keep reaching out to potential customers, especially as you develop new versions of your product.

This helps ensure you’re always building based on real customer needs.

Here are some practical action points from “The Mom Test” that you can start implementing right now to validate your business ideas effectively:

1. Stop Asking Leading Questions

Action: Instead of asking, “Do you think my idea is good?” or “Would you use this product?” ask, “Can you tell me about the last time you faced this problem?” or “How are you currently solving this issue?”

Why: This will give you real insights into customer behaviour and their current struggles without influencing their answers.

2. Focus on Real Behaviour, Not Opinions

Action: Next time you talk to someone about your idea, ask them what they have actually done to solve a similar problem in the past, instead of asking if they would do something in the future.

Why: People are bad at predicting future actions, but past behaviour shows what they truly need.

3. Have 3 Customer Conversations This Week

Set up three casual conversations with potential customers this week.

Focus on learning about their problems and how they currently handle them.

Why: Regular customer conversations are key to gathering honest, actionable feedback.

4. Test for Strong Signals

Action: After talking to a customer, ask them to commit in some way.

This could be signing up for a mailing list, giving a referral, or pre-ordering.

Why: Genuine interest is shown through actions, not words.

5. Talk to Strangers, Not Friends

Action: Reach out to people who fit your target customer profile but aren’t part of your immediate social circle.

Why: Friends and family may give you biased, overly positive feedback, while strangers will be more honest.

6. Document Customer Feedback

Action: After each conversation, take 10 minutes to write down what you learned—specifically any pain points and frustrations they mentioned.

Why: Documenting insights helps you look for patterns and base decisions on real data.

7. Schedule Regular Customer Conversations

Set a goal to talk to at least 5 potential customers every week.

Keep the focus on learning about their problems, not pitching your solution.

Why: Continuous conversations help you refine your understanding of the problem and your solution’s relevance over time.

8. Test with Small Commitments

After a conversation, ask the person for a small commitment like subscribing to a mailing list, following up with a meeting, or sharing the idea with a colleague.

Why: Small commitments signal genuine interest, whereas simple verbal agreement might not mean much.

9. Create a Problem Hypothesis

Write down a clear statement about the problem your potential customers face.

For example: “Small business owners struggle to keep track of their expenses using spreadsheets.”

Why: Defining the problem ensures you’re testing whether the problem is real, rather than assuming it exists.

10. Ask for Referrals

If someone shows interest but isn’t ready to commit, ask them to refer you to someone they think would benefit from your product or solution.

Why: If someone is genuinely interested, they’ll help you find others who might also find value, expanding your customer base.

11. Avoid Vanity Metrics

Don’t measure success based on how many people say they “like” your idea.

Instead, track meaningful actions like pre-orders, sign-ups, or introductions.

Why: Likes and positive feedback are “vanity metrics” that can mislead you. Real actions indicate true interest.

12. Refine Your Questions After Each Conversation

After each customer conversation, review your questions.

Did they give you actionable feedback? If not, adjust your approach for the next conversation.

Why: Continuous refinement will help you get better insights over time.

12. Identify and Prioritize Real Pain Points

As you gather feedback, identify the top 3 pain points your customers consistently mention.

Focus your efforts on solving these.

Why: Solving a real pain point makes your solution more valuable, rather than building something that’s just a “nice-to-have.”

13. Look for Patterns in Feedback

After 10-15 customer conversations, review your notes to identify recurring themes or problems.

Prioritize solving these issues.

Why: Patterns in feedback show you where the real demand is, helping you refine your solution.

1.“You aren’t allowed to tell them what their problem is. Even if you’re right, they’ll still get defensive.”

This highlights the importance of letting customers share their own experiences rather than imposing assumptions on them.

2.“It’s not the customer’s job to tell you what to build. It’s your job to find out if there’s a need and build the right solution.”

A reminder that customer feedback should guide you, but it’s up to you to create the right product.

3.“People say you shouldn’t ask your mom whether your business is a good idea. But it’s not because she’s your mom, it’s because she’s polite.”

Asking leading questions can get you positive but useless feedback.

4.“Opinions are worthless. You want facts, commitment, and actions.”

This underscores the importance of focusing on real customer behaviour and commitments rather than vague opinions.

5.“Compliments are the fool’s gold of customer learning: shiny, distracting, and worthless.”

Positive feedback without substance can lead you astray, so it’s essential to dig deeper.

6.“The truth is that it’s hard to know what people really want without observing their behaviour.”

People’s actions are far more valuable than their words when it comes to validating business ideas.

7.“The world’s most deadly trap is running into friends, investors, and early customers who say, ‘I love it!’ but who never seem to actually do anything.”

A warning about mistaking enthusiasm for real commitment or demand.

8.“Startups are about finding the truth, not selling your version of it.”

The goal of customer conversations is to uncover real needs, not to pitch your idea

9.“Good customer conversations are about learning, not selling.”

This emphasizes that the goal is to gather information, not to convince someone to like your idea.

10.“If you’re talking about your idea, you’re doing it wrong.”

A key principle from the book: the conversation should focus on the customer’s problem, not your solution.

11.“People don’t care about your idea. They care about their own problems.”

A reminder that customers are primarily interested in how you can help them, not in your concept itself.

12.“Bad data is worse than no data.”

Gathering inaccurate or biased feedback can lead you to make bad decisions, so it’s better to have fewer, more reliable insights.

13.“Everyone lies to you. They say they want your product, but then they never use it.”

This quote highlights the danger of taking verbal enthusiasm at face value without seeing actions or commitments.

14.“People will want to spare your feelings. They’ll lie to protect you or make you feel good, even if it’s harmful to your business.

A warning about the politeness trap, where well-meaning feedback can mislead you.

15.“It’s your responsibility to uncover the truth; it’s not their job to spoon-feed it to you.”

This reminds entrepreneurs that they must actively seek out real, useful insights, rather than expecting customers to hand them clear answers.

16.“Success comes from getting out of the building and learning what people really want, not from sitting in your office thinking you already know.”

A call to action to go out, engage with real customers, and avoid assumptions about what they need.

17.“Every time someone agrees to a follow-up meeting, it means they care. Every time someone introduces you to a colleague, it means they care. Actions are key.”

This emphasizes that real interest is shown through actions, not just polite words.

18.“The more you’re talking, the worse you’re doing.”

A reminder to let the customer speak more during conversations so you can learn about their needs and challenges.

19.“The conversation you want is one where the other person tells you about their life, their problems, and how they’re currently dealing with those problems.”

This encourages entrepreneurs to focus on the customer’s world, not their own product or ideas.

20.“People say, ‘I’ll buy that,’ and they don’t. They say, ‘I’ll use that,’ and they won’t. Commitments matter. Words are cheap.

The book stresses the importance of testing real commitment from customers, like pre-orders or referrals.

21.“Startups exist to learn. You want to be proven wrong as quickly and cheaply as possible.”

This underscores the value of learning fast through customer validation, even if that means discovering your initial idea was flawed.

22.“Until you’ve committed to the truth, you’re going to make bad decisions.”

A call to be open to whatever feedback you get, even if it challenges your assumptions.

23.“Your mom’s going to tell you it’s a great idea, and she’s going to be proud of you. But it’s irrelevant.”

This reinforces that biased feedback from friends and family isn’t useful in validating a business idea.

24.“Asking good questions takes practice. Expect to be awkward at first, but keep at it.”

It’s a skill that improves with time, so you need to put in the effort to get better at customer conversations.

25.“If you can’t get people to explain their problem to you, it’s probably not a problem.”

If customers can’t articulate their pain points, it’s likely that the problem isn’t significant enough for them to care about.

26.“Just because they liked your idea doesn’t mean they will open their wallet for it.”

A reminder that getting people to like your concept is not the same as getting them to actually buy or commit to it.

27.“People don’t care about your solution. They care about their problems.

Focus on understanding the customer’s pain points rather than convincing them that your solution is the best.

28. “You should be terrified of anyone who answers ‘yes’ to your question of ‘would you buy this?’”

Verbal promises are not a reliable measure of future behaviour; only real commitments (like payments or sign-ups) count.

29.“The goal of your early-stage conversations is to learn what they’re already doing, rather than what they say they want.”

It’s important to understand customers’ current habits and pain points rather than hypothetical desires.

30.“Generous listening is not the same as being gullible.”

While it’s important to listen to customers, you should still critically evaluate what they say and how it aligns with real actions.

31.“Bad news is the best news. It tells you what you need to improve, rather than patting you on the back for what you’re already doing well.”

Negative feedback can be much more valuable than praise because it points you to areas for growth.

32.“People will lie to you without realizing they’re doing it, and it’s your job to figure out where the truth lies.”

Even well-intentioned people might give misleading feedback, so you need to be able to read between the lines.

33.“Questions like ‘Do you think it’s a good idea?’ or ‘Would you buy it?’ will give you unreliable answers.”

Such questions lead to polite but unreliable feedback. Instead, ask about past behaviour or real challenges.

34.“You don’t need permission to learn. You don’t need to talk to anyone or even build anything. You just need to observe.”

Observation of customers’ real-world behaviour is just as valuable as direct feedback.

35.“The best conversations don’t feel like interviews; they feel like learning about someone’s life.”

Keep customer interviews casual and natural to get more genuine and useful insights.

36.“It’s more important to learn what they want than to tell them what you’ve got.”

Prioritize learning over pitching, and focus on how you can help solve their real problems.

37.“When people give vague praise, follow up with a question like, ‘What do you mean by that?’

Dig deeper when you receive non-specific feedback to get to the real meaning and valuable insights.

38.“The truth doesn’t count unless it’s painful to hear.”

Honest feedback often feels uncomfortable, but it’s the most useful in guiding you toward a better solution.

39.“Your product is something you create, but the business is something you discover.”

Building a business requires discovering what customers truly need and will pay for, not just creating a product.

40.“If you’re not scared of shipping it, you waited too long.”

This highlights the importance of launching your product early, even if it’s imperfect, to start gathering real feedback.

41.“You’re looking for people’s problems, not their opinions.”

Focus on identifying real problems that customers face, not their opinions about your idea or solution.

42.“When you hear the same issue multiple times, pay attention—it might be the gold you’re looking for.”

Repeated feedback signals a real problem that is worth solving.

43.“You can’t change someone’s behaviour, but you can make their existing behaviour easier or better.”

Instead of trying to get customers to adopt a new habit, focus on improving what they already do.

44.“The more specific someone’s problem, the more useful their feedback.”

General feedback isn’t helpful. Drill down into specific issues to gather actionable insights.

45.“The most dangerous lies are the ones you tell yourself.”

Be wary of ignoring negative feedback or convincing yourself that your idea is perfect without real validation.

46.“People buy solutions to their problems, not your idea or technology.”

Customers are interested in how your solution can help them solve a problem, not the brilliance of your concept.

47.“You need to dig beneath the surface of customer conversations to find the truth that will help you improve your business.”

Surface-level feedback often hides deeper insights, so always ask follow-up questions.

48.“If they can’t tell you how they solve the problem right now, it might not be a problem worth solving.”

Customers who don’t currently have a solution may not perceive the problem as urgent or important enough to pay for.

49.“Entrepreneurs often waste years because they’re chasing a problem that doesn’t exist.”

This emphasizes the importance of validating that a real problem exists before committing too much time or resources.

50.“It’s better to be proven wrong by facts than to waste time chasing fantasies.”

Embrace learning the truth, even if it means pivoting or discarding your original idea.

Here are other interesting and recommended reading list related to the themes explored in “The Mom Test”, for further reading:

  1. Masters of Scale podcast summary: How AirBNB was handcrafted by Chesky & Co.
  2. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries summary
  3. Book summary of “Testing Business Ideas by

    David J. Bland & alexander osterwalder

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Testing business ideas summary

Testing Business Ideas Summary

"The best business ideas solve real problems for real people."

Testing Business Ideas

The key to success in business is not just having a great idea but systematically testing and refining that idea to ensure it meets real customer needs.
Testing Business Ideas was created to change that statistics

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“Testing Business Ideas” is a practical guide that teaches entrepreneurs and innovators how to systematically test and validate their business ideas through a series of structured experiments, helping them reduce risk and increase the chances of success.

The main idea of this book is  before you dive into launching a business or creating a product, you should test your assumptions—those things you believe are true about your business idea.

For example, you might think that people need your product or that they’ll pay a certain amount for it.

Instead of guessing, this book shows you how to run simple, practical experiments to find out if your assumptions are correct.

Who should read this book?

This book is great for entrepreneurs, innovators, or anyone with a business idea, whether you’re starting a new company or launching a new product within an existing business.

It’s especially useful for people who want to minimize risk and make sure their ideas are solid before going all in.



In “Testing Business Ideas”, David J. Bland and Alexander Osterwalder created a hands-on guide designed to help entrepreneurs and business leaders validate their business ideas through systematic testing. 

Here’s a detailed chapter-by-chapter summary of Testing Business Ideas:


 Chapter 1: Why Testing?


Summary: This chapter sets the stage by explaining why testing your business ideas is crucial.

The authors argue that many startups and new business ventures fail because they don’t validate their ideas before going all-in.

The goal of this book is to help you avoid that trap by teaching you how to test your assumptions before making big investments.

Examples: This chapter references real-world examples of companies that succeeded or failed based on whether they tested their ideas.

For instance, a company that assumed people wanted a particular product failed because they didn’t first check if there was a real demand for their product.

Takeaway: Before you spend time and money on a business idea, you need to know if it’s something people actually want and are willing to pay for.


Chapter 2: Getting Started with Testing


Summary: In this chapter, the book dives into how to begin testing your business ideas. It introduces the concept of an “Assumption Map,” which helps you identify and list out all the assumptions you have about your business idea.

These assumptions could be about who your customers are, what they need, how much they’re willing to pay, or how you’ll reach them.

Examples: Imagine you want to start a new fitness app. You might assume that people want personalized workout plans and are willing to pay for them.

The Assumption Map helps you lay out these assumptions so you can start thinking about how to test them.

Takeaway: Start by identifying all the key assumptions about your business idea. This will help you figure out what you need to test first.


Chapter 3: Prioritize Your Assumptions


Summary: This chapter focuses on prioritizing the assumptions you’ve identified.

Not all assumptions are equally important—some are “high risk,” meaning if they’re wrong, your whole business idea could fail.

The book introduces a simple method to rank these assumptions based on their level of risk and how easy they are to test.

Examples: Using the fitness app example, a high-risk assumption might be that people are willing to pay $10 a month for personalized workout plans.

If this assumption is wrong, your business model could fall apart, so you need to test this first.

Takeaway: Focus on testing the riskiest assumptions first because they have the biggest impact on whether your idea will succeed or fail.


Chapter 4: Select the Right Experiment


Summary: Once you’ve prioritized your assumptions, the next step is to choose the right experiment to test them.

The book provides a list of 44 different types of experiments you can run, ranging from simple interviews with potential customers to more complex prototypes and landing pages. Each experiment is designed to test specific assumptions.

Examples: For the fitness app, you might start with customer interviews to understand if people are really interested in personalized workout plans.

If that assumption holds up, you might create a basic landing page offering these plans to see if people are willing to sign up and pay for them.

Takeaway: There are many ways to test a business idea. Choose the experiment that gives you the most useful feedback with the least effort.


Here is a summary of  the 44 experiments to test  business ideas

These experiments are divided into various categories to help entrepreneurs and innovators validate different aspects of their business ideas.

They provide a comprehensive toolkit for testing different aspects of a business idea, from understanding customer needs to scaling operations efficiently.

They are as follows: 

A. Discovery Experiments (Understand Your Customers)

These experiments are designed to help you understand your customers, their needs, and behaviours.

1. Customer Interviews – Direct conversations with potential customers to understand their needs, challenges, and motivations.

2. Problem Interviews – Focus on understanding the specific problems your customers face.

3. Customer Surveys – Collect quantitative data from a large number of customers to validate assumptions.

4. Jobs-to-be-Done Interviews – Identify the “jobs” customers are trying to get done and how your solution fits.

5. Day-in-the-Life Testing – Follow customers through their daily routines to uncover unmet needs.


B. Validation Experiments (Test Demand and Interest)

These experiments help you gauge the interest and demand for your idea.

6. Landing Page – Create a simple webpage to measure interest in your product or service.

7. A/B Testing – Test two versions of a webpage or feature to see which performs better.

8. Ad Campaigns– Use online ads to measure interest and gather customer data.

9. Pre-Sales – Offer your product for sale before it’s fully built to check demand.

10. Explainer Video – Create a short video that explains your concept and see how people respond.

11. Crowdfunding – Use platforms like Kickstarter to validate demand and raise funds.

12. Fake Door – Create a webpage or button for a feature that doesn’t exist yet to see if people click.

13. Concierge – Manually provide a service to validate demand before automating it.

14. Wizard of Oz – Make your product appear fully functional while manually performing the tasks behind the scenes to gauge customer interest.

15. Feature Stub – Include a “coming soon” feature in your product to see if users show interest.

16. Innovator’s Roadmap – Create a visual map of your idea and its journey to validate its feasibility and customer interest.


C. MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Experiments

These experiments help you build and test a minimal version of your product to gather maximum validated learning with the least effort.

17. Single Feature MVP– Develop and test a single feature to validate its value to customers.

18. Piecemeal MVP –

Combine existing tools and services to create a working version of your product.

19. Pilot – Run a small-scale version of your product to test it in the real world.

20. Prototype – Build a basic, often non-functional, version of your product to get feedback.

21. Live Product – Launch a stripped-down version of your product in a live environment to test and learn.

22. Service Blueprinting – Map out the service process and test each component to ensure it meets customer needs.


D. Efficiency Experiments (Test Operational Feasibility)

These experiments help you test the operational and financial feasibility of your business idea.

23. Cost Testing – Experiment with different cost structures to find the most efficient way to deliver your product or service.

24. Revenue Testing – Test different pricing models and revenue streams to see what works best.

25. Channel Testing – Test different distribution and sales channels to see which ones are most effective.

26. Supply Chain Testing – Experiment with different suppliers and logistics to optimize your supply chain.

27. Outsource MVP – Outsource parts of your product development to test the feasibility and efficiency of using third-party services.

28. Service Design Jam – Collaborate with others to rapidly prototype and test service designs.


E. Validation (Go-to-Market) Experiments

These experiments focus on testing the effectiveness of your marketing and sales strategies.

29. Smoke Test – Use a marketing campaign to test customer interest before the product is fully developed.

30. Launch Event – Organize an event to gauge interest and gather feedback on your product.

31. Trade Show – Present your product at a trade show to gather customer feedback and measure interest.

32. Referral Program – Test a referral program to see if customers are willing to recommend your product to others.

33. Content Marketing – Create and distribute content to test how it resonates with your target audience.

34.Influencer Marketing – Partner with influencers to test how their endorsement affects customer interest.


F. Growth Experiments (Scale Your Business)

These experiments help you test how to scale your business effectively.

35. Viral Loop – Test strategies to encourage customers to spread the word about your product.

36. Network Effects – Experiment with features that become more valuable as more people use your product.

37. Customer Retention – Test different strategies to keep customers engaged and returning to your product.

38. Upsell/Cross-Sell – Experiment with additional offerings to see if customers are willing to spend more.

39. Partnerships – Test strategic partnerships to see how they impact growth and scalability.

40. Freemium Model – Offer a free version of your product to attract users and then upsell them to a paid version.

41. Expansion – Test entering new markets or customer segments to see how your product performs.

42. Automation – Experiment with automating parts of your business to increase efficiency as you scale.


G. Efficiency (Execution) Experiments

These focus on optimizing and streamlining the execution of your business model.

43. Process Improvement – Test different ways to make your internal processes more efficient.

44. KPI Dashboards – Create dashboards to track key performance indicators and make data-driven decisions.



Chapter 5: Measure Your Results


Summary: After running your experiments, it’s important to measure and analyze the results.

This chapter explains how to track your progress using “metrics” or key numbers that tell you whether your idea is on the right track.

These metrics could include things like the number of people who sign up for a trial, the percentage of users who pay for your product, or how much time customers spend using your app.

Examples: If your fitness app landing page gets a lot of visitors but very few sign-ups, this might tell you that people are interested in the idea but not enough to pay for it.

You’d then need to dig deeper to understand why.

Takeaway: Keep track of the numbers that matter most to your business. These will help you understand whether your idea is working or if you need to make changes.


Chapter 6: Learn and Decide


Summary: This chapter is about making decisions based on what you’ve learned from your experiments.

After gathering data, you need to decide whether to “pivot” (make significant changes to your idea) or “persevere” (continue on the current path).

The book emphasizes that it’s okay to change direction if your tests show that your original idea isn’t working.

Examples: If your fitness app isn’t getting enough paying users, you might pivot by offering a freemium model instead of a paid subscription, where basic features are free but users pay for premium content.

Takeaway: Use the results of your experiments to make informed decisions.

Be ready to change course if the data suggests your original idea isn’t viable.


Chapter 7: Business Models


Summary: This chapter expands on how your business idea fits into a broader “business model,” which is the plan for how your business will make money.

It walks you through testing different parts of your business model, such as your revenue streams, cost structure, and distribution channels.

Examples: Continuing with the fitness app example, you might test different pricing strategies (like a one-time purchase versus a subscription model) or explore various ways to reach your customers (like through social media ads or partnerships with gyms).

Takeaway: Your business model is like a puzzle. Each piece (how you make money, who your customers are, etc.) needs to fit together, and you should test each one to ensure it works.


Chapter 8: Advanced Experiments


Summary: Once you’ve mastered the basics of testing, this chapter introduces more advanced experiments.

These are often more complex and require more resources, but they can provide deeper insights.

Examples include A/B testing, where you compare two versions of something (like two different landing pages) to see which performs better.

Examples: For the fitness app, you might run an A/B test on your website’s sign-up page to see if changing the headline or button color increases the number of sign-ups.

Takeaway: As you gain confidence in testing, you can start using more advanced methods to fine-tune your business idea and improve your chances of success.


Chapter 9: Team and Culture


Summary: This chapter emphasizes the importance of having the right team and culture to support testing and innovation.

A team that embraces experimentation and isn’t afraid to fail is more likely to succeed in developing a viable business idea.

Examples: Companies like Google encourage a culture of testing and learning by giving employees the freedom to experiment and learn from their mistakes.

Takeaway: A supportive team and culture are critical to successful testing.

Everyone should be on board with the idea that it’s okay to fail as long as you learn from it.


Chapter 10: Keep Testing and Learning


Summary: The final chapter encourages continuous testing and learning.

Even after you’ve launched your business, you should keep testing new ideas and improving your product or service.

The business world is always changing, and the best companies are those that keep adapting.

Examples: Companies like Amazon and Netflix constantly test new features and business models to stay ahead of the competition.

Takeaway: Testing isn’t something you do just once. To stay successful, you need to keep learning, adapting, and improving your business over time.


In conclusion, “Testing Business Ideas” is all about reducing the risk of failure by making sure your business idea is solid before you go all-in.

By systematically testing your assumptions and learning from the results, you can build a business that’s more likely to succeed in the real world.

 Here are  actionable steps you should take starting from right now:


1. Validate Your Assumptions

Lesson: Don’t assume you know what customers want. Validate your assumptions by testing them early and often.

Action Point: Identify the most critical assumptions about your business idea (e.g., customer demand, pricing, features) and prioritize them for testing.

Use simple experiments like surveys or interviews to gather initial feedback.


2. Start Small with Experiments

Lesson: Begin with small, low-cost experiments to test the viability of your idea before scaling up.

Action Point: Design a minimum viable product (MVP) or a simple prototype that allows you to test your idea with real customers.

For example, create a basic landing page to gauge interest or offer a limited-time trial to see if people are willing to pay.


3. Focus on High-Risk Assumptions

Lesson: Some assumptions are more critical to your business’s success than others. Focus on testing the riskiest ones first.

Action Point: Map out all your assumptions and rank them based on their level of risk.

Start by testing the assumptions that, if proven wrong, would have the biggest negative impact on your business.


4. Use Metrics to Measure Success

Lesson: Use clear, objective metrics to determine if your experiments are successful.

Data-driven decisions reduce the risk of relying on gut feelings.

Action Point: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) for each experiment.

For instance, track the conversion rate of visitors to sign-ups on your landing page or the number of repeat customers after a product launch.


5. Learn and Pivot When Necessary

Lesson: Be open to learning from your experiments, and don’t be afraid to pivot if the data shows your idea isn’t working.

Action Point: After each experiment, analyze the results and decide whether to persevere with your current approach, pivot to a new strategy, or abandon the idea altogether.

For example, if customer feedback indicates a different feature is more valuable, consider shifting your focus.


6. Keep Testing Continuously

Lesson: Testing is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Continuous experimentation and learning are key to long-term success.

Action Point: Build a culture of continuous testing and improvement within your team or organization.

Regularly run new experiments to explore opportunities, refine your offerings, and stay ahead of market changes.


7. Involve Your Team

Lesson: A collaborative, experimentation-driven culture is essential for successful testing and innovation.

Action Point: Engage your team in the testing process. Encourage open discussions, brainstorming sessions, and collective problem-solving to foster a culture of innovation.


8. Adapt Your Business Model

Lesson: Your business model should evolve based on what you learn from testing.

Action Point: Regularly revisit and refine your business model canvas (e.g., value propositions, customer segments, revenue streams) as you gather new insights from your experiments.

This ensures your business model remains aligned with market demands.


9. Don’t Fear Failure

Lesson: Failure is a natural part of the testing process. Each failed experiment brings you closer to finding a successful solution.

Action Point: Embrace failure as a learning opportunity.

Document what didn’t work and why, and use those insights to improve future experiments.


10. Stay Customer-Centric

Lesson: Always keep the customer at the centre of your testing and business development efforts.

Action Point: Continuously gather customer feedback through surveys, interviews, and usability tests.

Use this feedback to refine your product or service and ensure it meets customer needs.


The key to success in business is not just having a great idea but systematically testing and refining that idea to ensure it meets real customer needs.

By applying these lessons and action points, you can significantly increase your chances of building a successful, sustainable business.

Here are some of the best quotes from “Testing Business Ideas”by David J. Bland and Alexander Osterwalder:

1. “The goal is to build the right it before you build it right.”

– This quote emphasizes the importance of validating that you’re working on the correct idea before investing time and resources into perfecting it.

2. “An idea without validation is a liability, not an asset.”

– This highlights the risk of assuming that your idea will work without testing it first. Validation turns ideas into valuable assets.

3. “If we don’t ask ourselves the tough questions, reality will.”

– This encourages entrepreneurs to confront the uncertainties and assumptions in their ideas upfront, rather than waiting for the market to do so.

4. “You don’t need to have all the answers, just a way to find them.”

The process of testing business ideas is about discovering what works, not knowing everything from the start.

5. “Business plans are opinions, experiments are facts.”

 This quote underscores the difference between untested assumptions (opinions) and validated insights (facts) gained through experimentation.

6. “Testing early and often saves time, money, and heartache.”

– It emphasizes the importance of continuous testing to avoid wasting resources on ideas that won’t succeed.

7. “Data beats opinion every time.”

This quote reinforces the idea that decisions should be based on real data gathered from testing, not just personal beliefs or assumptions.

8. “Innovation is not about finding the right idea; it’s about validating the right idea.”

– The focus here is on validation as the key to successful innovation, rather than just coming up with ideas.

9. “Don’t be afraid to kill a bad idea.”

– This encourages entrepreneurs to let go of ideas that don’t pass validation, saving resources for better opportunities.

10. “Success isn’t about avoiding failure; it’s about minimizing the cost of failure.

– This quote emphasizes the importance of failing quickly and cheaply during the testing phase, so you can learn and move on to better ideas.


11. “You can’t predict the future, but you can reduce uncertainty by testing.”

– This quote emphasizes that while it’s impossible to know exactly how a business idea will play out, testing can significantly reduce the unknowns.

12. “The biggest risk in innovation is building something nobody wants.”

– It reminds us that the greatest danger is investing in a product or service without ensuring there’s demand for it.

13. “Assumptions are beliefs that need to be tested before they are treated as facts.”

– This quote stresses the importance of challenging your assumptions rather than accepting them as truth without evidence.

14.“Every business model is built on a set of assumptions. Testing helps us turn these assumptions into knowledge.”

– The focus here is on transforming uncertain assumptions into validated, actionable knowledge through testing.

15. “A failure in testing is a success in learning.”

– It re-frames failure as a valuable part of the learning process, leading to better decisions and outcomes in the long run.

16. “The best ideas are born out of validated learning, not just creativity.”

– This highlights that successful ideas come from a combination of creativity and rigorous testing, not creativity alone.

17. “Don’t invest in scaling a business model until you have tested it.”

– This quote warns against putting resources into growing a business before confirming that the model works.

18. “If it doesn’t work in a small test, it won’t work when you scale it.”

– It underscores the importance of validating an idea on a small scale before trying to expand it.

19. “Small, incremental experiments lead to big, transformative insights.”

– This emphasizes that even modest tests can yield significant knowledge, leading to major breakthroughs.

20. “The right time to test your idea is now.”

– A call to action, this quote encourages entrepreneurs not to delay testing their ideas and to start gathering evidence as soon as possible.


21. **”Innovation requires humility—the recognition that we don’t know everything and must learn our way to success.”**
– This quote reminds us that successful innovation comes from acknowledging what we don’t know and being open to learning through testing.

22. “Every idea, no matter how brilliant, is just a hypothesis until it’s tested.”

– It emphasizes that no matter how good an idea seems, it’s merely a guess until validated by real-world experiments.

23. “Experimentation is the bridge between ideas and execution.”

– This quote highlights that testing is the critical step that connects a conceptual idea with its practical implementation.

24. “Learn to love your data more than your idea.”

– It advises entrepreneurs to prioritize evidence over attachment to their original concept, ensuring decisions are data-driven.

25. “The more you test, the more you reduce uncertainty.”

– A simple yet powerful reminder that continuous testing is key to minimizing the risks associated with new ventures.

26. “Feedback is the fuel for successful innovation.”

– This quote emphasizes the importance of gathering and acting on feedback to refine and improve your business ideas.

27. “A business idea is like a seed; it needs nurturing through testing to grow into a successful venture.”

– A metaphor that likens the development of a business idea to growing a plant, requiring careful attention and validation.

28. “Innovation is about solving problems, not just creating solutions.”

– This quote shifts the focus from just building products to ensuring that those products address real, validated problems.

29. “The sooner you test, the quicker you learn, the faster you succeed.”

– It underscores the speed advantage gained by testing early, leading to faster iterations and improvements.

30. Without testing, all you have is a risky assumption.”

– A reminder that untested ideas are merely speculative and carry significant risk until validated.


31. “When in doubt, test it out.”

– A catchy reminder that whenever there’s uncertainty, the best course of action is to test and gather evidence.

32. “Ideas don’t fail, assumptions do.”

– This quote highlights that the downfall of most ideas comes from incorrect assumptions, which can be identified and corrected through testing.

33. “Stop guessing, start testing.”

– It encourages entrepreneurs to move away from speculation and toward evidence-based decision-making through experiments.

34. “A failed experiment is a successful test if it teaches you something valuable.”


This reframes failure as a positive outcome when it provides insights that lead to better decisions in the future.

35. “The best way to predict the future is to experiment with it.”

– A powerful reminder that you can influence and shape future outcomes by experimenting with your ideas in the present.

36. “The path to innovation is paved with experiments.”

– This quote emphasizes that continuous experimentation is the foundation of successful innovation.

37. “Test early, test often, test cheap.”

– A succinct summary of the approach advocated in the book—start testing as soon as possible, do it frequently, and keep costs low.

38.”Data-driven decisions outperform gut-driven decisions every time.”

– It reinforces the value of making choices based on hard evidence rather than intuition alone.

39. “Every assumption is a potential risk; every test is a potential solution.”

– This quote highlights the dual nature of assumptions as both risks and opportunities for learning through testing.

40. “It’s not about being right; it’s about learning what’s right.”

– This emphasizes the mindset shift from needing to prove oneself correct to being open to discovering the truth through testing.


41. “Innovation is a continuous journey, not a one-time event.”

– This quote reminds us that innovation requires ongoing effort, testing, and iteration rather than a single breakthrough moment.

42. “You can’t validate a business idea by just thinking about it.”

– It emphasizes the importance of moving beyond theoretical planning and actually testing ideas in the real world.

43. “Real learning happens when you engage with real customers.”

– This highlights the value of interacting with customers directly to gather meaningful insights and validate your assumptions.

44. “A test without a clear hypothesis is just guessing.”

– It underscores the need to define what you’re testing and what you expect to learn, rather than running experiments aimlessly.

45. “Focus on learning, not just launching.

– This quote shifts the emphasis from merely getting a product to market to ensuring you’re learning valuable lessons along the way.

46. “Innovation thrives on diverse perspectives and ideas.”

– This reminds us that a variety of viewpoints can lead to better innovation and more effective testing strategies.

47. “Failing fast is better than failing big.”

– A reminder that it’s better to encounter and learn from small failures early in the process rather than experiencing a large failure after significant investment.

48. “The best business ideas solve real problems for real people.”

– This quote emphasizes that successful business ideas are grounded in addressing actual customer needs.

49. “The more experiments you run, the closer you get to the truth.”

– It encourages a culture of continuous experimentation, where each test brings you closer to understanding what works.

50. “Innovation is about iterating, not just inventing.”

– This quote reinforces the idea that innovation is an ongoing process of refinement and improvement, not just the creation of something new.


Here are other interesting and recommended reading list related to the themes explored in “Testing Business Ideas, for further reading:

  1. Masters of Scale podcast summary: How AirBNB was handcrafted by Chesky & Co.
  2. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries summary
  3. Book summary of  The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you by Bob Fitzpatrick

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summary the lean startup by Eric Ries

Summary The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

"We must learn what customers really want, not what they say they want or what we think they should want."

The Lean Startup Summary

Starting and running a business is hard. The “Lean Startup” makes it easier.

If you have been wondering when you will have the time to read “The Lean Startup”, we have put together the Lean Startup Summary to help you get the key ideas from the book in minutes.

We have only scratched the surface with this summary. Want more juicy details from the book? 

Get the book here if you don’t have it already. You can also listen to the audiobook for free.  Lets get started.

The Lean Startup

Most startups don't succeed, but a lot of these failures could be avoided. The Lean Startup shows you how.
This book is a game changer for both new and established entrepreneurs


The Lean Startup introduces key concepts such as the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), validated learning, and the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop, all of which are fundamental to the Lean Startup methodology.

This book has had a profound influence on how startups and large companies approach product development and innovation and has led to a lot of business success.


Click on the tabs below to read the book summary

The Lean Startup teaches you how to build a new business or product by starting small and learning quickly.

Instead of spending lots of time and money making something perfect right away, you create a simple version first and see how people like it.

You then use their feedback to make it better step by step, which helps you avoid big mistakes and create something people really want.

The book is aimed at entrepreneurs, startup founders, product managers, and anyone involved in innovation or business development.

It is also valuable for leaders in larger organizations looking to foster a culture of continuous innovation.

“The Lean Startup” is a book that teaches people how to start and grow a new business in a smart way. Here’s a simple breakdown:

Introduction: Start

Imagine you have an idea for a new toy or game.

Instead of spending all your time and money making the perfect version right away, this book suggests starting small and testing your idea to see if kids really like it.

Chapter 1: Start

A startup is like a small, new business that’s trying to figure out what people want.

The book says it’s better to learn quickly what works and what doesn’t, rather than just guessing.

Chapter 2: Define

Before making the whole toy, you make a simple version of it (called a Minimum Viable Product, or MVP) to see if kids are interested.

This way, you don’t waste time making something no one wants.

Chapter 3: Learn

Once you have the simple version, you watch how kids play with it.

You learn from what they like and don’t like, and you can make the toy better based on what you discover.

Chapter 4: Experiment

You keep trying out new ideas, making small changes, and then testing them again.

The goal is to learn as much as you can with each change, so you can make the best toy possible.

Chapter 5: Leap

When you start, you have to make some guesses about what kids will like.

This chapter is about testing those guesses quickly so you can know for sure if your toy idea is good.

Chapter 6: Test

Instead of just guessing, you test your ideas by showing your toy to kids and seeing how they react.

If they like it, great! If not, you make changes and test again.

Chapter 7: Measure

You don’t just count how many toys you sell.

Instead, you look at things like how often kids play with the toy or how many tell their friends about it.

This helps you see if your idea is really working.

Chapter 8: Pivot (or Persevere)

If your toy idea isn’t working, you can make a big change (called a pivot) and try a different idea.

If it’s working, you keep going (persevere) and make it even better.

Chapter 9: Batch

When you make changes to your toy, do it in small steps.

This way, if something goes wrong, it’s easier to fix. Small steps help you improve faster.

Chapter 10: Grow

Once your toy is popular, you think about how to grow your business.

You could make different versions of the toy, tell more people about it, or find new ways to sell it.

Chapter 11: Adapt

As you keep going, it’s important to always be ready to change and improve.

If something doesn’t work, figure out why, fix it, and keep trying.

Chapter 12: Innovate

Even big companies can use these ideas to create new products.

They should think like startups, always testing and learning to stay ahead.

In the end, the book hopes that by using these ideas, more people can turn their cool new ideas into successful businesses that make things people really love.



1. Start Small and Test Ideas Early:

Action Point: Before investing a lot of time and money, create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) — a basic version of your product to test whether customers are interested.

2. Focus on Learning What Works:

Action Point: Use customer feedback to learn which aspects of your product are valuable.

Treat each product iteration as an experiment to gather insights.

3. Measure What Matters:

Action Point: Track actionable metrics like customer retention, engagement, or conversion rates, rather than vanity metrics like total users or page views.

4. Pivot When Necessary:

Action Point: Be ready to change direction if your original idea isn’t working.

If the data shows that customers aren’t responding as expected, adjust your business model, product, or target market.

5. Iterate Quickly:

Action Point: Use the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop to continuously improve your product.

Develop small updates, measure customer reactions, and learn from the results to inform the next version.

6. Avoid Waste:

Action Point: Don’t spend time and resources building features or products without first validating that customers want them.

Focus on creating value in the simplest way possible.

7. Create a Culture of Adaptability:

Action Point: Foster an environment where your team is encouraged to experiment, learn from mistakes, and adapt quickly.

Use techniques like the “Five Whys” to get to the root cause of problems and address them.

8. Focus on Sustainable Growth:

Action Point: Identify the growth engine that works best for your business (viral, sticky, or paid) and optimize your efforts around it.

Sustainable growth is built on a product that customers want to use and share.

9. Innovation Is Ongoing:

Action Point: Always be on the lookout for new opportunities to innovate, whether by improving your current product or by exploring new markets or ideas.

Apply the Lean Startup principles to keep your business agile.

10. Embrace Uncertainty:

Action Point: Accept that the future is uncertain, and plan to adapt as new information becomes available.

Stay flexible and open to change, using data to guide your decisions.

Overall Action Plan:

– Start by defining your assumptions about what customers want and then design experiments to test those assumptions.

– Build simple prototypes (MVPs) and launch them quickly to gather real-world feedback.

– Use the feedback to make informed decisions about whether to persevere, pivot, or iterate.

– Continuously measure your progress with actionable metrics, and always be ready to adapt your strategy based on what you learn.

By following these action points, you can reduce the risk of failure and increase your chances of building a successful, sustainable business.

1. “The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else.”
– This highlights the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in the fast-paced world of startups.

2. “A startup is a human institution designed to create a new product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty.”

– This defines the essence of a startup and the unique challenges it faces.

3. “Success is not delivering a feature; success is learning how to solve the customer’s problem.”

– Emphasizes that true success comes from understanding and meeting customer needs, not just building products.

4. “Build-Measure-Learn is the fundamental activity of a startup.”

– Summarizes the core process of the Lean Startup methodology, focusing on rapid iteration and feedback.

5. “The goal of a startup is to figure out the right thing to build—the thing customers want and will pay for—as quickly as possible.”

– Stresses the importance of identifying and creating value for customers in the most efficient way.

6. “The Minimum Viable Product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.”

– Describes the concept of MVP, a key strategy for testing ideas with minimal resources.

7. “We must learn what customers really want, not what they say they want or what we think they should want.”

Highlights the difference between assumptions and real customer needs, and the importance of testing those assumptions.

8. “Startup success can be engineered by following the process, which means it can be learned, which means it can be taught.”

Suggests that success in startups is not just about luck but about following a disciplined approach.

9. “A pivot is a structured course correction designed to test a new fundamental hypothesis about the product, strategy, and engine of growth.”

– Explains the concept of a pivot, a critical move when initial assumptions don’t pan out.

10. “Entrepreneurs are everywhere. We need to empower people to be bold, take risks, and innovate, regardless of the company they work for.”

– Encourages a broader application of entrepreneurial principles beyond traditional startups.


11. “Innovation is a bottoms-up, decentralized, and unpredictable thing, but that doesn’t mean it cannot be managed.”

– This highlights the idea that while innovation is spontaneous, it can still be guided and managed effectively.

12.“A startup is a catalyst that transforms ideas into products.”

– This quote encapsulates the role of a startup in bringing ideas to life through product development.

13. “Learning is the essential unit of progress for startups.”

– Emphasizes that the true measure of progress in a startup is how much has been learned about what works and what doesn’t.

14. “In a startup, every product, every feature, every marketing campaign—everything a startup does—is an experiment designed to achieve validated learning.”

– Describes the experimental nature of startup activities, all aimed at gaining insights.

15. “What if we found ourselves building something that nobody wanted? In that case, what did it matter if we built it on time and on budget?

– Points out the futility of creating a product efficiently if it doesn’t meet a real need.

16. “The big question of our time is not Can it be built? but Should it be built?”

– Shifts the focus from the feasibility of building something to whether it should be built based on customer needs.

17. “The Lean Startup isn’t about being cheap but is about being less wasteful and still doing things that are big.”

– Clarifies that the Lean Startup method is about efficiency and impact, not just cutting costs.

18. “If we’re building something nobody wants, it doesn’t much matter if we’re doing it on time and on budget.”

– Stresses that the most important aspect of product development is ensuring that there is demand for what is being created.

19. “Every entrepreneur eventually faces an overriding challenge in developing a successful product: deciding when to pivot and when to persevere.”

– Highlights the critical decision point in a startup’s journey between continuing on the current path or making a significant change.

20. “Sustainable growth is characterized by one simple rule: New customers come from the actions of past customers.”

– Defines sustainable growth as being driven by satisfied customers who spread the word or continue to purchase.

21. “We must be willing to set aside our traditional professional standards and embrace the startup way of thinking.”

– Encourages a shift from conventional business thinking to a more flexible, startup-oriented mindset.

22. “The Lean Startup approach fosters companies that are both more capital-efficient and that leverage human creativity more effectively.”

– Suggests that Lean Startup principles lead to more efficient use of resources and better utilization of creativity.

23.“Startups that succeed are those that manage to iterate enough times before running out of resources.”

– Indicates that the key to success is the ability to test and refine ideas repeatedly before resources are exhausted.

24. “We are building something that nobody wants. We cannot achieve success this way. Instead, we must learn what customers really want.”

– Reinforces the importance of building products based on real customer desires, not assumptions.

25. “The lesson of the Lean Startup is that it’s not just the destination but the journey, the process that matters.”

– Emphasizes the importance of the process of learning, experimenting, and adapting, not just the end result.


26. “You cannot trade quality for time or money.”

– Stresses the importance of maintaining quality, even when working with limited resources or time.

27. “Metrics are people, too. To make sure our data doesn’t deceive us, we need to focus on metrics that matter.”

– Emphasizes the importance of using meaningful, actionable metrics that reflect real customer behavior.

28. “The goal of a startup is to figure out the right thing to build—the thing customers want and will pay for—as quickly as possible.”

– Highlights the urgency of identifying and developing a product that meets customer needs.

29. “Planning and forecasting are only accurate when based on a long, stable operating history and a relatively static environment.”

– Points out that traditional business planning doesn’t work well in the dynamic, uncertain world of startups.

30. “Innovation accounting enables startups to accurately measure progress, set up milestones, and prioritize work.”

– Introduces the concept of innovation accounting as a way to measure progress in a startup environment.

31. “Don’t be in a rush to get big. Be in a rush to have a great product.”

– Encourages startups to focus on creating an excellent product before worrying about scaling up.

32. “The Lean Startup method builds capital-efficient companies because it allows startups to recognize that it’s more important to know what customers want than it is to know how much cash is left in the bank.”

– Argues that understanding customer needs is more critical than just managing finances.

33. “It’s not about having a five-year plan or knowing every step you’ll take. It’s about being flexible, responsive, and iterative.”

– Promotes adaptability and responsiveness over rigid long-term planning.

34. “The most common form of waste in startups is building something that nobody wants.”

– Identifies the primary risk in startups: creating products without validated customer demand.

35. “A startup’s job is to rigorously measure where it is right now, confront the brutal facts, and then pivot or persevere.”

– Stresses the importance of being honest about a startup’s current situation and making necessary adjustments.

36. “To improve entrepreneurial outcomes and make entrepreneurship more accessible, we need to reinvent the way we think about innovation and entrepreneurship.”

– Calls for a new approach to entrepreneurship that is more inclusive and based on modern principles.

37. “The big idea behind Lean Startup is that every startup is an experiment, and that the true measure of success is not whether a product is launched but whether it learns something valuable about customers.”

– Reframes the concept of success in startups as learning valuable insights rather than just launching a product.


38. “The Lean Startup method is not about avoiding failure. It’s about minimizing the time it takes to learn from it.”

– Clarifies that failure is part of the process, but the goal is to learn from it as quickly as possible.

39. “If you cannot fail, you cannot learn.”

– Suggests that the ability to fail is crucial for learning and growth in the startup journey.

40. “By focusing on a single, clear metric, a team can align its energy and prioritize learning over just building features.”

– Highlights the importance of focusing on one key metric to drive alignment and meaningful progress.

41. “The Lean Startup approach favours experimentation over elaborate planning, customer feedback over intuition, and iterative design over traditional ‘big design up front’ development.”

– Summarizes the key differences between the Lean Startup approach and traditional business practices.

42. “We should never be afraid to fail, but we must be afraid of failing to learn.”

– Encourages embracing failure as a learning opportunity, rather than fearing it.

43. “In the Lean Startup, every product and every feature is understood to be an experiment designed to achieve validated learning.”

– Reinforces the idea that all efforts in a startup should be treated as experiments for learning.

44. “A successful startup is not just about having a good idea; it’s about finding a scalable and repeatable business model.”

– Emphasizes that a good idea is only part of the equation; the real challenge is building a business model that can grow.


Here are other interesting and recommended reading list related to the themes explored in “The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, for further reading:

  1. Masters of Scale podcast summary: How AirBNB was handcrafted by Chesky & Co.
  2. Book summary Testing Business Ideas by David J. Bland and Alexander Osterwalder  
  3. Book summary of  The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you by Bob Fitzpatrick

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15 Best Faceless YouTube Channel Ideas to Make you Money


Looking for how to start a YouTube business but prefer staying off-camera? Here’s a comprehensive list of faceless YouTube channel ideas along with the necessary skills and tools for each concept. 

Whether you’re a master editor or a storytelling genius, there’s something here for everyone. 

So, if you have been longing to start a YouTube channel to make money and you are asking: what YouTube channel should I start or which YouTube niche is the most profitable, here is my answer.

Starting a YouTube channel is just like starting a business except you are just doing it for fun. So, I will advice you start a channel in the area you have interest.

Managing a YouTube channel is HARD WORK, just like any other business. You need consistency and hard work to be able to grow a channel that will make you money. A lot of people who are putting in the work are making lots of money on YouTube EVERYDAY and you can too.

Listed below are popular faceless YouTube channel ideas, how you can start and the tools you need to make the job easier. 

So, check them out and get inspired to start your own channel without ever showing your face!


Table of Contents

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Benefits of a Faceless YouTube Channel

  • Creating a faceless channel is hassle-free!
  • You’ll save on expensive equipment like cameras, lights, and microphones.
  • No need to fret about camera shyness!
  • You can steer clear of unwanted attention from family, friends, and colleagues

Faceless YouTube Channel Ideas

What is the best niche for a faceless YouTube channel? Listed below are the most popular niches. So, pick one that most interests you and hit the ground running.


Motivational YouTube Video Channel

A lot of people are looking for inspiring and motivational videos on YouTube. If you have interest in this area, you can be a source of inspiration to many and make money while doing that.

Provide videos of  inspiring quotes, inspiring speeches etc.

Here are a list of motivational faceless YouTube video content ideas:

1. A channel dedicated to delivering daily doses of inspiration, motivation, and positivity through uplifting quotes, stories of success, motivational interviews, and actionable advice to pursue their dreams fearlessly and encouraging messages.

2. Start a channel that empowers viewers to transform their lives and reach their full potential with a channel that offers tools and resources for personal growth, self-improvement, and empowerment.

3. You may also start a channel that focuses on the power of mindset and explore topics such as growth mindset, resilience, self-belief, and overcoming obstacles to unlock personal and professional success.

Example of a faceless motivational YouTube channel:

Channel by: BenLionelScott  | Subscribers: 3.15M  | 72M Views

How to Earn Money with motivational YouTube channels:

1. Affiliate marketing: Recommend personal development books in your video description and add your affiliate link

2. YouTube ads: Allow YouTube to run ads on your channel when your channel gets enough subscribers and views.

3. Sell your products: Add a link to your related product to the video description.


Cooking or Recipe YouTube channels

faceless YouTube channel dedicated to bringing delicious recipes and cooking techniques to food enthusiasts without the need for on-camera appearances. This channel focuses on high-quality visuals and clear, concise instructions to make cooking accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Content Format:

  1. Recipe Demonstrations:

    • Step-by-step walkthroughs of various recipes, from simple weeknight dinners to elaborate holiday feasts.
    • Focus on close-up shots of ingredients, cooking processes, and final dishes to ensure viewers can easily follow along.
  2. Cooking Tips and Techniques:

    • Short videos highlighting essential cooking tips and techniques, such as knife skills, cooking methods, and ingredient preparation.
    • Use slow-motion and detailed visuals to clearly demonstrate each step.
  3. Themed Cooking Series:

    • Create series around specific themes, such as “Quick and Easy Weeknight Meals,” “Healthy Cooking,” “World Cuisine,” or “Baking Basics.”
    • Each series can have a playlist for viewers to easily find related content.
  4. Ingredient Spotlights:

    • Videos focusing on specific ingredients, showcasing their versatility, preparation methods, and recipe ideas.
    • Include fun facts, nutritional information, and storage tips.
  5. Collaborations and Guest Recipes:

    • Feature recipes from guest chefs or home cooks, with voiceovers explaining the process.
    • Collaborate with other food channels for cross-promotion and diverse content.

Channel by: Hearty & Tasty  | Subscribers: 1.33M  | 5.5M Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Affiliate marketing: Recommend kitchen tools, gadgets, and ingredients in your video descriptions. Earn a commission when viewers purchase products through your links.

2. Ad Revenue: Once your channel meets YouTube’s eligibility requirements (1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months), you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program. This allows you to earn money from ads displayed on your videos.

3. Sell recipe books or cook books, train people on how to cook (live class or online course). Add a link to your course or book on your description and use YouTube to drive traffic to where you are selling it.

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Top 5 or Top 10 YouTube channels

People love watching Top 5 and Top 10 videos which helps them make quick purchase or life decisions.

Whether it’s the Top 5 best mobile games for kids or the Top 10 ways to earn money online, these videos offer an engaging blend of education and entertainment.

Typically, the lists are presented in ascending order to keep viewers hooked, eagerly awaiting the top item.

Channel by: Top 5 Picks  | Subscribers: 197k  | 57k Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Affiliate marketing: Recommend the products in your top picks and add your affiliate link in the video description.

You earn commission when someone clicks on those links and buy the product.

2. Google Adsense: Enable YouTube ads to earn revenue from ads when people watch your channel content. 

Folk Tale/Story YouTube Channels

Dive into the myths, legends, and folklore from cultures around the world, unraveling the stories behind ancient myths, legendary creatures, and mythical heroes.

The channel will blend storytelling, illustrations, and cultural analysis to explore the timeless themes found in folklore.

Content Format:

1. Regional Folklore ShowcaseExplore the diverse folklore traditions of different regions across Africa, from West African Yoruba myths to East African Maasai legends and Southern African San stories.

 Highlight the unique characteristics and storytelling styles of each culture.

2. Ancestral Spirits and DeitiesIntroduce viewers to the pantheon of African gods, goddesses, and spirits worshipped in traditional religions. 

Share myths and stories that depict their powers, attributes, and interactions with humans.

3. Animal Fables and Moral Tales: Retell classic African animal fables and moral tales featuring clever animals like the hare, the tortoise, and the cunning spider Anansi. 

Uncover the moral lessons and cultural values embedded in these timeless stories.

4. Epic Hero Journeys: Narrate epic hero journeys and quest narratives from African mythology, featuring legendary figures such as Sundiata Keita of Mali, Queen Makeda of Sheba, or the trickster god Eshu.

 Follow their adventures and trials as they confront challenges and foes.

5. Creation Stories and Origin Myths: Share creation stories and origin myths from African cultures, exploring the cosmological beliefs and mythological narratives that explain the origins of the universe, humanity, and natural phenomena.

6. Supernatural Beings and Creatures: Unravel the mysteries of African folklore by introducing viewers to a variety of supernatural beings and mythical creatures, including shape-shifters, water spirits, forest guardians, and ancestral ghosts.

7. Cultural Festivals and Traditions: Spotlight cultural festivals, rituals, and storytelling traditions from different African communities, such as the storytelling festivals of the Dogon people in Mali or the masquerade performances of the Igbo people in Nigeria.

8. Contemporary Adaptations: Showcase modern interpretations and adaptations of African myths and legends in literature, art, film, and popular culture.

 Discuss how ancient stories continue to inspire and influence contemporary storytelling.

You can use Leonard AI to create realistic images for this video channel.

Channel by: African Folktales  | Subscribers: 4.13k  | 123k Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Affiliate marketing: Recommend story books books

2. Google Adsense: Allow YouTube to run ads on your channel

3. Sell story books.


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Productivity Hacks YouTube Channels

Start a YouTube channel dedicated to helping viewers optimize their time, enhance their efficiency, and achieve their goals through practical productivity hacks and strategies. 

The channel offers valuable tips, tools, and techniques to boost productivity in both personal and professional life.

Content Format:

  1. Tutorial Videos:

    • Step-by-step guides on using productivity tools and apps (e.g., Trello, Notion, Todoist).
    • Detailed walkthroughs on setting up productivity systems like GTD (Getting Things Done) or the Pomodoro Technique.
  2. Listicles and Tips:

    • Top 10 productivity hacks for students, professionals, or entrepreneurs.
    • Quick tips for managing time, reducing distractions, and staying focused.
  3. Deep Dives and Case Studies:

    • In-depth analysis of productivity methods and frameworks.
    • Case studies of successful people and how they manage their time.
  4. Animated Explainers:

    • Short, engaging animations explaining complex productivity concepts.
    • Visual storytelling to illustrate the benefits of different productivity techniques.
  5. Routine and Workflow Showcases:

    • Examples of effective daily routines and workflows.
    • “A Day in the Life” style videos showcasing productive habits.
  6. Interviews and Collaborations:

    • Interviews with productivity experts and thought leaders.
    • Collaborative videos with other productivity-focused YouTubers.

Channel by: Iman Gadzhi  | Subscribers: 4.83 M  | 1 M Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Affiliate marketing: Partner with companies that offer productivity tools and apps (e.g., Trello, Notion, Todoist). Share affiliate links in your video descriptions and earn commissions on sales generated through your links.

2. Enable Monetization: Once your channel meets YouTube’s Partner Program requirements (1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months), you can enable monetization to start earning from ads.

3. Sponsorships and Brand Deals:  Collaborate with brands to create sponsored videos where you highlight their products or services. Ensure the brands align with your channel’s focus on productivity.

4. Branded Merchandise: Create and sell branded merchandise such as productivity planners, notebooks, calendars, and motivational posters. Use platforms like Teespring, Spreadshirt, Etsy or Merch by Amazon.

5. Digital Products: Sell digital products like printable productivity worksheets, templates, and eBooks. Use platforms like Gumroad or Amazon for digital downloads.

6. Create Courses: Develop online courses or workshops on productivity strategies and techniques. Use platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Skillshare to host and sell your courses.

7. YouTube Memberships: Enable channel memberships where subscribers can pay a monthly fee for exclusive content, early access to videos, behind-the-scenes footage, and other perks.

8. Personal Coaching: Offer one-on-one productivity coaching sessions, helping clients improve their time management, organization, and efficiency.

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DIY (Do it yourself) Tutorial Channel

Create inspiring do-it-yourself (DIY) tutorials. From crafting and home decor to fashion and beauty, this channel offers step-by-step guides and innovative ideas for viewers to unleash their creativity and transform ordinary materials into extraordinary works of art.

Content Format:

1. Crafting Tutorials: Explore a wide range of crafting projects, including paper crafts, scrapbooking, knitting, crochet, sewing, and more. 

Each tutorial provides detailed instructions, tips, and techniques for creating beautiful handmade items.

2. Home Decor DIYs: Revamp your living space with DIY home decor projects, such as wall art, decorative pillows, furniture makeovers, and seasonal decorations. 

Learn how to personalize your home with style and flair on a budget.

3. Fashion and Accessories: Elevate your wardrobe with DIY fashion and accessory tutorials, including clothing alterations, jewellery making, handbag customization, and shoe embellishments. 

Express your unique sense of style with handmade fashion statements.

4. Upcycling and Recycling: Embrace sustainability and creativity with upcycling and recycling projects that transform everyday objects into new and useful creations. 

Discover innovative ways to repurpose old materials and reduce waste.

5. DIY Gifts and Greeting Cards: Show your loved ones you care with heartfelt DIY gifts and handmade greeting cards for every occasion. 

Get inspired by personalized gift ideas and creative card-making techniques.

6. Beauty and Self-Care DIYs: Treat yourself to DIY beauty and self-care tutorials, including homemade skincare products, natural cosmetics, bath bombs, and aromatherapy candles. 

Pamper yourself with luxurious spa treatments at home.

7. Holiday and Seasonal Crafts: Celebrate holidays and seasons with festive DIY projects and decorations, from Halloween costumes and Christmas ornaments to Easter crafts and summer party essentials. 

Bring joy and cheer to every occasion.

8. DIY Organization Solutions: Streamline your life with DIY organization solutions for your home, office, and personal life. 

Learn how to declutter, organize, and optimize your space with creative storage hacks and organizing tips.

Channel by: Digital Sat Pro  | Subscribers: 196k  | 1.3M Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Affiliate marketing: Recommend courses of where to buy raw materials for the crafts

2. Google adsense: Allow Youtube to run ads on your channel

3. Sell finished craft products and courses on how to make more crafts

Product Tutorial Videos

Are you passionate about tech and gadgets but prefer staying behind the camera?

Start a YouTube channel dedicated to providing detailed and easy-to-follow tutorials on various tech products, gadgets, and software.

The aim is to help viewers understand and utilize their tech products to their fullest potential through step-by-step guides and comprehensive reviews.

Content Format:

  1. Unboxing and Setup Guides:

    • Unboxing Videos: Showcase what’s inside the box and give first impressions.
    • Setup Guides: Provide step-by-step instructions to help viewers get started with their new products.
  2. How-To Tutorials:

    • Feature Tutorials: In-depth guides on specific features of tech products.
    • Tips and Tricks: Share lesser-known tips to maximize product functionality.
  3. Product Comparisons:

    • Side-by-Side Comparisons: Compare similar products, highlighting their pros and cons.
    • Recommendation Videos: Suggest products based on specific user needs and preferences.
  4. Software Walkthroughs:

    • Interface Tours: Walk viewers through software interfaces, explaining functionalities.
    • Task Tutorials: Guide viewers on how to complete specific tasks using the software.
  5. Troubleshooting and FAQs:

    • Common Issues: Identify common issues and provide troubleshooting steps.
    • FAQ Videos: Answer frequently asked questions and offer practical solutions.

Channel by: Sassyin Korea  | Subscribers: 430K  | 9.6M Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Affiliate marketing: Recommend the product you are unboxing by adding your affiliate link for the product in the video description

2. Google Adsense: Enable Google ads on your YouTube channel.


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Gaming Video channel

If you love gaming and would like to make money off your skill, create a YouTube channel dedicated to providing high-quality gaming content without the need for on-camera appearances.

The channel focuses on gameplay, tutorials, reviews, and tips to help viewers improve their gaming skills and stay updated with the latest in the gaming world.

Content Format:

  1. Gameplay Walkthroughs:

    • Full Game Playthroughs: Record and commentate entire game playthroughs, providing tips and strategies.
    • Level Guides: Create detailed guides for specific levels or missions.
  2. Game Reviews and First Impressions:

    • Game Reviews: Provide in-depth reviews of newly released games, discussing gameplay, graphics, story, and overall experience.
    • First Impressions: Share your initial thoughts and reactions to newly released or upcoming games.
  3. Tips and Tricks:

    • Strategy Guides: Offer advanced strategies and tips for popular games.
    • Top 10 Lists: Create lists of the best weapons, characters, strategies, etc.
  4. Let’s Play Series:

    • Series Playthroughs: Record episodic content of popular games, with engaging commentary.
    • Collaborative Let’s Plays: Collaborate with other gamers for multiplayer game content.
  5. News and Updates:

    • Gaming News: Cover the latest news and updates in the gaming industry.
    • Patch Notes and Updates: Discuss new game patches, updates, and what they mean for players.

Channel by: Anshu Bisht| Subscribers: 6.01M  | 642.992M Views (in just 10 hours!)

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. YouTube Partner Program

  • Enable Monetization: Once your channel meets YouTube’s Partner Program requirements (1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months), you can enable monetization to start earning from ads.

2. Super Chat and Super Stickers

  • Live Streaming: During live streams, viewers can purchase Super Chats and Super Stickers to highlight their messages and support your channel. This feature is available once your channel is monetized and you’re live streaming.

3. Channel Memberships

  • Membership Tiers: Offer channel memberships where subscribers can pay a monthly fee for exclusive content, badges, emojis, and other perks. Create different membership tiers with varying levels of benefits.

4. Affiliate Marketing

  • Gaming Gear and Accessories: Partner with companies that sell gaming gear, accessories, or digital products. Share affiliate links in your video descriptions and earn commissions on sales generated through your links.
  • Game Sales: Promote game sales through affiliate programs from platforms like Amazon, Green Man Gaming, or Humble Bundle.

5. Sponsorships and Brand Deals

  • Sponsored Content: Collaborate with brands to create sponsored videos where you highlight their products or services. Ensure the brands align with your channel’s focus on gaming.

6. Merchandise Sales

  • Branded Merchandise: Create and sell branded merchandise such as t-shirts, hoodies, posters, and mugs. Use platforms like Teespring, Spreadshirt, or Merch by Amazon.
  • Digital Products: Sell digital products like game guides, eBooks, or custom game mods. Use platforms like Gumroad or Etsy for digital downloads.

7. Online Courses and Coaching

  • Gaming Skills: Offer online courses or one-on-one coaching sessions to help others improve their gaming skills. Use platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Skillshare to host and sell your courses.
  • Streaming Setup: Provide coaching on how to set up and grow a gaming channel or stream effectively.

9. Ad Revenue from Other Platforms

  • Repurpose Content: Share your YouTube videos on other monetizable platforms like Facebook, Instagram (IGTV), and LinkedIn to generate additional ad revenue.
  • Short-Form Content: Create and monetize shorter gaming tips on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels.

10. Gaming Tournaments and Events

  • Host Tournaments: Organize and host online gaming tournaments with entry fees and sponsorships. This can also drive traffic to your channel.
  • Live Events: Host live gaming events or participate in gaming expos and conferences, monetizing through ticket sales, sponsorships, and live streaming donations.

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Language Learning Video channel

Create a YouTube channel dedicated to teaching languages like English, French, Spanish, Igbo or other local language through engaging, high-quality content that helps viewers learn and practice new languages effectively. 

The channel offers lessons, tips, and resources for learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced.

Content Format:

  1. Grammar and Vocabulary Lessons:

    • Short Lessons: Create short, focused videos on specific grammar rules or vocabulary themes (e.g., colors, food, travel).
    • Thematic Vocabulary: Videos covering vocabulary for specific situations or themes, such as traveling, shopping, or business.
  2. Pronunciation Guides:

    • Phonetic Lessons: Teach the correct pronunciation of letters, words, and phrases using phonetic symbols and examples.
    • Accent Training: Provide tips and exercises to help learners acquire the correct accent and intonation.
  3. Conversation Practice:

    • Dialogues: Record dialogues for different scenarios (e.g., at a restaurant, meeting someone new) and break them down for learners.
    • Role-Playing Exercises: Offer role-playing scenarios that viewers can practice along with.
  4. Cultural Insights:

    • Cultural Context: Create videos explaining cultural nuances and customs associated with the language being taught.
    • Language in Context: Show how the language is used in real-life situations, including idiomatic expressions and slang.
  5. Language Learning Tips:

    • Study Tips: Share effective study techniques and resources for language learning.
    • Motivational Videos: Encourage learners to stay motivated and consistent in their language studies.

Channel by: Kids Songs & Nursery rhymes| Subscribers: 1.37M  | 55M Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Affiliate marketing: Partner with companies that offer language learning tools and resources (e.g., language apps, textbooks, online courses).

Share affiliate links in your video descriptions and earn commissions on sales generated through your links.

Books and Resources Promote language learning books and resources available on platforms like Amazon.

2. YouTube Ad Revenue: Enable Monetization: Once your channel meets YouTube’s Partner Program requirements

3. Sponsored Content: Collaborate with brands to create sponsored videos where you highlight their language learning products or services.

4. Create Courses: Develop online courses on specific aspects of language learning (e.g., grammar, conversation skills). Use platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Skillshare to host and sell your courses.

5. Private Tutoring: Offer one-on-one or group tutoring sessions for personalized language learning experiences.

Relaxing/Study & Meditation channel

Create a channel dedicated to helping viewers find inner peace, relaxation, and mindfulness through guided meditation and calming content. 

With a variety of meditation practices, relaxation techniques, and mindfulness exercises, this channel aims to promote mental well-being, reduce stress, and enhance overall quality of life.

Content Format:

1. Guided Meditation Sessions: Offer a variety of guided meditation sessions tailored to different needs and preferences, including mindfulness meditation, body scan meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and visualization exercises. 

Each session provides soothing narration and gentle guidance to help viewers relax, focus, and unwind.

2. Breathing Exercises: Introduce viewers to various breathing techniques and pranayama exercises to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve focus and concentration. 

Teach techniques such as deep breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and box breathing for stress relief and emotional balance.

3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Guide viewers through progressive muscle relaxation exercises to release tension, reduce muscle stiffness, and promote physical and mental relaxation. 

Help viewers cultivate body awareness and learn to let go of stress and tension.

4. Nature Sounds and Relaxation Music: Provide immersive experiences with nature sounds, ambient music, and calming soundscapes to create a tranquil atmosphere for meditation and relaxation. 

Curate playlists of soothing sounds, including ocean waves, forest birdsong, rainfall, and gentle instrumental music.

5. Mindfulness Practices: Teach viewers mindfulness techniques and practices for cultivating present-moment awareness, acceptance, and non-judgmental observation.

 Offer mindfulness exercises such as mindful breathing, mindful walking, and body scan meditation to enhance mindfulness skills and cultivate inner peace.

6. Stress Reduction Tips: Share practical tips, strategies, and lifestyle changes for managing stress and promoting mental well-being in daily life. 

Offer advice on stress management, time management, self-care practices, and creating healthy boundaries to support viewers in achieving balance and resilience.

7. Sleep Meditation and Relaxation: Provide guided meditation sessions and relaxation techniques specifically designed to promote restful sleep and alleviate insomnia. 

Help viewers unwind before bedtime, quiet the mind, and prepare for a peaceful and rejuvenating night’s sleep.

8. Gratitude and Affirmations: Foster a positive mindset and emotional well-being with gratitude practices and positive affirmations. 

Lead viewers through gratitude meditation exercises and affirmations to cultivate feelings of gratitude, optimism, and self-love.

Channel by: Goodful  | Subscribers: 1.5M  | 23M Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Affiliate marketing: Recommend meditation tools

2. Google Adsense: Allow YouTube to run ads on your channel

3. Sell meditation courses, Apps etc.


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Historical Story Video channel

Dive into captivating stories from history, bringing to life forgotten events, unsung heroes, and intriguing mysteries from various time periods and cultures. The channel will blend narration, animations, and archival footage to create immersive historical narratives.

Content Format:

1. Mini Documentaries: Produce short, well-researched documentaries focusing on specific historical events, figures, or periods. 

Each video will combine narration with visual elements such as maps, timelines, and animated reconstructions to engage viewers.

2.Historical Mysteries: Explore unsolved mysteries and enigmatic events from history, presenting different theories and evidence. 

Invite viewers to speculate and discuss their own interpretations in the comments section.

3. Behind-the-Scenes: Provide behind-the-scenes looks at historical discoveries, archaeological excavations, and museum exhibits. 

Collaborate with experts to showcase rare artifacts and reveal the stories behind their preservation.

4. Historical Analysis: Offer analytical breakdowns of iconic moments in history, examining their significance and impact on society. 

Use infographics, charts, and diagrams to illustrate key points and facilitate understanding.

5. Personal Stories: Highlight the untold stories of ordinary individuals who lived through extraordinary times, shedding light on their struggles, triumphs, and contributions to history.

6. Historical Debates: Host debates or panel discussions featuring historians, scholars, and enthusiasts debating controversial topics or interpreting conflicting accounts from history.

7. Interactive Quizzes: Create interactive quizzes or trivia games based on historical facts and trivia. Encourage viewer participation and offer rewards or shout outs for correct answers.

8. Virtual Tours: Take viewers on virtual tours of historical landmarks, ancient ruins, and cultural heritage sites around the world. Use 360-degree footage and immersive VR technology to transport viewers to distant locales.

Channel by: Unavailing the Scriptures  | Subscribers: 200k  | 2.2M Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Affiliate marketing: Recommend history books

2. Google adsense: Allow Youtube to run ads on your channel

3. Sell history books, courses etc.


Echos of the Past (historical) Videos

Explore the echoes of history through immersive storytelling, focusing on lesser-known historical events, forgotten civilizations, and cultural phenomena. 

The channel will utilize a combination of narration, animations, and expert interviews to bring the past to life.

Content Format:

1. Lost Civilizations: Investigate ancient civilizations and cultures that have vanished from the historical record, such as the Indus Valley Civilization, the Minoans, or the Olmecs. 

Use archaeological discoveries and expert insights to reconstruct their stories.

2. Epic Journeys: Trace the footsteps of famous explorers, adventurers, and travellers throughout history, from Marco Polo’s journey along the Silk Road to Ernest Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition. 

Combine historical reenactments with maps and animations to illustrate their voyages.

5. Revolutionary Ideas: Examine pivotal moments in the history of ideas, such as the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, or the Industrial Revolution. 

Explore the impact of intellectual movements on society and culture.

4. Forgotten Heroes: Spotlight overlooked figures and marginalized voices from history, including women, minorities, and indigenous peoples. 

Highlight their contributions to shaping historical events and challenging the status quo.

5. Historical Fashion: Explore the evolution of fashion and clothing styles throughout history, from ancient garments to modern trends. 

Use archival images, illustrations, and fashion plates to showcase changing sartorial tastes.

6. Historical Cuisine: Delve into the culinary traditions of different cultures and time periods, uncovering recipes, cooking techniques, and food rituals from antiquity to the present day. 

Recreate historical dishes and explore their cultural significance.

7. Iconic Artifacts: Showcase iconic artifacts and relics from history, from the Rosetta Stone to the Terracotta Army. 

Discuss their historical context, significance, and preservation efforts.

8. Time Travel Experiments: Imagine hypothetical scenarios or alternate histories based on pivotal moments in the past. 

Use speculative fiction and creative storytelling to explore “what-if” scenarios and their potential ramifications.

Channel by: Black Journals  | Subscribers: 438k  | 827k Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Affiliate marketing: Recommend history books

2. Google adsense: Allow Youtube to run ads on your channel

3. Sell history books, courses etc.



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Science Experiment Video Channel

If you love science, you can start a YouTube channel dedicated to showcasing fun and educational science experiments. 

The channel aims to make science accessible and engaging for all ages by demonstrating experiments that viewers can try at home or in the classroom.

Content Format:

  1. Simple Science Experiments:

    • Short Demonstrations: Create concise videos (3-5 minutes) demonstrating simple science experiments that viewers can replicate at home using common household items.
    • Step-by-Step Instructions: Provide clear, step-by-step instructions with text overlays and visual demonstrations.
  2. Thematic Experiment Series:

    • Physics, Chemistry, Biology: Develop series focusing on different branches of science (e.g., physics experiments, chemistry reactions, biology projects).
    • Seasonal Experiments: Share experiments related to seasons or holidays (e.g., winter-themed experiments, Halloween science projects).
  3. In-Depth Science Explanations:

    • How It Works: Offer detailed explanations of the scientific principles behind each experiment, using animations and diagrams.
    • Real-Life Applications: Discuss real-life applications and implications of the science demonstrated in the experiments.
  4. Challenge Videos:

    • Experiment Challenges: Create challenge videos where you attempt more complex or large-scale experiments.
    • Viewer Challenges: Encourage viewers to try experiments and share their results, featuring the best ones in your videos.
  5. Collaborations and Guest Appearances:

    • Guest Scientists: Collaborate with other science educators or enthusiasts to demonstrate experiments.
    • Interactive Live Streams: Host live streams where you perform experiments in real-time and answer viewer questions.

Channel by: Nat Geo Kids | Subscribers: 1.i6M  | 281K Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Enable YouTube ads revenue

2. Affiliate marketing:  Partner with companies that sell science experiment kits and educational materials. Share affiliate links in your video descriptions

3. Sponsored Content: Collaborate with educational brands and science-related companies to create sponsored videos where you highlight their products and services.

Life Hacks Video Channel

Start a YouTube channel dedicated to sharing simple yet effective life hacks that can make everyday tasks easier, save time, and enhance productivity. 

The channel covers a wide range of topics, from household tips and DIY projects to tech tricks and productivity hacks.

Content Format:

  1. Quick Tips and Tricks:

    • Short Videos: Create concise videos focusing on one or two hacks per video (1-3 minutes long).
    • Step-by-Step Guides: Provide clear, step-by-step instructions with text overlays and visual demonstrations.
  2. Compilation Videos:

    • Top 5/Top 10 Lists: Curate lists of the best hacks for specific categories (e.g., Top 10 Kitchen Hacks, Top 5 Travel Hacks).
    • Thematic Compilations: Group hacks by themes such as “Eco-Friendly Hacks” or “Tech Hacks.”
  3. DIY Projects:

    • Detailed Tutorials: Offer in-depth tutorials for DIY projects, showcasing materials needed and step-by-step processes.
    • Before and After: Show the results of the hacks with before and after footage.
  4. Productivity and Organization Hacks:

    • Workplace Hacks: Share tips for improving productivity and organization at work or while studying.
    • Home Organization: Offer hacks for decluttering and organizing different areas of the home.
  5. Seasonal and Holiday Hacks:

    • Seasonal Tips: Provide hacks related to specific seasons (e.g., summer cooling hacks, winter home maintenance tips).
    • Holiday Hacks: Share tips for making holidays more enjoyable and less stressful (e.g., gift wrapping hacks, holiday decoration tips).

Channel by: 5 Minutes Crafts  | Subscribers: 80.6M  | 5.4M Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. YouTube ads revenue

2. Affiliate marketing:  Partner with companies that sell products related to your hacks (e.g., kitchen gadgets, DIY tools).

Share affiliate links in your video descriptions and earn commissions on sales generated through your links.

3. DIY Kits: Sell DIY kits related to your hacks (e.g., home organization kits, DIY project kits).


Ambient Nature Soundscapes Video Channel

Create a channel focused on providing high-quality ambient nature soundscapes to help viewers relax, meditate, study, or sleep.

The channel will feature a wide variety of natural environments, such as forests, rivers, beaches, and rain forests, each with its unique soundscape.

Content Format:

1. Nature Scenes: Record high-definition video footage of various natural landscapes without any human presence. 

Focus on capturing the sights and sounds of each environment, including rustling leaves, flowing water, bird songs, and gentle breezes.

2. Soundscapes: Extract and enhance the audio from the video recordings to create immersive 3D soundscapes. 

Use binaural recording techniques to simulate a realistic audio experience, allowing viewers to feel like they’re truly immersed in nature.

3. Seasonal Themes: Curate seasonal playlists featuring nature scenes and soundscapes specific to each season.

 For example, showcase vibrant autumn foliage, serene winter snowscapes, or blooming spring gardens.

4. Special Events: Livestream special events such as meteor showers, lunar eclipses, or sunrise/sunset time lapses accompanied by ambient soundscapes. 

Engage with the audience during these live events through chat or Q&A sessions.

5. Collaborations: Partner with environmental organizations, national parks, or wildlife sanctuaries to feature exclusive footage of protected natural habitats.

 Raise awareness about conservation efforts and promote responsible eco-tourism.

6. Guided Meditations: Occasionally release guided meditation videos that combine calming visuals with soothing narration or mindfulness exercises. 

Help viewers achieve a state of relaxation and inner peace through nature-inspired meditation sessions.

7. Community Engagement: Encourage viewer participation by inviting them to submit their own nature recordings or share their favourite outdoor experiences.

 Feature user-generated content in compilation videos or community spotlights to foster a sense of community.

8. Educational Content: Offer educational videos exploring the science behind natural phenomena, wildlife behaviour, or ecological systems. 

Collaborate with experts in fields such as ecology, biology, or environmental science to provide accurate and informative content.

Channel by: The Guild of Ambience  | Subscribers: 570k  | 18M Views

How to Monetise this kind of channel

1. Affiliate marketing: Recommend meditation tools like ear plugs Or guided meditation Apps

2. Google adsense: Allow Youtube to run ads on your channel

3. Sell your meditation Apps or courses on guided meditation or related things.


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YouTube Tools for creatives

People keep asking: what is the best tool to make faceless YouTube videos? What is needed to start a faceless YouTube channel? Which AI tool is best for YouTube videos?

I believe you maybe asking the same questions too. To create a faceless YouTube video, you will need the following:

  1. Channel Art or channel cover picture
  2. Channel profile picture
  3. Thumbnail for each video. An attractive image you use for each video to make it stand out on YouTube
  4. The video script
  5. Voice over or video audio
  6. Images or video clips
  7. Keyword research so your video is easily found
  8. Channel analysis so you know what’s working, what’s not and optimise your channel for growth.

So, here are tools you will need to start and grow a faceless YouTube channel with ease:

1. ChatGPT by Open AI: 

ChatGPT helps you to write your video scripts without stress. All you need is the right prompt. If for example you want to create a motivational video, your prompt could be: 

“I want to create a motivational video for my YouTube channel based on this quote [add the quote]. Write the video script for me. Make it very emotional and persuasive.”

2. Eleven Lab AI text to voice platform

Eleven Lab helps you to convert text to a natural human voice. All you need to do is copy your text or script that you just generated with ChatGPT or the one you wrote yourself and paste it in Eleven Lab. 

It converts the text to a human voice in seconds and you download it as the voice for your video. 

No need to waste time doing a voice over yourself or paying someone huge amount of money to do it except you prefer to use your own voice. 

3. Leonard AI Picture generation

With Leonard AI, you can generate any kind of picture including realistic painting in seconds for your YouTube videos.

I generated the image below with Leonard AI using this prompt:

“Create an image of a child sitting in front of a hut looking happy in an African village setting. Realistic painting.”

You can generate any kind of image with Leonard AI by telling it exactly what you want created in form of a prompt.

YouTube tools

4. Canva:

You can use canva to create your YouTube thumbnails, channel art and channel profile picture yourself.

If you don’t want to create these things yourself or you don’t have the time to create professional thumbnails that make your videos stand out from the crowd with higher click through rates, you should consider using freelance designers at Fiverr who have mastered the art so you can focus on finding the right content and growing your channel.


5. Pexels offers free stock pictures and videos you can use to create your videos. If you prefer not to generate your video with AI, or create your videos yourself, you can download free images or videos and use them to create your YouTube videos.

6. Capcut:

Capcut is a video editor.You can download it from Google play store. 

This is what you need to put the videos or images and voice together to get your full YouTube.

7. Genmo AI

Genmo ai helps you to create stunning videos from text or images with AI

7. VidiQ:

VidiQ will analyse your YouTube channel data and tells you what you need to do to grow your Youtube channel. It will even show you keywords you should use to outrank your competitors on YouTube.

8. Google Trends:

Use Google trends to find trending keywords people are searching for related to your channel topic and make posts about them to drive more traffic to your channel. 

You can also use Google keyword search tool called Google keyword planner to find keywords you will add to your video descriptions to gain more traffic. Google keyword planner and Google Trends are free tools.

SEMrush is also a great tool for researching and finding keywords that will help rank your YouTube channel and help people find your channel faster.

SEMrush has a free plan, but if you want more premium resources, you will need to pay, but you can start with the free plan.

9. Screen recording software

If your YouTube channel is focused on creating tutorial videos (like a video about how to use a tool), you will need a screen recorder like screencast to record your screen.

10. Camera

You will need a camera if you want to record a DIY (do it yourself ) video like how to make a dress etc. You won’t need to show your face as your camera will focus only on what you are teaching.

You can use a digital camera or your phone camera for this purpose. To record a professional video, you will need a tripod stand, a ring light for clear videos and microphone for clear audio.

11. Audacity: Audacity is a free audio editing software that will help you make quality audio for your YouTube videos.

12. Animation tool: if you plan to create a historical YouTube channel, you will need an animation tool like Animaker,Adobe animate,Blender, Moho to help with explaining what has happened in the past.

13. Gaming Recording Equipment: (If your channel is focused on gaming)

    • Capture Card: Elgato Game Capture HD60 S+ or similar for recording console gameplay.
    • Screen Recording Software: OBS Studio, Fraps, or ShadowPlay for recording PC gameplay.
  1. Audio Equipment:

    • Microphone: High-quality microphone (e.g., Blue Yeti, Rode NT-USB) for clear commentary.
    • Headset: Good gaming headset for immersive sound and communication.

Skills you need to create and run a successful faceless YouTube channel and make money

YouTube channel ideas without showing face

1. Script writing with  AI prompts

How to write prompts that will help you in crafting compelling and relatable scripts that resonate with viewers.

2. Basic video editing

Basic knowledge of video editing using Capcut or any other video editing software or App.

3. Research and content curation

 Ability to research and curate inspiring stories, quotes, and success strategies. Keeping up-to-date with trends and topics that interest your audience.

4. Basic design skills

Basic design skills to create engaging thumbnails, overlays, and other visual elements. Familiarity with design software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Canva.

5. YouTube SEO (search engine optimisation)

Knowledge of YouTube SEO to optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags for better visibility. 

6. Video recording skills

You will need video recording skill if your Youtube channel is about DIY videos or any kind of video that you can’t get using AI tools.

7. Social media management & marketing

Understand how to use social media marketing to promote your videos and grow your audience. Know how to manage and engage with your audience across various social media platforms. Build a community and foster relationships with viewers and followers.

8. Empathy and emotional intelligence

Understand your audience’s emotions and needs. Connect with viewers on a deeper level and provide genuine support and encouragement.

9. Consistency and Time Management

Consistently produce and upload content to build and maintain audience interest.

Without consistency, you won’t make much money with your YouTube channel.

You also need effective time management to balance content creation with other responsibilities.

10. Analytical Skills

Use YouTube Analytics tool like VidiQ to track performance and understand viewer behaviour.

Analysing your channel data helps you in making data-driven decisions to improve content and grow your channel

11. Stay adaptable

Stay adaptable and open to learning new skills and techniques.

Continuously improve your content based on feedback and changing trends.


If you want to create a historical YouTube channel, you will need the ability to conduct interviews with historians, archaeologists, and other experts to provide insights and context for historical topics.




There you have it. I hope you have been able to get an idea from our list of faceless YouTube channel ideas.

Creating a faceless YouTube channel offers a unique and accessible way to share your passions, skills, and knowledge without the pressure of being on camera. 

Whether you’re delving into history, storytelling, product unboxing, DIY tutorials, meditation, or motivational content, there’s a niche for every interest and talent. 

By leveraging the right skills and tools, you can produce high-quality, engaging videos that resonate with your audience and grow your channel. 

Embrace the opportunities that come with faceless content creation and start your YouTube journey today, knowing that your creativity and voice can inspire and connect with viewers around the world.

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small business ideas in Nigeria

385+ Small Business Ideas in Nigeria – Daily Income

Welcome to our guide to small business ideas in Nigeria, where the possibilities are as boundless as your imagination. 

If you are looking for daily income business ideas or most profitable business ideas in Nigeria, this guide is for you.

So, get ready to tap into your passions, unleash your potential, and carve out your own slice of success in the vibrant heart of Africa. 

This isn’t just about business; it’s about turning your dreams into reality. Let’s make it happen together.

The best way to find novel business ideas is to brainstorm or think of ways you can satisfy other people’s needs or solve their most pressing problems.

Countless times, people ask: how do I come up with  a business idea? How do I find out what business to start? How do I start a business if I don’t have an idea? And they go on and on.  

I assume the reason you are reading this post is because you are asking the same or related questions too.

To find business ideas that are capable of  disrupting industries, do the following:

1. Ask: is there an easier way? 

One way to find a business idea is to ask yourself ,“what task can I make easier?” What makes a business a business, is its ability to solve a customer’s pressing problem or provide for a customer’s needs. 

Think of how to create a product that makes a customer’s life easier. 

2. Ask: Can I make this more accessible?

There are a lot of products and services that are not easily or readily available in the market to most people who need them.

For example Tosin Eniolorunda, founder of Moniepoint MFB discovered that the traditional banks where not reaching a lot of people especially those in rural or less developed areas.

 Millions of people could not have access to banking services. They introduced POS services and spread it into the rural areas faster than the traditional banks could. 

They even made it possible for those with just a phone and phone number to access banking services; helping business growth.

3. Ask: What can I improve about this?  

There is always something to improve about any product or service that is already in existence.

Think of companies you love their products and imagine how you could improve their delivery process, or take it to a location it does not exist in yet, or make it cheaper for the rest of the masses, or improve the customer experience etc.

Remember, Uber company that is worth billions of dollars today, did not start with an entire new business idea. It just improved on what already existed; taxi business, and made it more accessible and convenient. Uber radically changed the way taxi service business is delivered.

Now, you know how to find a business idea. Below, are a list of business ideas for your inspiration.

Table of Contents

Agricultural business ideas

Money Making Agriculture Business Ideas

Discover opportunities in Nigeria’s agricultural sector with our exclusive guide to lucrative business ideas in the agricultural sector. 

These ideas are based on products that are in high demand and would help you start a profitable agricultural business in Nigeria.

  1. Poultry farming (chicken, turkey, and duck)
  2. Fish farming (tilapia, catfish, and carp)
  3. Crop cultivation (such as maize, rice, cassava, and vegetables)
  4. Snail farming
  5. Pig farming
  6. Beekeeping and honey production
  7. Livestock farming (cattle, goats, and sheep)
  8. Greenhouse farming or growing crops in an enclosed environment. Less land space, more yield.
  9. Agro-processing (processing agricultural products into value-added goods)
    10. Hydroponics (growing crops without soil) and aquaponics farming (growing of fish in a closed environment and feeding hydroponic crops with aquaculture water).
  10. Mushroom cultivation, including exotic varieties like oyster and shiitake mushrooms
  11. Hydroponic vegetable farming for high-yield, soil-less cultivation
  12. Snail processing and packaging for export markets
  13. Organic fertilizer production using composting techniques
  14. Aloe vera farming for skincare and medicinal products
  15. Bamboo cultivation for construction materials and eco-friendly products
  16. Vermicomposting business producing organic fertilizer from earthworms
  17. Exotic fruit orchard specializing in fruits like dragon fruit, passion fruit, and star fruit
  18. Medicinal herbs and botanicals cultivation for herbal remedies and supplements
  19. Agro-tourism farm offering tours, educational workshops, and farm stays to tourists, school children
  20. Plantain plantation
  21. Goat dairy farm producing cheese, yogurt, and milk products
  22. Egg production from chicken and quails
  23. Organic vegetable subscription box service delivering fresh produce to customers’ doorsteps
  24. Greenhouse farming of exotic flowers for local and export markets
  25. Herbs and spices cultivation for culinary and medicinal purposes
  26. Beekeeping and honey production, including value-added products like beeswax candles and royal jelly
  27. Indigenous poultry farming, focusing on native chicken breeds for meat and eggs
  28. Agro-processing facility for turning raw agricultural products into packaged goods, such as fruit jams, sauces, and snacks (coconut chips, plantain chips, packaged dry pap etc.)
  29. Integrated pest management consultancy offering eco-friendly solutions to farmer
what Agriculture business can I start

More Agriculture Business Ideas

  1. Dairy processing plant producing cheeses and dairy products and selling to diary companies
  2. Agricultural equipment rental services for small-scale farmers
  3. Plant propagation business specializing in cloning and breeding of high-yield crop varieties and selling to farmers
  4. Commodity trading consultancy assisting farmers in marketing their produce effectively.
  5. Soil testing and analysis services to help farmers optimize their soil fertility and crop yields.
  6. Agricultural insurance brokerage, providing risk management solutions to farmers.
  7. Organic pest control product manufacturing using natural and eco-friendly ingredients.
  8. Seedling nursery specializing in high-quality seedlings for various crops and selling to farmers for more yield.
  9. Agricultural drone services for aerial monitoring, mapping, and crop spraying.
  10. Livestock feed manufacturing using locally sourced ingredients.
  11. Soil erosion control and land reclamation services.
  12. Agricultural biotechnology research and development for crop improvement.
  13. Farm equipment repair and maintenance services.
  14. Agricultural waste recycling and bio-energy production. Producing renewable energy from recently living organic materials via fermentation process to produce transportation fuel, heat electricity, cooking gas etc
  15. Agro-consulting firm providing advisory services on sustainable farming practices and market trends.
  16. Providing agritourism accommodation, such as farm stays, guesthouses, or eco-lodges.
  17. Organic fertilizer production using composting methods and organic waste materials and selling to farmers.
  18. Providing livestock genetics and breeding services for improved animal genetics and productivity.
  19. Agricultural supply chain management services to optimize logistics and distribution.
  20. Precision livestock farming technology solutions for monitoring animal health and behaviour.
  21. Aquaculture consultancy services for sustainable fish farming practices.
  22. Agricultural education and training centre offering courses, workshops, and certifications for aspiring farmers
  23. Start a fruit tree plantation like mango, paw paw, cashew, oranges etc.
  24. Grow bitter kola for the export market. Bitter cola is in hot demand in the export market
food beverage business ideas in Nigeria

Food and beverage businesses

Most people keep asking: which food business is most profitable? What food items sell fast in Nigeria? What food is easy to sell and so on.  

The simple answer is, every food sells as long as there are human beings who eat it. 

Here are listed food and beverages business ideas that will make you money.

  1. Start a restaurant or an eatery
  2. Fast food joint (such as burger or pizza outlets)
  3. Food catering services for events and parties
  4. Bakery and confectionery (including bread, pastries, and cakes)
  5. Smoothie and juice bar
  6. Start an ice cream parlour selling different types of ice creams and flavours
  7. Plantain chips and snacks production
  8. Bottled water production and distribution
  9. Tea and coffee shop
  10. Local delicacies or street food vending like abacha,  Akara (bean cake), okpa (bambara nuts flour), chin-chin,  moi-moi (beans pudding), snacks
  11. Pap production
  12. Kuli-kuli production business
  13. Speciality food store focusing on organic, health-conscious, or gourmet product
  14. Spice and seasoning production and packaging
  15. Fruit and vegetable retail outlet
  16. Yogurt and smoothie production
  17. Nutritional supplements and health foods store
  18. Soup and stew preparation and delivery services for busy mums and bachelors
  19. Exporting ready made Nigerian Soup and stew to Nigerians living in diaspora
  20. Catering for corporate events, weddings, and other special occasions
  21. Online food delivery platform or meal kit service
  22. Dessert bar or cafe specializing in cakes, pastries, and desserts
  23. Niche food products such as gluten-free, vegan, or keto-friendly snacks
  24. Food preservation and packaging business (e.g., dried fruits, pickles, jams)
  25. Artisanal chocolate or candy making
  26. Food blogging, vlogging, or social media influencer focusing on culinary content
  27. Cooking classes and culinary workshop
  28. Food franchise opportunities with established brands in the Nigerian market
  29. Food waste recycling and composting services
Food business ideas

More Food and Beverage Business Ideas

  1. Mobile food vending carts for snacks or street food
  2. Popcorn production in different flavours
  3. Personal chef
  4. Cooking classes for kids and newly married women
  5. Food condiments/grocery store
  6. Catering equipment rental business
  7. Become a food influencer on social media or Youtube helping food brands sell their products
  8. Cookbook author. Author a cook book to help people who don’t  know how to cook different dishes 
  9. Restaurant consulting services. Teach restaurant owners how to run successful restaurant business
  10. Food gift basket business.Put together fruits and snacks, chocolates, cakes etc in baskets and have people buy and use it as gift to others
  11. Nutrition coach. Teach people about the kind of nutrition they need for a healthy body or to be in shape or to manage sickness like diabetes.
  12. Start a wine shop or bar
  13. Delivery only restaurant. Setup a restaurant that cooks and only delivers food to customers to their homes and offices
  14. Start selling food packaging materials for other brands especially online retailers. You can also offer to help them package it 
  15. Pet food business. Sell food for dogs, cats etc
  16. Food product branding and design services
  17. Food wholesaler. Sell wholesale
  18. Cooking YouTube channel
  19. Meat processor. Turn large chunks of meat into tiny meats and sell to fast food restaurants and pastry businesses
  20. Tigernut production and retail business
  21. Packaged spice production business
  22. Kunu production and retail business
  23. Yam flour processing
  24. Tomato paste production
  25. Biscuits manufacturing business
  26. Rice flour milling business and retail to businesses making pastries, noddles etc.
  27. Provide a food storage facility to farmers for a fee
  28. Custard production
  29. Palm oil production and retail or palm oil packaging and retail
  30. Potato chips production

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More Food Business Ideas

  1. Cassava processing. Process cassava into garri, cassava flour, starch etc.
  2. Retail of popular soft drink brands 
  3. Food processing equipment retail 
  4. Food processing equipment leasing to businesses who can’t afford to buy equipment like automated sealing machines. Provide a facility where they can come and you help them process, package their products for sale.
  5. Chili pepper powder production and retail
  6. Start a barbecue shop providing barbecue fish and meat for parties and individuals
  7. Sales of allergy friendly food
  8. Create an online foodie community and allow members share recipes with each other
  9. Open a vegan restaurant that uses only plant based ingredients to cook for people who don’t eat meat. 
  10. Cold storage facility or cold room business. Build a cold room and charge others to preserve their food
  11. Launch a food mobile App that helps people find recipes, restaurants, fast food joints etc.
  12. Ice block production and distribution to events and hawkers
  13. Frozen food retail business like fish, chicken, prawn, beef
  14. Beef production, packaging and retail business. Cut meat into sizeable chunks, package, brand and supply stores, restaurants and homes
  15. Egg production and distribution business
  16. Honey production
  17. Tea shop where you sell all kinds of tea products
  18. Food photographer for restaurants and online food retail businesses
  19. Restaurant reviewer. Helping people make a choice as to which restaurant to use
  20. Food recipe blogger
  21. Baby food production business like healthy snacks, cereals etc.
  22. Zobo drink production
  23. Cheese production and distribution
  24. Meal prep and delivery services for busy individuals or families
  25. Frozen yogurt or ice cream truck for events and gatherings
  26. Mocktail bar catering non-alcoholic beverages for parties and events

  27. Food subscription boxes featuring curated products or meal kits

  28. Food tourism and culinary tours showcasing local cuisine and culture

  29. Speciality spice blends and seasonings for home cooks and chefs

  30. Ethnic fusion cuisine restaurant combining flavours from different cultures

  31. Bread baking and delivery service

  32. Craft beer brewing and taproom supply for events

  33. Exotic fruit purple mangosteen, apple, strawberries, blue beries etc.) import and distribution business

  34. Gourmet popcorn flavours and gift baskets for special occasions

  35. Speciality tea or coffee subscription service

  36. Food styling and photography services for restaurants and food brands

  37. Infused olive oil and vinegar production and distribution.
  38. Organic baby food production and delivery
  39. Mobile bar catering to weddings, events.
  40. Community-based fresh produce subscription
  41. Food waste reduction consultancy services for restaurants and food businesses
  42. Meal planning and prep service for busy professionals or families
  43. Homemade granola and cereal production
  44.  Specialty vinegar production using unique ingredients like fruit or herbs
  45. Plant-based meat alternatives production and distribution like tofu, mushrooms, chickpeas, textured vegetable protein. tempeh, seitan etc.
  46. Wedding cake, making, decorating and design services
  47. Kilishi production and distribution
  48. Handcrafted cocktail mixers and garnishes for home bartenders
  49. Exotic fruit juice and smoothie bar specializing in rare or tropical fruits
  50. Customized meal plans and nutrition coaching services
  51. Mobile ice cream truck for events and parties
  52. Personalized meal delivery service tailored to dietary preferences and restrictions
  53. Peanut butter production using unique blends and flavours

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beauty & fashion business ideas

Beauty Business Ideas

Sure, here are some hair-related business ideas:

  1. Hair salon specializing in trendy hairstyles and treatments
  2. Hair product retail store offering a variety of shampoos, conditioners, styling products, and accessories.
  3. Wig and hair extension boutique catering to customers seeking versatile hair options.
  4. Barber shop providing grooming services for men, including haircuts, beard trims, and hot towel shaves.
  5. Natural hair care salon focusing on treatments and styles for textured and curly hair.
  6. Mobile hairstyling service offering on-location haircuts, styling, and treatments for events and weddings
  7. Hair care subscription box delivering curated products tailored to customers’ hair type and needs.
  8. Hair restoration clinic providing services such as hair transplants, scalp treatments, and laser therapy for hair loss.
  9. Hair care blog or YouTube channel offering tips, tutorials, and product reviews to a wide audience
  10. Hair accessory design and manufacturing business creating unique hair clips, headbands, and hair jewelry for retail and wholesale distribution.

READ MORE: Learn how to Increase your sales with free traffic in this free AI and Automation masterclass

how to make money from real estate business in Nigeria

More Beauty Business Ideas

11. Full service beauty salon: Open a beauty salon offering a range of services such as haircuts, styling, colouring, manicures, pedicures, facials, waxing, and makeup application. 

12. Spa and wellness centre: Start a spa and wellness centre offering a variety of treatments and services such as massages, body scrubs, aromatherapy, skincare treatments, and wellness consultations. 

13. Nail salon: Open a nail salon specializing in nail care services such as manicures, pedicures, nail extensions, nail art, and gel polish. 

14. Beauty product retail store: Start a retail store selling beauty products such as skincare, makeup, haircare, fragrances, and beauty tools. You can curate a selection of high-quality and popular brands to meet the needs and preferences of your customers.

15. Mobile beauty services: Offer mobile beauty services such as hairstyling, makeup application, and nail care for clients who prefer the convenience of having beauty services provided in their own homes or at their desired location.

16. Beauty subscription box: Create and sell beauty subscription boxes containing a curated selection of skincare, makeup, haircare, and beauty products. You can offer monthly or quarterly subscriptions and provide customers with a convenient way to discover and try new beauty products.

17. Beauty consulting and coaching: Offer beauty consulting and coaching services to individuals looking to enhance their personal grooming and beauty routines. You can provide personalized advice, product recommendations, and tutorials to help clients look and feel their best.

18. Bridal beauty services: Specialize in bridal beauty services such as bridal makeup, hairstyling, and grooming for weddings and special events. You can offer customized bridal packages and provide on-site services to brides and their bridal parties.

19. Eyelash extension studio: Open an eyelash extension studio offering professional eyelash extension services such as classic lashes, volume lashes, and lash lifts. You can provide customized lash designs to enhance the natural beauty of your clients’ eyes.

20. Beauty blog or vlog: Start a beauty blog or vlog where you share beauty tips, tutorials, product reviews, and trends with your audience. You can build a loyal following and monetize your content through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertising.

21. Beauty influencer or ambassador: Become a beauty influencer or brand ambassador on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok.

You can collaborate with beauty brands, promote their products, and share your expertise and recommendations with your followers.

22. Beauty event planning: Start an event planning business specializing in beauty events such as makeup workshops, beauty expos, or product launches. 

You can help beauty brands and businesses organize and execute successful events to promote their products and services.

23. Organic and natural beauty products: Create and sell your own line of organic and natural beauty products made from clean and sustainable ingredients. 

You can offer skincare, hair care, and body care products that are free from harmful chemicals and gentle on the skin.

24. Beauty photography and videography: Offer beauty photography and videography services for beauty brands, salons, spas, and individual clients for their product adverts and online marketing.. 

25. Beauty therapy and counselling: Provide beauty therapy and counselling services to clients who are struggling with issues such as body image, self-esteem, and confidence.

Offer personalized support, guidance, and techniques to help clients feel more confident and empowered in their own skin.

fashion business ideas

Fashion Business Ideas

1. Online clothing boutique: Start an online boutique offering a curated selection of clothing, accessories, and footwear for men, women, and children. .

2. Fashion design studio: Launch a fashion design studio where you create your own clothing line or offer custom design services for clients. 

You can design and produce ready-to-wear collections, made-to-measure garments, or special occasion attire such as wedding dresses or evening gowns.

3. Fashion rental service: Start a fashion rental service where customers can rent designer clothing, accessories, and luxury items for special occasions or everyday wear. 

You can offer a rotating selection of high-end fashion pieces at a fraction of the retail price, providing customers with access to luxury fashion without the commitment of ownership.

4. Fashion blog or influencer: Start a fashion blog or social media account where you share your personal style, fashion tips, outfit inspiration, and shopping recommendations with your followers. 

Collaborate with brands, attend fashion events, and monetize your platform through sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and brand partnerships.

5. Fashion tech startup: Launch a fashion tech startup that develops innovative products, services, or apps to disrupt the fashion industry. 

You can create virtual fitting tools, AI-powered style assistants, sustainable fashion platforms, or custom apparel manufacturing solutions that leverage technology to improve the fashion experience for consumers.

6. Fashion accessories brand: Start a brand specializing in fashion accessories such as jewellery, handbags, scarves, belts, and hats. 

7. Fashion consulting and styling: Offer fashion consulting and styling services to individuals, businesses, or organizations looking to enhance their personal image, wardrobe, or brand identity. 

Provide personalized styling sessions, wardrobe audits, shopping assistance, and fashion advice to help clients look and feel their best.

8. Sustainable fashion label: Launch a sustainable fashion label that prioritizes ethical sourcing, eco-friendly materials, and responsible manufacturing practices. 

You can create clothing collections that are made to last, minimize environmental impact, and support fair labour standards, appealing to conscious consumers who value sustainability and social responsibility.

9. Fashion event planning: Start an event planning business specializing in fashion events such as runway shows, fashion weeks, trunk shows, or pop-up shops. 

You can help fashion brands and designers showcase their collections, connect with buyers and influencers, and create memorable brand experiences that drive sales and brand awareness.

10. Fashion subscription box: Create and sell fashion subscription boxes containing curated clothing, accessories, and styling tips delivered to customers’ doorsteps on a regular basis. 

Offer personalized styling services, trend forecasting, and outfit recommendations based on each customer’s preferences and style profile.

11. Fashion influencer marketing agency: Start an influencer marketing agency that connects fashion brands with influencers, bloggers, and social media personalities to promote their products and campaigns. 

Help brands identify and collaborate with the right influencers to reach their target audience and drive engagement and sales.

12. Fashion resale platform: Launch a fashion resale platform where individuals can buy and sell pre-owned clothing, shoes, and accessories. 

You can create a marketplace for secondhand fashion items, offering a sustainable and affordable alternative to fast fashion and reducing textile waste in the fashion industry.

13. Fashion education and training: Start a fashion education and training centre offering courses, workshops, and programs on various aspects of the fashion industry. 

You can provide aspiring fashion professionals with hands-on training, industry insights, and networking opportunities to help them launch and advance their careers in fashion.

14. Fashion branding and marketing agency: Launch a branding and marketing agency specializing in fashion brands, helping them develop their brand identity, messaging, and marketing strategies. 

Provide services such as brand consulting, creative direction, content creation, and digital marketing to help fashion brands stand out and connect with their target audience.

15. Fashion charity or nonprofit organization: Establish a charity or nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting emerging designers, artisans, and underprivileged communities in the fashion industry. 

You can provide scholarships, mentorship programs, and resources to empower individuals and promote diversity, exclusivity, and social impact in fashion.


small business ideas in Nigeria from home


16. Organic skincare line: Create and sell your own line of organic skincare products using natural ingredients such as botanical extracts, essential oils, and vitamins.

You can offer products like cleansers, toners, serums, and moisturizers that cater to different skin types and concerns

17. Men’s grooming salon: Open a salon or barbershop specializing in men’s grooming services such as haircuts, beard trims, hot towel shaves, and skincare treatments. 

Create a masculine and stylish atmosphere where men can relax and enjoy personalized grooming services.

18. Mobile spray tanning service: Start a mobile spray tanning service offering custom spray tans in the comfort of clients’ homes or offices. 

You can provide safe and natural-looking tans using high-quality tanning solutions and equipment, catering to clients who want a sun-kissed glow without the harmful effects of UV exposure.

19. Beauty concierge service: Launch a beauty concierge service that offers personalized beauty experiences and services to clients, such as makeup consultations, skincare assessments, and beauty shopping assistance. 

Provide expert advice, product recommendations, and VIP treatment to clients looking for a luxury beauty experience.

20. Hair extensions and wig boutique: Open a boutique specializing in hair extensions, wigs, and hairpieces for clients looking to enhance their hair length, volume, or style. 

You can offer a wide range of options, including human hair extensions, synthetic wigs, and custom-made pieces to suit different preferences and budgets..

21. Beauty accessories brand: Launch a brand offering stylish and functional beauty accessories such as makeup brushes, cosmetic bags, hair accessories, and skincare tools. 

22. Ayurvedic beauty spa: Open a spa specializing in Ayurvedic beauty treatments and holistic wellness therapies inspired by traditional Indian medicine. 

Offer services such as Abhyanga massage, Shirodhara therapy, and herbal facials that promote balance, relaxation, and rejuvenation for mind, body, and spirit.

23. Beauty influencer agency: Start an influencer agency representing beauty influencers, content creators, and social media personalities in the beauty industry. 

Help influencers monetize their platforms, negotiate brand partnerships, and create engaging content that resonates with their audience.

24. Beauty pop-up events: Organize and host beauty pop-up events in collaboration with beauty brands, retailers, and influencers. 

You can create experiential beauty activation, product launches, and immersive brand experiences that engage consumers and drive brand awareness and sales.

25. Beauty podcast network: Launch a network of beauty podcasts covering a wide range of topics such as skincare, makeup, hair care, wellness, and beauty entrepreneurship. 

Produce and distribute original podcast content featuring industry experts, influencers, and thought leaders to educate and inspire listeners.

26. Beauty subscription service for men: Create a subscription service offering curated boxes of grooming products and skincare essentials for men. 

Also provide personalized recommendations, grooming tips, and product samples to help men discover new brands and upgrade their grooming routines.

27. Beauty recycling and upcycling program: Start a beauty recycling and upcycling program that collects used beauty products, packaging, and containers from consumers and repurposes them in environmentally friendly ways. 

You can partner with beauty brands, retailers, and recycling facilities to promote sustainability and reduce waste in the beauty industry.

28. Beauty retreats and workshops: Organize and host beauty retreats and workshops in exotic destinations, offering immersive experiences focused on beauty, wellness, and self-care. 

Provide participants with hands-on workshops, expert-led sessions, and rejuvenating spa treatments to nourish their bodies, minds, and spirits.

29. Beauty charity or nonprofit organization: Establish a charity or nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting undeserved communities and marginalized groups through beauty-related programs and initiatives. 

You can provide access to beauty services, products, and education to empower individuals and promote self-confidence and self-esteem.

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import export business ideas

Import Export Business Ideas

Which product is best for import export business? What product is best to export from Nigeria? Embark on a global journey of opportunity with our curated collection of import and export business ideas. 

Delve into lucrative markets, discover niche products that will make you money in the international market.

Trending products to import

1. Electronics: Smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other consumer electronics are consistently sought-after items in Nigeria.

2. Fashion and apparel: Clothing, footwear, and accessories from international brands are highly desired by Nigerian consumers who appreciate quality and trendy styles.

3. Beauty and skincare products: Cosmetics, skincare items, and hair care products from well-known brands are in high demand among Nigerian consumers who prioritize personal grooming and beauty.

4. Automotive parts: With a large number of vehicles on Nigerian roads, there is a constant need for automotive spare parts, tires, and accessories.

5. Home appliances: Household appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, and kitchen gadgets are essential items for Nigerian households.

6. Health and wellness products: Vitamins, supplements, organic foods, and fitness equipment cater to the growing health-conscious population in Nigeria.

7. Baby and childcare products: Baby clothes, toys, strollers, and childcare essentials are always in demand as Nigeria has a large population of young families.

8. Agricultural products: Nigeria’s agricultural sector is vast, and there is often demand for imported agricultural machinery, equipment, and fertilizers to support farming activities.

9. Building materials: Construction materials like tiles, roofing materials, plumbing fixtures, and electrical components are needed for ongoing construction projects across Nigeria.

10. Food and beverages: Imported gourmet foods, specialty teas, and ethnic foods cater to the diverse tastes of Nigerian consumers who appreciate international cuisines.


Trending products to Export

I want to start a business but no ideas

1. Cocoa beans: Nigeria is one of the largest producers of cocoa beans globally, with demand from chocolate manufacturers in countries like the United States, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Cocoa beans are a key agricultural export product for Nigeria.

2. Sesame seeds: Nigerian sesame seeds are highly valued in international markets for their quality and flavor. Export destinations include China, Japan, Turkey, and the United States, where sesame seeds are used in food processing and oil extraction.

3. Cashew nuts: Nigeria is a leading exporter of cashew nuts, with demand from countries such as Vietnam, India, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates. Cashew nuts are used in snacks, confectionery, and food processing industries.

4. Shea butter: Nigerian shea butter is prized for its moisturizing and cosmetic properties, with demand from cosmetic companies in the United States, Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Shea butter is used in skincare products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.

5. Ginger: Nigerian ginger is sought after in international markets for its aroma and flavour. Export destinations include China, India, the United States, and the United Kingdom, where ginger is used in food processing, beverages, and traditional medicine.

6. Leather products: Nigeria exports leather products such as shoes, bags, and garments to countries like Italy, Spain, China, and the United States. Nigerian leather is valued for its quality and durability in the fashion and accessories industries.

7. Palm oil: Nigeria is a major exporter of palm oil, with demand from countries such as India, China, the Netherlands, and Malaysia. Palm oil is used in food processing, cosmetics, and biofuel production.

8. Textiles and garments: Nigerian textiles and garments are exported to countries in West Africa, Europe, and the United States. Nigerian fabrics such as Ankara and Adire are popular in the fashion industry for their vibrant colours and unique designs.



business ideas export import

11. Rubber: Nigeria produces natural rubber, which is exported to countries like China, India, Malaysia, and Vietnam for use in tire manufacturing, automotive parts, and industrial applications.

12. Cassava: Nigeria is one of the largest producers of cassava in the world. Cassava products such as starch, flour, and chips are exported to countries in Africa, Europe, and Asia for food processing, animal feed, and industrial applications.

13. Timber and wood products: Nigeria exports timber and wood products such as plywood, veneer, and sawn timber to countries like China, India, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates for construction, furniture manufacturing, and woodworking industries.

14. Rubber products: In addition to natural rubber, Nigeria also exports rubber products such as rubber gloves, hoses, and footwear to countries in Africa, Europe, and Asia for various industrial and consumer applications.

15. Fish and seafood: Nigeria has a rich fishing industry, and fish products such as tilapia, catfish, and shrimp are exported to countries like Ghana, Benin, Spain, and the United States for food consumption and processing.

16. Fruits and vegetables: Nigerian fruits and vegetables such as pineapple, mango, watermelon, and okra are exported to countries in Europe, the Middle East, and North America for fresh produce markets and food processing industries.

17. Cocoa products: In addition to cocoa beans, Nigeria also exports cocoa products such as cocoa powder, cocoa butter, and cocoa liquor to countries like the Netherlands, the United States, and Germany for chocolate manufacturing and confectionery industries.

18. Palm kernel oil: Apart from palm oil, Nigeria also exports palm kernel oil to countries like India, China, the Netherlands, and Spain for food processing, cosmetics, and biodiesel production.

19. Groundnut (peanuts): Nigeria produces groundnuts (peanuts) for export to countries like India, China, Vietnam, and Turkey for food processing, peanut butter production, and snack industries.

20. Spices and herbs: Nigerian spices and herbs such as chili pepper, ginger, garlic and turmeric are in demand in countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia for culinary use and seasoning production.

21. Zobo leaves (hibiscus tea): Nigerian zobo leaves or hibiscus tea (used for herbal tea production and other industrial uses) are in hot demand in Mexico, America and other European countries. Mexico imports about 85% of Nigerian’s hibiscus flower or zobo.

22. Locally made braided wigs or weaves and attachments for making hair. Nigerians in diaspora are in need of these things and last year alone (2023) braided wigs worth over $1.16b was exported from Nigeria.

23. Cosmetics and soaps. Nigerians in diaspora  import a lot of cosmetics and soaps from Nigeria every year.

Also, Nigerian soaps and cosmetics are also in huge demand in other African countries.

24. Snail. There is a ready market for snail as the demand is high in European countries and USA

25. Textile and garments. Spain, Portugal, USA, UK, Malaysia, Italy, Netherlands etc. need Nigerian textiles because of their texture and quality.



Business ideas for students

Business Ideas for Students

Which business can I do as a student in Nigeria? Listed below are business ideas you can start with little or no money as a student.

1. Tutoring: Offer tutoring services in subjects you excel in, whether it’s math, science, languages, or music. You can tutor fellow students or younger students in your community.

2. Academic writing services: Provide assistance with writing essays, research papers, and assignments for students who need help with academic writing tasks.

3. Graphic design: Use your creativity to offer graphic design services for logos, flyers, posters, and social media graphics for individuals and small businesses.

4. Social media management: Help businesses manage their social media accounts by creating content, scheduling posts, and engaging with followers.

5. Freelance writing: Write articles, blog posts, or website content for online publications, businesses, or individuals looking for freelance writers.

6. Photography: Offer photography services for events such as weddings, parties, or portrait sessions. You can also sell your photos online through stock photography websites.

7. Event planning: Plan and coordinate events such as parties, weddings, or corporate events for clients who need assistance with event organization.

8. Web design and development: Create websites for small businesses, organizations, or individuals who need an online presence.

9. Online reselling: Buy and sell products online through platforms like eBay, Amazon, or Etsy. You can sell items such as clothing, accessories, or handmade crafts.

10. Fitness coaching: Offer personalized fitness training or workout plans for individuals looking to achieve their health and fitness goals.

11. Virtual assistance: Provide administrative support services such as email management, scheduling appointments, or data entry for busy professionals or entrepreneurs.


business ideas in Nigeria


12. Language tutoring: Offer language tutoring services for students or professionals looking to learn a new language or improve their language skills.

13. Blogging or vlogging: Start a blog or YouTube channel to share your interests, hobbies, or expertise. 

You can monetize your blog or channel through advertising, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing.

14. Mobile car washing/detailing: Offer mobile car washing and detailing services to busy individuals who need their cars cleaned and maintained.

15. Pet sitting or dog walking: Provide pet sitting services for pet owners who need someone to care for their pets while they’re away, or offer dog walking services for pet owners who need help exercising their dogs.

16. Social media influencer: Build a following on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube by creating engaging content in a niche that interests you. 

Once you have a significant following, you can collaborate with brands for sponsored content or product promotions.

17. Phone repair services: offer phone repair services to fellow students.

18. Computer repair and tech support: Provide computer repair, troubleshooting, and tech support services for individuals or small businesses experiencing technical issues with their computers, laptops, or other electronic devices.

19. Virtual event planning: With the rise of virtual events, offer virtual event planning services for businesses, organizations, or individuals looking to host online conferences, webinars, or virtual parties.

20. Personal shopping service: Offer personal shopping services for busy professionals or individuals who need assistance with shopping for clothing, gifts, or groceries. 

21. Gardening and landscaping: Provide gardening and landscaping services for homeowners or businesses looking to maintain their outdoor spaces. 

22. Music lessons: If you’re skilled at playing a musical instrument or singing, offer music lessons to students who want to learn to play an instrument or improve their musical skills.

23. Mobile car repair: Provide mobile car repair services for minor car repairs and maintenance tasks such as oil changes, tire rotations, brake repairs, and battery replacements. 

Offer your services to busy individuals who don’t have time to visit a mechanic.

24. Home organization and decluttering: Offer home organization and decluttering services for individuals or families who need help organizing their homes, decluttering their belongings, and creating functional and clutter-free living spaces.


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More Business Ideas for Students

online business ideas

25. Airbnb management: Provide Airbnb management services for property owners who rent out their homes or apartments on platforms like Airbnb. 

Offer services such as guest communication, cleaning, and property maintenance to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for Airbnb hosts.

26. Mobile car detailing: Offer mobile car detailing services for car owners who want to keep their vehicles clean and well-maintained. 

Provide services such as interior and exterior cleaning, waxing, and polishing at the client’s location.

27. Language translation services: If you’re proficient in multiple languages, offer language translation services for businesses, organizations, or individuals who need documents, websites, or content translated from one language to another.

28. Online fitness classes: Offer online fitness classes such as yoga, pilates, or HIIT workouts for individuals who want to exercise from the comfort of their own home. 

Host live classes via video conferencing platforms or create pre-recorded workout videos.

29. House cleaning service: Provide house cleaning services for homeowners or renters who need help with regular cleaning tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and bathroom cleaning. 

You can offer one-time cleanings or recurring cleaning services based on your clients’ needs.

30. DIY crafts and handmade products: If you’re crafty and creative, make and sell handmade products such as jewellery, candles, soaps, or artwork. 

You can sell your products online through platforms like Etsy or at local craft fairs and markets.

31. Mobile app development: If you have programming skills, consider developing mobile apps for businesses or individuals.

 You can create custom apps for specific needs or develop your own apps to solve common problems or provide entertainment.

32. Remote tech support: Offer remote technical support services for individuals or businesses experiencing computer or software issues. 

You can troubleshoot problems, provide guidance, and offer solutions remotely via phone, email, or video chat.


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33. Personal finance consulting: Help individuals or families with budgeting, saving, investing, and financial planning. 

Offer personalized advice and strategies to help your clients achieve their financial goals and improve their financial literacy.

34. Custom clothing and accessories: Start a small clothing or accessory line where you design and create custom pieces such as T-shirts, hats, jewellery, or bags. 

You can sell your products online through your own website or on platforms like Etsy.

35. Virtual assistant services: Provide virtual assistant services for busy professionals or entrepreneurs who need help with administrative tasks such as email management, scheduling appointments, data entry, or customer support.

36. Home repair and maintenance: Offer home repair and maintenance services for homeowners or renters who need help with minor repairs and tasks around the house. 

You can fix leaky faucets, repair drywall, paint rooms, or assemble furniture.

37. Bicycle repair and maintenance: If you’re handy with tools, offer bicycle repair and maintenance services for cyclists in your area. 

You can fix flat tires, adjust brakes, tune-up bikes, and perform other repairs and maintenance tasks.

38. Travel planning and booking: Help individuals or groups plan and book their travel arrangements such as flights, hotels, transportation, and activities. 

39. Remote language tutoring: Offer remote language tutoring services for students or professionals looking to learn a new language or improve their language skills. 

You can teach languages such as English, Spanish, French, or Mandarin via video chat or online platforms.

40. Digital marketing services: Help businesses or individuals with digital marketing tasks such as social media management, content creation, email marketing, SEO, and online advertising. 

You can offer packages or services tailored to your clients’ needs and budgets.

41. Pet grooming services: Offer pet grooming services for pet owners who want to keep their furry friends clean and well-groomed. 

Provide services such as baths, haircuts, nail trims, and ear cleaning for dogs and cats.


what kind of business can I start with 100 000 naira

More Business Ideas for students

Interior design consultations: Provide interior design consultations for homeowners or renters who want to refresh their living spaces. 

Provide advice on furniture arrangement, colour schemes, decor choices, and space planning to help your clients achieve their desired look and feel.

43. Remote transcription services: Offer remote transcription services for businesses, organizations, or individuals who need audio or video recordings transcribed into text. 

Transcribe interviews, meetings, lectures, podcasts, or other audio/video content accurately and efficiently.

44. Online research services: Provide online research services for businesses, researchers, or students who need help gathering information, conducting surveys, or analyzing data.

 You can offer research assistance for academic projects, market research, or business planning.

45. Digital product creation: Create and sell digital products such as e-books, online courses, templates, or digital artwork.

46. Remote transcription services: Provide transcription services for businesses, academic researchers, or podcasters who need audio or video files transcribed into text. 

You can work from anywhere with an internet connection and good listening skills.

47. Home-based bakery: If you love baking, start a home-based bakery and sell your delicious creations to friends, family, and local customers. 

You can specialize in cookies, cakes, bread, or pastries and take orders for special occasions like birthdays and weddings.

48. Personalized gift baskets: Create and sell personalized gift baskets for special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, or holidays. 

49. Social media consulting: Offer consulting services to businesses or individuals looking to improve their social media presence and strategy. 

Help with content creation, posting schedules, engagement strategies, and analytics tracking to help clients grow their online presence.

50. Meal delivery service: Start a meal delivery service for busy individuals or families who don’t have time to cook.  

Prepare and deliver healthy, homemade meals to customers’ homes on a weekly or monthly basis.

51. Subscription box service: Create and sell subscription boxes filled with curated products tailored to specific interests or themes. 

You may offer subscription boxes for beauty products, snacks, books, or hobby supplies and deliver them to customers’ doorsteps on a regular basis.


1000 business ideas in Nigeria


52. Virtual event planning: With the rise of virtual events, offer virtual event planning services for businesses or organizations looking to host online conferences, webinars, or virtual parties. 

You can help with everything from event logistics to technical support and attendee engagement.

53. Dog training services: If you’re good with animals, start a dog training business and help pet owners train their furry friends. 

54. Resume writing and career coaching: Provide resume writing and career coaching services to job seekers looking to land their dream job. 

Help with resume writing, cover letter writing, interview preparation, and job search strategies to help clients stand out in a competitive job market.

55. DIY craft kits: Create and sell DIY craft kits containing all the materials and instructions needed to complete a specific craft project. 

You can sell kits online through your own website or on platforms like Etsy and provide customers with a fun and creative activity they can enjoy at home.

56. Online language classes: Offer online language classes for individuals looking to learn a new language or improve their language skills. 

57. Houseplant care services: Provide houseplant care services for busy homeowners or businesses who need help caring for their indoor plants. 

Offer services such as watering, pruning, reporting, and pest control to keep plants healthy and thriving.

58. Sales of fairly used clothing (okirika) : Start selling fairly used clothes to fellow students. You can also sell online using social media.

59. Sustainable products store: Start an online store selling eco-friendly and sustainable products such as reusable bags, water bottles, straws, and household items. 

60. Digital marketing agency: Start a digital marketing agency offering a range of services such as social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and email marketing to businesses. 


Business ideas for women

Business Ideas for women in Nigeria

Which business is most profitable for women? Here are a list of business ideas for women in Nigeria.

1. Catering and event planning: start a catering and event planning business specializing in weddings, parties, and corporate events. 

You can offer catering services, event decoration, venue styling, and coordination to help clients create memorable and stress-free events.

2. Home-based bakery: If you love baking, start a home-based bakery and sell cakes, cupcakes, pastries, and desserts. 

You can take orders for special occasions like birthdays, weddings, and holidays, and offer delivery services to your customers.

3. Handmade crafts and accessories: Create and sell handmade crafts and accessories such as jewellery, bags, home decor items, and clothing. 

4. Childcare services: Start a daycare or childcare centre offering a safe and nurturing environment for children while their parents are at work. 

5. Health and wellness coaching: Offer health and wellness coaching services to help women achieve their fitness and wellness goals. 

You can provide personalized guidance, support, and accountability to help clients improve their physical health, mental well being, and lifestyle habits.

6. Online tutoring or coaching: Start an online tutoring or coaching business offering educational services in subjects such as mathematics, STEM, language learning, career coaching, personal development etc. 

7. Interior design and home decor: Start an interior design business offering services such as space planning, furniture selection, colour consulting, and home decor styling. 

8. Digital marketing consultancy: Start a digital marketing consultancy offering services such as social media management, content creation, email marketing, and online advertising. 


business ideas in Nigeria as a student


8. Boutique fitness studio: Open a boutique fitness studio offering specialized fitness classes such as yoga, pilates, dance, or HIIT workouts.

Create a welcoming and inclusive environment where women can exercise, socialize, and support each other on their fitness journey.

9. Natural skincare products: Start a skincare product line using natural and organic ingredients to create products such as cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and masks. 

Sell your products online, at local markets, or through beauty stores and spas.

10. Mobile salon services: Offer mobile salon services such as hair styling, makeup application, and nail care for women who prefer the convenience of having beauty services provided in their own homes. 

Cater to busy professionals, moms, or individuals with limited mobility.

11. Financial planning and consulting: Start a financial planning and consulting business offering services such as budgeting, savings strategies, investment advice, and retirement planning. 

You can help women take control of their finances, build wealth, and achieve their financial goals.

12. Eco-friendly products store: Start an online store selling eco-friendly and sustainable products such as reusable bags, water bottles, skincare products, and household items. 

13. Personal styling services: Offer personal styling services to clients who need help updating their wardrobe, choosing outfits for special occasions, or finding their personal style. 

Provide fashion advice, shopping assistance, and wardrobe organization to help clients look and feel their best.

14. Cooking classes: Host cooking classes or workshops where you teach clients how to prepare delicious and healthy meals.

 Focus on specific cuisines, dietary preferences, or cooking techniques and provide hands-on instruction in a fun and interactive setting.

15. Virtual assistant agency: Start a virtual assistant agency and provide administrative support services to businesses, entrepreneurs, and professionals. 

You can hire and manage a team of virtual assistants who offer services such as email management, scheduling, data entry, and customer support.

16. Freelance writing and editing: Offer freelance writing and editing services to clients who need help with content creation, copywriting, or editing. 

Write articles, blog posts, website copy, or marketing materials for businesses, publications, or online platforms.

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17. Event rental services: Start an event rental business offering rental equipment and decor for weddings, parties, and events. 

You can rent out items such as tables, chairs, linens, tents, and decor items to clients who are hosting events.

18. Jewelry design and sales: Create and sell your own jewelry designs through online platforms, local markets, or boutique stores. 

Design and make jewelry using various materials such as beads, gemstones, metals, or recycled materials.

19. Language translation and interpretation: Offer language translation and interpretation services for businesses, organizations, or individuals who need documents, websites, or meetings translated from one language to another. 

Specialize in specific languages or industries and provide accurate and culturally sensitive translations.

20. Travel agency: Start a travel agency specializing in organizing and booking travel arrangements for individuals, families, or groups. 

Help clients plan and book flights, accommodations, transportation, tours, and activities for their trips.

21. Home-based fitness coaching: Offer virtual fitness coaching services for clients who want to exercise from the comfort of their own home. 

Create personalized workout plans, provide virtual coaching sessions, and offer support and accountability to help clients achieve their fitness goals.

22. Handmade home decor products: Create and sell handmade home decor products such as candles, pottery, textiles, or artwork. 

23. Green cleaning services: Start a green cleaning business offering eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning services for homes and businesses. 

Use environmentally friendly cleaning products and methods to provide safe and effective cleaning solutions to your clients.

24. Online boutique: Start an online boutique selling a curated selection of clothing, accessories, and lifestyle products for women. 

25. Personal finance blog or consultancy: Start a personal finance blog or consultancy offering advice, tips, and resources to help women manage their finances, save money, and achieve financial independence. 

You can share your expertise on topics such as budgeting, investing, debt management, and retirement planning.

26. Homemade skincare products: Create and sell homemade skincare products using natural and organic ingredients such as essential oils, herbs, and botanical extracts. 

You can make products such as cleansers, moisturizers, masks, and serums and sell them online or at local markets.

27. Eco-friendly fashion line: Start a fashion line specializing in eco-friendly and sustainable clothing and accessories. 


most profitable business in Nigeria

28. Home-based bakery: Start a home-based bakery and specialize in baking and selling cakes, cupcakes, pastries, and desserts.

You can offer custom-designed cakes for weddings, birthdays, and other special occasions, as well as a variety of baked goods for everyday enjoyment.

29. Interior decorating services: Offer interior decorating services to help clients transform their homes or offices into stylish and functional spaces. 

Offer provide consultations, space planning, colour coordination, furniture selection, and decor recommendations to meet your clients’ needs and preferences.

30. Mobile beauty services: Provide mobile beauty services such as hair styling, makeup application, manicures, and pedicures to clients in the comfort of their own homes. 

You can offer on-demand beauty services for special occasions like weddings, parties, or photo shoots.

31. E-commerce store: Start an e-commerce store selling a curated selection of products such as clothing, accessories, beauty products, home goods, or specialty foods. 

You can create an online storefront and reach customers nationwide or even globally.

32. Health and wellness coaching: Become a health and wellness coach and help clients achieve their fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle goals. 

You can offer personalized coaching, meal planning, workout routines, and support to help clients improve their overall health and well-being.

33. Virtual event planning: Offer virtual event planning services for businesses, organizations, and individuals looking to host online conferences, webinars, workshops, or virtual parties. 

You can handle everything from event coordination and logistics to technical support and attendee engagement.

34. Homemade food products: Create and sell homemade food products such as moi moi, pap, snacks, or baked goods. 

35. Online courses or workshops: Create and sell online courses or workshops on topics such as entrepreneurship, personal development, cooking, crafts, or wellness. 

36. Virtual assistant services: Offer virtual assistant services to entrepreneurs, executives, or small businesses who need help with administrative tasks such as email management, scheduling, data entry, research, or social media management.

37. Boutique fitness studio: Open a boutique fitness studio offering specialized fitness classes such as yoga, pilates, barre, or dance. 

You can create a welcoming and inclusive environment where women can exercise, socialize, and prioritize their health and well-being.

38. Personalized stationery and gifts: Create and sell personalized stationery, greeting cards, invitations, and gifts for special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, or holidays. 

You can offer custom-designed products that reflect your clients’ style and personality.

39. Translation and interpretation services: Offer translation and interpretation services for businesses, organizations, or individuals who need help communicating in multiple languages. 

40. Sustainable fashion rental service: Start a sustainable fashion rental service where customers can rent high-quality, designer clothing and accessories for special occasions or everyday wear. 

You can promote sustainability and reduce fashion waste by offering a convenient and affordable rental option.

41. Freelance photography: Start a freelance photography business specializing in portrait photography, event photography, product photography, or lifestyle photography. 

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business ideas for ladies in Nigeria

42. Art therapy workshops: Offer art therapy workshops for individuals or groups looking to explore their creativity, reduce stress, and improve their mental well-being.

You can provide guided art activities, therapeutic exercises, and supportive environments for participants to express themselves through art.

43. Online boutique for modest fashion: Start an online boutique specializing in modest fashion clothing and accessories for women. 

You can offer a wide range of stylish and modest clothing options, including dresses, skirts, tops, and hijabs, to cater to the needs of Muslim women and others who prefer modest dressing.

44. Handcrafted home decor: Create and sell handcrafted home decor items such as wall art, decorative pillows, candles, and pottery. 

You can use locally sourced materials and traditional crafting techniques to produce unique and artisanal products that add a personal touch to customers’ homes.

45. Online fitness coaching for moms: Offer online fitness coaching services specifically designed for moms who want to prioritize their health and well-being. 

You can provide personalized workout plans, nutritional guidance, and support to help moms stay fit and active while balancing their busy schedules.

46. Organic skincare products: Develop and sell your own line of organic skincare products made from natural ingredients such as plant extracts, essential oils, and botanicals. 

You can create products such as cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and masks that are gentle, nourishing, and free from harmful chemicals.

47. Personal styling subscription service: Launch a personal styling subscription service where customers receive personalized style recommendations and curated clothing selections delivered to their doorstep on a regular basis. 

You can offer styling services tailored to each customer’s preferences, body type, and lifestyle needs.

48. Homemade pet treats and accessories: Create and sell homemade pet treats, toys, and accessories for dogs and cats. You can use high-quality ingredients and innovative designs to produce pet products that are healthy, safe, and enjoyable for pets and their owners.

49. Virtual language learning platform: Create a virtual language learning platform where users can access interactive lessons, language exercises, and cultural resources to learn a new language or improve their language skills. 

You can offer courses in languages such as English, French, Spanish, or local Nigerian languages.

50. Sustainable agriculture consultancy: Start a consultancy offering sustainable agriculture solutions and services to farmers, agricultural businesses, and government organizations. 

You can provide expertise in areas such as organic farming practices, crop rotation, soil conservation, and water management to promote environmental sustainability and increase crop yields.

business to start in Nigeria

51. Online parenting community and resource hub: Launch an online platform and community for moms and parents where they can connect, share experiences, and access resources and support on various parenting topics.

You can offer articles, forums, webinars, and expert advice to help parents navigate the challenges of parenthood.

52. Digital content creation agency: Start a digital content creation agency offering services such as content writing, graphic design, video production, and social media management.

You can work with businesses, brands, and influencers to create engaging and compelling content that resonates with their target audience.

53. Plant-based food delivery service: Launch a plant-based food delivery service offering nutritious and delicious vegan and vegetarian meals delivered to customers’ homes or workplaces.

You can provide meal plans, individual dishes, or catering options for customers looking to adopt a plant-based lifestyle.

54. Wellness retreats and workshops: Organize wellness retreats and workshops focused on holistic health and well-being, including yoga, meditation, mindfulness, nutrition, and self-care practices. 

55. Custom embroidery and monogramming services: Offer custom embroidery and monogramming services for personalized gifts, clothing, accessories, and home decor items.

You can create custom designs, logos, and monograms to add a personal touch to your customers’ belongings.

56. Social impact consulting firm: Start a consulting firm specializing in social impact and corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies for businesses and organizations.

You can help clients develop and implement initiatives that make a positive difference in society while aligning with their values and goals.

57. Online wellness marketplace: Create an online marketplace where customers can discover and purchase a wide range of wellness products and services, including natural remedies, holistic therapies, fitness equipment, and wellness experiences. 

You can partner with vendors and practitioners to offer a diverse selection of wellness offerings to your customers.

RECOMMENDED: Want an all in one business growth, marketing and sales automation tool to grow your business? Find out how Systeme can help your business grow faster. 

real estate business ideas

Real Estate Business Ideas

A lot of people are wondering how to make money from real estate in Nigeria. Others ask how to start real estate business without money.. 

There are a lot of ways to make money from real estate, 

 Here, we have listed  real estate business ideas that will help you start and grow your own business in the lucrative real estate industry. 

1. Property management: Offer property management services to real estate investors or property owners who need assistance with managing their rental properties. 

You can handle tasks such as tenant screening, rent collection, property maintenance, and lease enforcement on behalf of your clients.

2. Real estate agency: Start a real estate agency and help clients buy, sell, or rent residential, commercial, or industrial properties. 

You can work with buyers to find their dream homes, assist sellers in marketing their properties, and negotiate deals on behalf of your clients.

3. Real estate investment: Invest in real estate properties yourself by purchasing residential, commercial, or rental properties and renting them out for passive income. 

You can also flip properties by buying distressed properties, renovating them, and selling them for a profit.

4. Real estate photography: Start a business offering real estate photography services to real estate agents, brokers, and property owners. 

You can take professional photos of properties to showcase their features and attract potential buyers or renters.

5. Shortlet property management: Manage shortlet properties on behalf of owners who rent them out to travellers on platforms like Airbnb or VRBO. 

You can handle bookings, guest communication, cleaning, and property maintenance to ensure a positive experience for both owners and guests.

6. Start shortket business: Rent apartments or build rooms, flats and duplexes, furnish and offer it to travellers, people on vacation as a home outside their homes and get paid on a daily basis.

7. Real estate appraisal: Become a certified real estate appraiser and provide appraisal services to determine the value of properties for buyers, sellers, lenders, or investor.


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8. Real estate consulting: Start a consulting business offering expert advice and guidance on various aspects of the real estate industry. 

You can provide consulting services to individuals, businesses, or organizations on topics such as market analysis, investment strategies, property development, or regulatory compliance.

9. Property flipping: Buy distressed properties at a discounted price, renovate them to improve their value and appeal, and then sell them for a profit.

10. Real estate crowdfunding: Start a real estate crowdfunding platform that allows investors to pool their money together to invest in real estate properties. 

You can offer investors the opportunity to invest in properties without the need for large amounts of capital or direct property ownership.

11. Real estate education and training: Start a business offering real estate education and training programs for aspiring real estate professionals. 

You can offer courses, workshops, seminars, or online resources covering topics such as real estate licensing, sales techniques, investment strategies, and property management.

12. Real estate software development: Develop and sell software solutions specifically designed for real estate professionals, such as property management software, CRM systems, marketing platforms, or investment analysis tools. 

13. Virtual real estate brokerage: Start a virtual real estate brokerage that operates entirely online, allowing agents to work remotely and serve clients without the need for a physical office. 

You can leverage technology to offer virtual property tours, digital transactions, and remote consultations, making it convenient for clients to buy, sell, or rent properties from anywhere.

14. Real estate investment trusts (REITs): Launch a real estate investment trust (REIT) that allows investors to pool their money to invest in income-generating real estate properties, such as rental apartments, office buildings, or shopping centers. 

REITs provide investors with the opportunity to earn dividends and participate in real estate ownership without directly owning properties.

real estate business ideas in Nigeria

16. Real estate podcast or blog: Create a podcast or blog focusing on real estate topics such as market trends, investment strategies, property management tips, or home buying/selling advice. 

You can provide valuable insights, interviews with industry experts, and actionable tips to educate and engage your audience of real estate enthusiasts.

17. Real estate auction services: Offer real estate auction services for properties that are being sold through auction, either online or in-person. .

18. Real estate tax consulting: Start a consulting business offering tax planning and compliance services to real estate investors, property owners, and developers. 

You can help clients navigate complex tax regulations, identify tax-saving opportunities, and optimize their tax strategies to minimize liabilities and maximize returns on their real estate investments.

19. Affordable housing development: Focus on developing affordable housing projects that provide quality and affordable housing options for low- and middle-income families. 

20. Real estate crowdfunding platform: Launch a real estate crowdfunding platform that connects investors with real estate developers and projects seeking funding. 

21. Real estate data analytics: Start a business specializing in real estate data analytics and market intelligence, providing insights and actionable data to real estate professionals, investors, and decision-makers. 

You can collect, analyze, and interpret data on market trends, property values, demographic shifts, and investment opportunities to help clients make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge in the real estate market.

22. Real estate coaching and mentorship: Offer coaching and mentorship programs for aspiring real estate professionals, providing guidance, support, and accountability to help them succeed in their real estate careers. 

You can share your knowledge, experience, and best practices to help individuals navigate the complexities of the real estate industry and achieve their goals.

23. Real estate sustainability consulting: Start a consulting firm specializing in sustainable real estate development and green building practices. 

You can help developers, investors, and property owners incorporate sustainability principles into their projects, such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, and green building certifications, to create environmentally friendly and socially responsible properties.

24. Real estate drone photography: Offer drone photography and videography services for real estate properties, providing aerial views and stunning visuals to showcase properties in a unique and captivating way. 

You can help real estate agents, developers, and property owners highlight the features and amenities of properties and attract potential buyers or renters.

25. Real estate co-working spaces: Develop and operate co-working spaces specifically designed for real estate professionals, offering shared office spaces, meeting rooms, and amenities tailored to their needs. 

You can create collaborative and productive environments where real estate agents, brokers, investors, and service providers can network, collaborate, and grow their businesses together.

Looking for where to register your business? Find out more here


So, here you have it. Here are the small business ideas in Nigeria. As you can see, the entrepreneurial landscape in Nigeria is ripe with opportunities for individuals looking to start their own businesses and make their mark in various industries. From agriculture to technology, fashion to beauty, there are countless small business ideas that cater to different interests, skills, and market demands.

What’s more, the digital revolution has opened up new avenues for innovation and entrepreneurship, allowing you to reach wider audiences, access new markets, and scale your ventures more efficiently than ever before.

However, success in entrepreneurship requires more than just a good idea – it also requires determination, resilience, and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, the key is to stay focused, stay agile, and never stop learning and growing.

So, if you’ve been dreaming of starting your own business in Nigeria, now is the time to take action.

With the right mindset, strategy, and execution, you can turn your small business idea into a thriving venture that contributes to the growth and prosperity of Nigeria’s economy.

Remember, the journey of entrepreneurship may have its challenges, but the rewards of building something meaningful and impactful are well worth the effort.

So, go ahead – use any of these small business ideas in Nigeria, seize the opportunity, chase your dreams, and embark on the exciting adventure of entrepreneurship in Nigeria today.


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AI and automation free sales masterclass

AI and Automation Free Sales masterclass 

Want to learn how to use ai and automation to sell your products faster using organic marketing strategies? Join this free masterclass 

This FREE masterclass was created by Martin Boeddeker. Martin is the CEO of FindFocus, a leading authority in scaling organic marketing with AI and sales automation. He owns two businesses generating six-figures revenue, as both an affiliate and a course creator. 

He specializes in leveraging free traffic strategies to increase sales faster using AI and automation, making him an authority in scaling organic marketing.

This FREE masterclass was brought to you in partnership with Ads Made Free, a brand of Martin Boeddeker. review Review: My Honest Review – All in one Business Automation Tool


Hi. This is Chinny. Today, I will take you through a detailed comprehensive review based on my experience of using this all in one business growth tool.

Finding the right platform to streamline business operations and drive growth can be akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

 Amidst the quest for efficiency and effectiveness, emerges as a contender, promising an all-in-one solution for entrepreneurs seeking to establish and expand their digital presence.

What exactly is, and does it live up to the hype? Is worth it?  In this in-depth review, we delve into the heart of, dissecting its features, functionalities, and overall suitability for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

From website building to email marketing, sales funnel optimization to e-commerce management, we leave no stone unturned in our exploration of this multifaceted platform.

Join me as I uncover everything you need to know about’s capabilities,  its strengths, weaknesses, and everything in between. 

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur looking to streamline your operations or a budding startup seeking the perfect launchpad, this review aims to equip you with the knowledge and insights necessary to make an informed decision.

So, let’s dive into the world of and discover whether it’s the missing piece to your online business puzzle.

Table of Contents

What is

what is better than systeme io is an all-in-one platform designed to empower entrepreneurs and small businesses to succeed online. 

It seamlessly integrates essential tools and features to streamline every aspect of your online business, from building your website and creating sales funnels to automating your email marketing campaigns, creating courses, selling products online, building an online community and managing your affiliate program.

With, you have EVERYTHING (this is not an exaggeration) you need to launch, grow, and scale your online business all in one place. 

Whether you’re a solopreneur, freelancer, or small business owner,’s intuitive interface, drag-and-drop builders, and robust features make it easy for you to create a professional online presence, attract and convert customers, and maximize your revenue potential for just $27 . . .and it comes with a free plan that you can start with and upgrade later.

You don’t need to learn how to use many other software to be able to run your business if you are using It helps to reduce the time you spend on learning how to use different software . . .and the cost of purchasing several software too.

If you pay for using our link, you will also gain access to my step by step video tutorials on how to setup plus a free copy of my course “From Zero to 7 Figure brand that will help you create an automated sales funnel in your business . . . helping you to make money while you sleep.

Disclosure: if you make a purchase using our links, we are compensated at no extra cost to you reviews and User Feedback

We recommend only business tools we have tested and have seen help other entrepreneurs grow their businesses. We used to build the sales funnel for this site and also use it fully for one of our brands. So, we only recommend what we know will work for your business.

Here are some of the success stories of businesses using review

MailChimp and ConstantContact Bye

“This company is incredibly responsive and efficient! They promptly address inquiries and provide effective solutions. When I initially turned to the platform seeking alternatives to MailChimp and ConstantContact, I was pleasantly surprised to discover a wealth of additional features. Not only does their email system perform admirably, but I can also effortlessly construct sales funnels, offer courses for sale, and establish automated email sequences for new subscribers. The only aspect I find lacking is a more robust CRM. However, the platform does offer a convenient option for selling courses through affiliates. I highly recommend getting “certified” on their platform—it’s a swift, straightforward process that yields significant benefits.”


This software suite is almost perfect.

“This software suite offers outstanding value for its price. The team behind it demonstrates a genuine commitment to enhancing the product.

My only suggestion for improvement would be to implement a partner split program within their affiliate program. This would incentivize a broader range of individuals, including coaches who may not be affiliate marketers, to promote Specifically, awarding credit to both the first signup via email and the last cookie leading to the sale would greatly expand the pool of potential promoters.”

Chris Fox

Say Good bye to costly platforms

“Absolutely happy about! 🚀

For affiliate marketers like myself, discovering an all-in-one tool has been a game-changer.

The free plan alone offers an incredible package—landing pages, sales funnels, domain connection—all without denting your wallet. 💰

In contrast to its pricier counterparts,’s $27/month plan covers everything you’d typically shell out $97 for elsewhere. 😲

The seamless ability to create membership sites, online courses, and blogs is a huge victory. 🏆

While it continues to evolve, the undeniable value for money remains. Although integration options may be limited, for an all-encompassing marketing system, it’s my top recommendation. 🌟

Give the free plan a try and experience the benefits! ✨


Jose Coenraad

I love this platform

I’m thrilled with this platform! It’s a remarkable system! I’ve used much more expensive and complicated systems where support is slow to respond. But this platform has everything you need for your online marketing business at an affordable price, with excellent and fast support. Plus, it offers countless opportunities to earn money, like reselling other people’s courses, and much more! I’m absolutely delighted with my choice!

Maribou Latour

Read more reviews features features

A lot of people are asking, what can I do with  What does offer?

Here are the all in one features you would be enjoying when you start using


1. Website Building:

sales funnel software


Does offer templates for building websites and sales funnels?

Yes, enables users to create professional-looking websites without any coding knowledge or design experience. 

The platform offers a drag-and-drop website builder with customizable templates, allowing users to easily customize their site’s layout, colours, fonts, and content to match their brand identity.

Anyone that can browse the internet can use to setup an automated online business. It’s that simple.


2. Sales Funnel Creation: 

is systeme io legit

Sales funnels are crucial for guiding visitors through the buyer’s journey and converting them into customers.

Here is what sales funnel means. A sales funnel is a step by step process you take a potential customer through your business until he/she becomes a customer. 

The beauty of using an automated sales funnel builder like is that you would be able to setup your sales funnel once and it becomes almost hands free, so you make money on auto pilot even when you are busy with other things. provides a user-friendly sales funnel builder that allows users to create high-converting sales funnels with ease. Users can design funnels for various purposes, such as lead generation, product sales, customer feebacks, webinar registrations, or upselling/downselling etc.

Learn how to easily get customers that are eager to buy what you sell in this free Guide.


3. Email Marketing Automation:

Systeme io review

Does have email automation?

Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing leads, engaging customers, and driving sales. includes robust email marketing automation features, allowing users to create and automate personalized email sequences, broadcasts, and follow-up emails. Users can segment their email lists, track email performance metrics, and optimize campaigns for better results.

How many emails can I send with

With, you  are allowed to send unlimited emails in all its plans unlike other email marketing platforms that limit the number of emails you can send.


4. E-commerce Management:

Is suitable for e-commerce businesses, online courses, or membership sites? 

For businesses selling products or services online, offers built-in e-commerce capabilities. Users can set up an online store, manage product listings, process orders, and accept payments seamlessly within the platform. also provides tools for managing inventory, and generating sales reports. supports payments through popular payment processors on all its plans like:

  • Stripe.
  • PayPal.
  • Paystack
  • Mercado Pago.
  • Razorpay.
  • Flutterwave.
  • Mollie.

5. Membership Site Creation: allows users to create and manage membership sites to deliver exclusive content, courses, or services to their subscribers. 

Users can set up membership levels, restrict access to content based on subscription tiers, and automate member registration and management processes.

6. Affiliate Program Management: includes features for creating and managing affiliate programs, allowing users to recruit affiliates, track referrals, and manage commissions. This enables businesses to leverage affiliate marketing to expand their reach, drive traffic, and increase sales.


7. Analytics and Reporting:

is free provides users with comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to track the performance of their marketing efforts. 

Users can monitor website traffic, conversion rates, email engagement metrics, and sales data to gain insights into their business’s performance and make data-driven decisions.

8. Marketing Automation Workflows enables users to create automated marketing workflows to streamline repetitive tasks and processes. Users can set up triggers, actions, and conditions to automate tasks such as lead generation, customer onboarding, and follow-up communications.


9. Online Community

With, you can create an online community. You may choose to create a private or a public online community.

10. CRM (Customer Relationship Management):

How sales funnel works
Does have a CRM? provides built-in CRM features to help users manage customer relationships more effectively. Users can track customer interactions, store contact information, and segment their audience based on various criteria to personalize their marketing efforts.

Overall, simplifies the process of launching and growing an online business by providing an integrated suite of tools and functionalities tailored to meet the needs of entrepreneurs and small businesses. 

Whether you’re a solopreneur, freelancer, or small business owner, offers the tools and support you need to succeed in the competitive world of online business.

Is easy to use for beginners?

is systeme io legit

Based on real user experiences, is generally considered beginner-friendly. Many users praise the platform for its intuitive interface, easy-to-use tools, and helpful tutorials. 

The drag-and-drop builders make it simple for beginners to create professional-looking websites and sales funnels without any coding knowledge. 

Additionally,’s customer support team is responsive and provides assistance to users who may encounter difficulties. Overall,’s user-friendly design and robust feature set make it a popular choice for beginners looking to establish and grow their online businesses.

Performance and Reliability


Speed and uptime performance: generally performs well in terms of speed and uptime performance. Users often report satisfactory loading times for their websites and sales funnels, with minimal downtime or disruptions. 

While occasional issues may arise, such as slow loading times during peak usage periods or isolated instances of downtime, these occurrences are typically rare and quickly resolved by’s technical team.

Scalability for growing businesses:

In terms of scalability for growing businesses, is often praised for its ability to accommodate businesses of various sizes and needs. 

The platform offers flexible pricing plans that allow users to upgrade their accounts as their businesses grow, providing access to additional features and resources to support increased traffic and sales. 

Many users appreciate the scalability of, as it allows them to expand their online presence and capabilities without experiencing significant performance issues.

Customer support quality and responsiveness:

Regarding customer support quality and responsiveness, receives positive feedback from users for its attentive and helpful customer support team. 

Users report prompt responses to inquiries and issues, with the support team providing clear and actionable solutions to address concerns. 

Whether through email, live chat, or support tickets, users find that’s customer support team is readily available to assist with technical issues, account management, or general inquiries, contributing to a positive overall user experience.

While occasional issues may arise, the platform generally delivers on its promises of providing a reliable and user-friendly solution for building and managing online businesses.

Security and Data Protection

is systeme io free forever prioritizes the security and protection of user data through various measures to ensure peace of mind for its users.

Data Encryption: employs robust encryption protocols to safeguard user data during transmission and storage. This ensures that sensitive information such as personal details and payment data are protected against unauthorized access or interception.

Secure Hosting:

The platform utilizes secure hosting infrastructure to store user data, employing industry-standard security practices to prevent data breaches or unauthorized access to user information.

Access Controls: implements stringent access controls to limit access to user data only to authorized personnel who require it for legitimate purposes. This helps prevent unauthorized access or misuse of user information.

Regular Audits and Monitoring: conducts regular security audits and monitoring to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities or threats to user data. This proactive approach helps ensure that the platform remains secure. 

Complies with data protection regulations is committed to complying with relevant data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable laws and regulations.

 This includes implementing measures such as data minimization, user consent mechanisms, and transparent data processing practices to protect user privacy rights.

Overall, demonstrates a strong commitment to ensuring the security and protection of user data through robust security measures and compliance with relevant regulations. 

Users can trust that their information is safeguarded and handled responsibly while using the platform for their online business needs. Pricing

is systeme io really free offers a range of pricing tiers designed to cater to various business needs and budgets. Here’s an overview of’s pricing tiers:

Free Plan: provides a free forever plan with limited features, allowing users to explore the platform and its capabilities at no cost. While the free plan offers basic functionality, you need to upgrade to a paid plan for access to more advanced features and resources.

Paid Plans: offers several paid plans with tiered pricing based on the number of contacts and sales starting from $27. 

These plans provide access to additional features and resources, such as increased workflows, unlimited sales funnels, unlimited email campaigns, evergreen webinars, 0ne on one kickstart coaching session, free migration etc.

Tools and platforms supports and integrates with

sales funnel software

Can I integrate with other tools and platforms? supports and integrates with various tools like Zapier,pabbly etc to enhance its functionality and provide users with a seamless experience.

These integrations enhance’s capabilities and allow users to leverage additional tools and platforms to optimize their online business operations. 

With a wide range of supported integrations, offers flexibility and scalability to meet the diverse needs of users across different industries and niches.

Is suitable for small businesses, solopreneurs, or larger enterprises

startups_magazine_small is well-suited for small businesses and solopreneurs who are looking for an affordable and user-friendly solution to build and manage their online presence. 

The platform offers an all in one business solution making it a comprehensive package for entrepreneurs starting or growing their online businesses.

Larger enterprises with more complex needs and larger teams will require a more robust solution to meet their requirements. Pros and Cons based on real user reviews



Here are some of the pros of using


Many users appreciate’s competitive pricing compared to other similar platforms. The availability of a free plan and affordable paid plans makes it accessible to entrepreneurs and small businesses on a budget.

All-in-One Solution

 Users value’s comprehensive suite of features, which includes website building, sales funnel creation, email marketing automation, membership site management, and affiliate program management. 

Having all these tools integrated into one platform simplifies workflow and reduces the need for multiple subscriptions.

Ease of Use: is praised for its user-friendly interface and intuitive drag-and-drop builders, making it easy for users of all skill levels to create professional-looking websites and sales funnels without any coding knowledge.

Responsive Support: 

Many users report positive experiences with’s customer support team, noting quick response times and helpful assistance with technical issues or account inquiries.


Users appreciate the flexibility of’s features, which allow them to customize and automate various aspects of their online business operations. 

The platform’s ability to handle tasks such as email marketing, sales funnel building, and membership site management offers users greater control over their marketing strategies.

Integration Options:

 While not as extensive as some other platforms, offers integrations with popular third-party tools and platforms, including payment gateways, email marketing services, and webinar platforms. 

This allows users to extend the functionality of the platform and integrate it seamlessly into their existing workflows.

Value for Money:

 Overall, users find that provides excellent value for money, offering a wide range of features and capabilities at a fraction of the cost of other similar platforms. 

The platform’s affordability combined with its robust feature set makes it an attractive option for entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to establish and grow their online presence.

These pros highlight the strengths of as reported by real users, making it a popular choice among those seeking an all-in-one solution for their online business needs.

Free plan:

Is really free?

For aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to establish their online presence without incurring hefty expenses,’s free plan offers a compelling solution. 

This robust free plan provides a comprehensive set of features and tools to kickstart your online journey, all without costing you a dime however  you will have to bear having their logo always display on all your website’s pages which looks unprofessional. 

If you don’t want them to show systeme logo on your site and want to use more of their premium features, you will have to subscribe to a paid plan.’s  free plan empowers to take your first steps into the world of online business without the barrier of entry costs. 

Cons (Are there any limitations or downsides to using

Here are some cons of

Limited Advanced Features: 

While offers a wide range of features for building and managing online businesses, some users especially big businesses may find that it lacks certain advanced functionalities found in more specialized tools like advanced analytics and complex automation sequences.

Template Customization Constraints: 

While provides customizable templates for websites, sales funnels, and email campaigns, users may find that customization options are somewhat limited compared to other platforms. This could result in websites or funnels that look similar to others using the same templates.

Limited Customer Support Options: 

While offers responsive customer support, some users may find that support options are limited compared to other platforms. For example, live chat may only be available during certain hours, or there may be delays in response times for email support.


Which is better Clickfunnels or

 Here’s a comparison between and ClickFunnels across vario aspects like features, pricing, and user experience 

Features: offers a comprehensive suite of features providing tools for building websites, creating sales funnels, automating email campaigns, managing e-commerce, creating membership sites, creating courses, blogs and more.

 ClickFunnels specializes in sales funnel building and optimization and primarily focused on helping users create high-converting sales funnels.

Pricing: offers competitive pricing plans, including a free plan with limited features and paid plans starting at $27; a lower price point compared to ClickFunnels $127 basic plan price.’s paid plans offer additional features and functionalities, with tiered pricing based on the number of contacts.

ClickFunnels does not offer a free plan option except a 14 days trial.

Ease of Use: features an intuitive interface and drag-and-drop builders, making it easy for users of all skill levels to create websites, sales funnels, and email campaigns. Guided tutorials and responsive customer support further enhance the user experience for beginners.

ClickFunnels also provides a user-friendly interface with a simple drag-and-drop editor for building funnels. However, some users may find ClickFunnels to be slightly more complex, especially when setting up advanced funnel configurations or integrations.


Both and Clickfunnels provide native integrations with popular third-party tools and platforms, including email marketing software, payment gateways, CRM systems, and webinar platforms. It also offers API access for custom integrations.

Customer Support: offers responsive customer support via email, live chat, and a knowledge base. Users can access help articles, tutorials, and FAQs to troubleshoot issues or learn more about using the platform.

ClickFunnels provides customer support through email and a knowledge base. While ClickFunnels does not offer live chat support, users can submit tickets for assistance with technical issues or account inquiries.

Overall Value Proposition:’s value proposition lies in its affordability, comprehensive feature set, user-friendly interface, and responsive customer support. It offers a more budget-friendly option for users looking to build and grow their online businesses without sacrificing functionality or usability.

ClickFunnels’ value proposition lies in its focus on sales funnel building and optimization. It excels in helping users create high-converting sales funnels, albeit at a higher price point compared to ClickFunnels may be a better choice for users who need a more complex funnel performance and are willing to invest in a premium solution.

In conclusion, both and ClickFunnels offer powerful tools for building and optimizing sales funnels, but they cater to slightly different needs and preferences. provides a more affordable and comprehensive solution with a focus on ease of use and customer support, while ClickFunnels specializes in funnel building and optimization with a higher price point. Users should consider their specific requirements and budget constraints when choosing between the two platforms. V Kartra

Systeme io v kartra

Here’s a comparison between and Kartra across various aspects:


Both and  Kartra are an all-in-one marketing platform that provides similar features like website building, sales funnel creation, email marketing automation, membership site management, and affiliate program management etc. 

Additionally, Kartra offers features such as video hosting, helpdesk ticketing and calendar scheduling.

Pricing: offers competitive pricing plans, including a free plan with limited features.’s pricing makes it accessible to startups, solopreneurs, and small businesses with tight budgets.

Kartra’s pricing plans are higher ($119 starter plan) compared to $27 starter plan. While Kartra has no free plan except a 30 days free trial, its paid plans start at a higher price point and include additional fees for certain features or usage limits. Kartra’s pricing is more suitable for businesses with larger budgets or more extensive marketing needs.

Ease of Use:

Both and Kartra provide user-friendly interfaces with intuitive tools for building and managing marketing campaigns. However, some users may find Kartra to be slightly more complex, especially when setting up advanced automations or integrations. Kartra’s learning curve may be steeper for beginners compared to

Integrations: offers native integrations with popular third-party tools and platforms, including email marketing software, payment gateways, CRM systems, and webinar platforms. It also offers API access for custom integrations.

Kartra provides a wide range of integrations with third-party tools and platforms, including email marketing services, payment processors, membership site platforms, and more. Kartra’s extensive integration options make it suitable for businesses with complex tech stacks or specific integration requirements.

Customer Support: offers responsive customer support via email, live chat, and a knowledge base. Users can access help articles, tutorials, and FAQs to troubleshoot issues or learn more about using the platform.

Kartra also provides customer support through email, live chat, and a knowledge base. Users can submit tickets for assistance with technical issues or account inquiries. Kartra’s customer support options are similar to’s, ensuring users can receive timely assistance when needed.

Overall Value Proposition:’s value proposition lies in its affordability, comprehensive feature set, user-friendly interface, and responsive customer support. 

It offers a budget-friendly option for users looking to build and grow their online businesses without sacrificing functionality or usability.

Kartra’s value proposition lies in its extensive feature set and integration options, making it suitable for businesses with more complex marketing needs.  

In conclusion, both and Kartra offer powerful tools for building and managing online businesses, but they cater to slightly different needs and preferences. provides a more affordable and user-friendly option with a focus on simplicity and accessibility, while Kartra offers a more comprehensive solution with extensive features and integration options. Users should consider their specific requirements and budget constraints when choosing between the two platforms.

In terms of value for money proposition, stands out for its affordability and comprehensive feature set. The platform offers a free plan option, making it accessible to users who are just starting or have limited budgets.

 Additionally,’s paid plans provide excellent value with a wide range of features, including website building, sales funnel creation, email marketing automation, and more, at a fraction of the cost of its competitors.

Overall,’s pricing structure offers a compelling value proposition for users looking for an all-in-one solution for their online business needs. With its affordable pricing, comprehensive features, and flexible plans, is an attractive option for entrepreneurs and small businesses alike.


To wrap up, offers a comprehensive and affordable solution for small businesses and solopreneurs looking to establish and grow their online presence. 

With its user-friendly interface, robust features, and responsive customer support, stands out as a top choice for those seeking an all-in-one platform for website building, sales funnel creation, email marketing automation, and more. 

While larger enterprises may find suitable for certain use cases, its primary strength lies in catering to the needs of small businesses and individuals looking to succeed in the digital landscape. 

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced marketer, provides the tools and resources you need to thrive. Overall, earns high marks in our review for its affordability, functionality, and ease of use.

I hope this review helps you make a choice of the right marketing solution for your business.

FAQs Pros and Cons based on real user reviews

Yes, you can migrate your existing website or sales funnel to The support team will help you migrate helping you to seamlessly transition your online assets to their platform.

However, this is only available to paid users. 

Yes, you can use to host webinars or online events. While does not have built-in webinar hosting capabilities like dedicated webinar platforms, it does offer features and integrations that allow you to create and promote webinars effectively.

Yes, provides analytics and reporting features to track the performance of your online business, including your website, sales funnels, email marketing campaigns, and more.

These analytics tools give you valuable insights into how your marketing efforts are performing and help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategies for success.

Here are some key analytics and reporting features offered by

1.Website Analytics: provides website analytics to track key metrics such as website traffic, page views, unique visitors, bounce rate, and more.

These metrics give you insights into how users are interacting with your website and help you identify areas for improvement to enhance user experience and drive conversions.

2. Sales Funnel Analytics: With’s sales funnel analytics, you can track the performance of your sales funnels, including conversion rates, click-through rates, average order value, and more.

These metrics help you understand the effectiveness of your sales funnels and identify opportunities to optimize your funnel for higher conversions and sales.

3. Email Marketing Analytics: offers email marketing analytics to track the performance of your email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more.

These analytics help you measure the success of your email marketing efforts and optimize your campaigns for better engagement and results.

4. Conversion Tracking: allows you to set up conversion tracking to monitor specific actions or events on your website or sales funnels, such as form submissions, product purchases, or webinar registrations.

This helps you measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and track the ROI of your efforts.

5. Custom Reporting: enables you to create custom reports and dashboards to visualize and analyze your data according to your specific needs and objectives.

You can customize your reports with various metrics, filters, and date ranges to gain deeper insights into your business performance and track progress towards your goals.

Overall,’s analytics and reporting features provide you with valuable insights into the performance of your online business, helping you make informed decisions and optimize your marketing strategies for success.

By leveraging these analytics tools, you can identify opportunities for growth, improve your marketing ROI, and drive business growth.

Yes, does have limits on the number of contacts or subscribers you can have on your email list, depending on the pricing plan you choose. Here’s a general overview of the contact limits for each plan:

  1. Free Plan: The free plan of typically comes with a limit on the number of contacts or subscribers you can have on your email list which is 2000

  2. Paid Plans:’s paid plans usually offer higher limits on the number of contacts or subscribers you can have on your email list compared to the free plan. The exact limit may vary depending on the specific pricing tier you choose, with higher-tier plans offering higher limits.

Yes, offers split testing, also known as A/B testing capabilities, to help users optimize their sales funnels and improve conversion rates. Split testing allows you to compare different versions of your sales funnel elements, such as headlines, call-to-action buttons, or page layouts, to determine which version performs better in terms of driving conversions.

Here’s how split testing works in

1. Create Variations: Start by creating multiple variations of the element you want to test within your sales funnel. For example, if you’re testing a headline, you might create two different headlines to use in your split test.

2. Set Up Test: Once you’ve created your variations, you can set up a split test in’s dashboard. Specify the element you want to test and select the variations you want to compare.

3. Define Parameters: Define the parameters of your split test, including the duration of the test, the percentage of traffic to allocate to each variation, and the conversion goal you want to track (e.g., form submissions, purchases).

4. Monitor Results: will then automatically split your traffic between the different variations of your element and track the performance of each variation in real-time. You can monitor key metrics such as conversion rates, click-through rates, and revenue generated to determine which variation performs best.

5. Optimize Based on Results: Once your split test has concluded, analyze the results to identify the winning variation. Use the insights gained from the test to optimize your sales funnel and make data-driven decisions to improve conversion rates and overall performance.

By leveraging split testing capabilities in, you can systematically optimize your sales funnels and identify the most effective strategies for driving conversions.

This iterative process of testing and optimization can help you continuously improve your marketing efforts and achieve better results over time.

Yes, you can create upsells, downsells, and order bumps within your sales funnels on

These advanced funnel features allow you to maximize your revenue and increase the average order value by offering additional products or services to your customers during the checkout process. Here’s how you can implement each of these features within your sales funnels on

1. Upsells: An upsell is an offer made to customers to purchase a higher-priced or more premium version of the product they are already buying. In, you can create upsells by adding additional product offers or upgrades to your sales funnel sequence. When a customer completes a purchase, they will be presented with the opportunity to add the upsell product to their order before finalizing their purchase.

2. Downsells: A downsell is an offer made to customers who have declined or abandoned a previous upsell offer. In, you can create downsells by offering a lower-priced or alternative product to customers who have not accepted the initial upsell offer. This allows you to capture additional sales from customers who may be hesitant to purchase the upsell product.

3. Order Bumps: An order bump is a small, additional offer presented to customers on the checkout page, typically in the form of a checkbox or button. In, you can create order bumps by adding complementary or related products to the checkout page and allowing customers to add them to their order with a single click. Order bumps are designed to increase impulse purchases and boost the average order value.

By leveraging upsells, downsells, and order bumps within your sales funnels on, you can optimize your conversion rates and maximize the revenue generated from each customer transaction. These advanced funnel features allow you to provide additional value to your customers while increasing your profitability and growing your online business.

No, does not have a dedicated mobile app yet for managing campaigns and tracking performance on the go.

However,’s platform is mobile-responsive, meaning you can access and use it on your mobile device’s web browser.

While you may not have access to the full functionality of the desktop version, you can still perform many essential tasks on the mobile version of, such as:

  1. Checking campaign performance metrics.
  2. Sending emails to your subscribers.
  3. Managing contacts and leads.
  4. Creating and editing sales funnels.
  5. Accessing support and help resources.

Yes, provides training and resources to help users maximize their use of the platform and achieve their business goals. Here are some of the training and resources offered by

  1. Knowledge Base: offers a comprehensive knowledge base that contains articles, tutorials, and step-by-step guides on how to use the platform’s features and functionalities effectively. Users can access the knowledge base to find answers to common questions, troubleshoot issues, and learn best practices for using

No, does not offer a white-label option specifically for agencies or resellers. does not explicitly state any restrictions on the type of content or products that can be promoted using their platform.

However, like most online marketing and sales platforms, has guidelines and policies in place to ensure that users adhere to legal and ethical standards when promoting content or products.

Yes, offers built-in SEO features to help users optimize their websites for search engines and improve their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). While primarily focuses on sales funnels and marketing automation, it includes several SEO tools and functionalities to enhance website optimization.

Here are some of the built-in SEO features offered by

  1. SEO-Friendly URLs: allows users to create custom, SEO-friendly URLs for their web pages, blog posts, and sales funnel steps. By optimizing URLs with relevant keywords and descriptive phrases, users can improve their chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

  2. Meta Tags Optimization: Users can customize meta tags, including meta titles, meta descriptions, and meta keywords, for each web page, blog post, and sales funnel step. Optimizing meta tags with targeted keywords and compelling descriptions helps search engines understand the content of the page and encourages users to click through to the site.

  3. Image Optimization: includes tools for optimizing images uploaded to the platform. Users can add descriptive alt text, titles, and captions to images to improve accessibility and provide context to search engines, ultimately enhancing the website’s overall SEO performance.

  4. XML Sitemap Generation: automatically generates XML sitemaps for websites hosted on the platform. XML sitemaps help search engines crawl and index website content more efficiently, ensuring that all pages are discovered and ranked appropriately in search results.

  5. Mobile Responsiveness:’s website templates are designed to be mobile-responsive, ensuring that websites display properly and function smoothly on various devices and screen sizes. Mobile responsiveness is a crucial factor in SEO, as search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings.

  6. Page Speed Optimization: prioritizes fast-loading web pages, which is essential for SEO performance. Faster loading times improve user experience and reduce bounce rates, signaling to search engines that the website is high-quality and valuable to users.

While’s primary focus is on sales funnel creation and marketing automation, its built-in SEO features provide users with the tools and functionalities they need to optimize their websites for search engines effectively.

Yes, you can import and export your data and contacts easily from/to other platforms using provides tools and functionalities to facilitate the transfer of data between its platform and other systems, allowing you to seamlessly integrate your existing contacts and information into and vice versa. Here’s how you can import and export data and contacts with

  1. Import Contacts: allows you to import contacts from external sources such as CSV files, Excel spreadsheets, or other email marketing platforms. You can use the import feature within’s dashboard to upload your contact list and add them to your email marketing lists or CRM database.

  2. Export Contacts: Similarly, enables you to export your contacts from its platform to external sources for backup or integration purposes. You can export your contact list as a CSV file or Excel spreadsheet from’s dashboard and then import it into other systems or tools as needed.

  3. Integration with Third-Party Platforms: integrates with various third-party platforms and services, including email marketing providers, CRM systems, payment gateways, and more. These integrations allow you to sync your data and contacts between and other platforms seamlessly, eliminating the need for manual import/export processes.

  4. API Access: provides API access, allowing you to programmatically interact with the platform and automate data transfer processes between and other systems. With API access, you can build custom integrations and workflows to sync data and contacts in real-time, ensuring consistency and accuracy across multiple platforms. does not offer built-in support for creating multi-language websites and funnels. However, you can still create multi-language content by using workarounds and third-party integrations.

Here are some ways you can create multi-language websites and funnels with

  1. Duplicate Funnels: Create separate funnels for each language you want to support. Customize the content, text, and images in each funnel to match the language preferences of your target audience.

  2. Use Subdomains or Subdirectories: Set up subdomains or subdirectories for each language version of your website. For example, you can create “” for English and “” for French. Then, create separate funnels for each language and link them to the corresponding subdomains or subdirectories.

  3. Third-Party Translation Tools: Use third-party translation tools or services to translate your website content into multiple languages. Once translated, you can manually add the translated content to your funnels.

  4. Custom Code Integration: If you have coding knowledge, you can use custom code integration to implement multi-language functionality on your website. This may involve using JavaScript or other programming languages to detect the user’s language preference and display the appropriate content dynamically. allows you to connect only one costume domain on its free plan. if you want to connect more domains, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan.

No, offers unlimited storage and bandwidth on all plans

Masters of Scale Podcast Summary: AirBnB's Chesky in Handcrafted

Masters of Scale Podcast Summary: How AirBnB was Handcrafted by Chesky & Co

About Masters of Scale

 Masters of Scale is a podcast hosted by Reid Hoffman – the legendary Silicon Valley entrepreneur and investor (Co-founder of Linked) which explains how founders take their companies from zero to gazillion.

How to design products that sell, From idea to launch and then scale

masters of scale Reid Hoffman and Brian Chesky

At the heart of this captivating narrative lies the profound understanding that success is not merely about building a product or service, but about crafting an experience that resonates deeply with users. Chesky’s revelation that “if you want to create something that’s truly new, you have to pull the future forward” serves as a guiding beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs, urging them to embrace disruption and challenge the status quo.

In order to scale, you have to first do things that don’t scale

About AirBnB

 The company at the centre of this episode is AirBnB. AirBnB is the short form of 

AirBnB is based in San Francisco California and operates an online marketplace focused on short term home stays and trip experiences. 

The company acts as a broker and collects commissions from each booking.

They are in the end to end business of travelling.

AirBnB was founded in 2008 by Brian Chesky, Nathan Blecharczyk and Joe Gebbia with Chesky as its CEO.

AirBnB is valued at $113B as at 2021

Reid Hoffman Airbnb story

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Explanation of some words used in Masters of Scale Podcast:

Scale – Scaling does not mean to grow. It means to grow exponentially. A company is said to have achieved growth when it adds new resources (capital, people or technology) and its revenue increases as a result.

For a company to achieve growth, it must spend money on adding new resources. A business is said to have achieved scale when revenue increases without a substantial increase in resources if any at all.


Let’s hear from Brian Chesky of AirBnB on Handcrafting a product

Brian Chesky

In order to scale, you have to first do things that don’t scale. The only way an organization or a business would scale is to start with doing things that don’t scale at all like handcrafting the whole process (doing everything with hands or manually.)

Reid Hoffman has worked with and invested in companies that scaled to 100m users or more.

He said, “when you are just starting, you don’t start with 100m users. You start with a few. So, stop thinking big and start thinking small. Reach out to your customers and win them over one by one”

This may sound odd if you are an entrepreneur with a global ambition.

For example, Mark Zuckerberg did not build Facebook, invite 1.1 billion people to Facebook and users just poured in. That’s not how it happened. Here is how it works.


how does it work

Here is how it works

When designing a product, you have to put yourself in the shoes of the user you are designing the product for.

You must design your product with empathy for a single user. Imagine being your product’s user. Put yourself in her shoes.

If you are designing your product with only A/B test, you are not designing with empathy.

Most times, startups are thinking how to grow big from day one. They have promised the investor millions and millions of users and they need to deliver.

They start from the end instead of starting from the beginning and going upwards. It’s like building a skyscraper on a faulty foundation.

Brian goes further to say, “You have to handcraft the user experience before you scale”.

The foundation is the user experience. It’s the user experience you handcrafted that you scale to reach more people.

Once you start having a few users, go to your users or customers one by one, try to know them.

Going to the users one by one is not scalable, but it’s highly necessary if you plan to scale. This is the only time you have to do this because once you scale your product; you won’t have the time to go to them.

So, now that you are small, go to your customers, get to know them, what they want and create the product for them.

When AirBnB was having little traction or a few users of their marketplace, they visited their customers at home one by one and offered to professionally photograph their homes and list it for them.

This became AirBnB’s secret weapon because that’s how they learnt what people (their users) loved.

It’s not easy to get 10 people to love anything, but it’s not hard when you spend time with them and find out what they really want.

You get to ask questions like, what if I do this or that.

From the answers to these questions, a handcrafted experience is born.

For example, AirBnB while asking these kind of questions, they found out “ what if I am not comfortable with the guest? So, they provided a solution by profiling the guests. They also found out what the users would love to be in the profile. They wanted the names, photos of the guests, where they live and work etc.

This kind of information helps you to start designing the product touch point by touch point.

The road map always exists in the minds of the users you design the product for.

Let the user show you the road map in their minds for your product.

You can get very detailed feedback from your early users.

What are users saying about your product?

Airbnb handcrafted episode

According to Brian Chesky, “if you are not getting people who are saying, ‘this is super important to me, I love this, I will really love this to work;’ it usually means you are off track and you need to go back to the drawing board”

Passionate feedback is a clue that your product really matters to someone and one passionate user can turn into many if you listen to them carefully.

It’s important to get this kind of feedback early. It’s like setting the foundation as an architect. You should not build a skyscraper before building a solid foundation. User feedback makes sure you don’t build 1000 users on unstable swamp.


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How to get the right feedback

AirBNB handcrafted episode 3

To get the right feedback from users, this is what Brian does:

  1. He does not ask for the product he just built, he asks for the product of your dreams. He asks these kind of questions:
  2. What could we do not to make this product better, but to make you tell everyone about it? The answer to this question is different. It makes you to think “what will it take me to design a product that you will literally tell everyone about.”

Listen to user’s feedback, but the caveat is, you have to know which of your users to listen to.

You have to be able to know which users will take you in the right direction (mass market and your vision).

If you want to create something that would go viral, you must create a mind blowing end to end experience that people would like to tell everyone about.

AirBnB took one part of their product and created a five star experience and people went crazy.

If you want to create something that would go viral, you must create a mind blowing end to end experience that people would like to tell everyone about.

Two steps to create a perfect product

Masters of Scale Airbnb

 According to Brian Chesky, to create a perfect product, do these:

  1. Create a perfect experience
  2. Then scale that experience

AirBnB did not guess what the users want; they reacted to what the users wanted and asked for and then made a piece meal progress.

They didn’t launch perfectly scaled services. They built everything by hand and then scaled it with the right technology, processes, people, and partners.

Once a startup has proven that it has a product that people want, (product market fit) it’s time to take that product to the masses.

The crude art of doing things that don’t scale is a way to start a successful business on string budget and it also gives inspiration to your team to create the right product.

How to move from the handcrafted stage to the scaling stage   

product design
Photo credit: Abby Chung


Handcrafting a product is one of the most creative times for founders. Brain says,” the transition from the handcrafting stage to the scaling stage is very challenging. 

In fact, it needs two opposing mindsets. You can’t switch from one to the other with ease.”

You have to be able to empathize with a single user and at the same time, worry about everyone (mass market).

The designing phase is done with another side of the brain than the scaling experience. You need different skill sets for each. The designing experience is creative, intuition based, human and end to end experience. It’s more like writing.

The scaling phase is more analytical. It’s like being an editor. You do a lot of pruning. You prune, compact and distil so you can now run at a rocket ship rate. You focus on the 20% of users to get the 80%.

You transition your product to scale the organization to run it. All you need is a simple plan and little proposition.

Designing an ideal experience does not drop away as soon as your product goes viral. Handcrafting a product is a kind of booster that helps you get in the orbit, but it’s not the kind of rocket for the whole trajectory.

Handcrafting gets you out of the gravity well and after that, get ready for the main work.

Sharper founders never throw away the handcrafted mindset no matter how big their organization becomes.

As a founder, you need to be careful which part of the organization to scale and you must protect the handcrafting of new things in your company because the natural reaction of a scaled organization is to kill it (handcrafted products) because they would believe that they won’t be able to get it to scale.

How to re-invent or disrupt an industry

Reid Hoffman Airbnb story 1

To re-invent an industry, you do not take inspiration from that industry. You need to look at other industries that have what you want to add to your industry.

For them at AirBnB, they got inspiration from the end to end travel experience portrayed in the cinema industry. “The best trips you have ever seen, is the trips that movie characters have,” says Brian

Brian wanted to create and scale a perfect trip. To do that, he switched back to creating a perfect trip for one individual.

He designed an end to end travel experience for one person who was wowed and that became a blue print for them.

Next, he asked his team,” can we develop the technology to replicate it 100m times?

Now he switches to the analytical mindset to scale the product.

They started with a small group of users and used years to figure out how to scale that experience. This has led to what is called the AirBnB Trips.

The less your products changes, the bigger you will get. So, you have time when you are small to make all the changes you need.

Take advantage of the sub scale experience to design a perfect  experience.

Dream big, act small. Be passionate about your users, handcraft the core service for them, create a magical experience and then figure out what part of that magical experience you can scale.

Create a wow or 5 star experience for one user and then look for the technology to scale it to the mass market.


Take advantage of the sub scale experience to design a perfect  experience.


In conclusion, the Masters of Scale podcast featuring Brian Chesky of Airbnb offers a masterclass in entrepreneurial prowess. 

Chesky’s profound insights into the delicate balance between handcrafting a product and scaling it to global proportions shows that this is doable  as long as you focus on the end users of your product. 

As he aptly puts it, “the key lies in crafting an experience that is deeply rooted in authenticity and human connection, while simultaneously harnessing the power of scale to amplify its impact”.

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Summary the empire of business by Andrew Carnegie

Book Summary the Empire of Business by Andrew Carnegie

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“The Empire of Business” by Andrew Carnegie offers invaluable insights into his rise as an industrialist, emphasizing the importance of innovation, ethical leadership, and philanthropy in building a successful business empire and contributing to society.

  1. “There is a popular saying that you should not put all your eggs in one basket but I say Put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket closely.” – Andrew Carnegie
  2. “The first requisite for success in life is to be a good animal.” – Andrew Carnegie

  3. “Concentration is my motto – first honesty, then industry, then concentration.” – Andrew Carnegie

  4. “No man becomes rich unless he enriches others.” – Andrew Carnegie

  5. “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.” – Andrew Carnegie

  6. “Surplus wealth is a sacred trust to be administered during one’s lifetime for the good of the community.” – Andrew Carnegie

  7. “Do your duty and a little more, and the future will take care of itself.” – Andrew Carnegie

  8. “The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled.” – Andrew Carnegie

  9. “Aim for the highest.” – Andrew Carnegie

  10. “Do not look for approval except for the consciousness of doing your best.” – Andrew Carnegie

  11. “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie

  12. “The man who dies rich, dies disgraced.” – Andrew Carnegie

  13. “Do not look for success, seek to become a person of value.” – Andrew Carnegie

  14. “The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate.” – Andrew Carnegie

  15. “Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.” – Andrew Carnegie

  16. “No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit.” – Andrew Carnegie

  17. “There is little success where there is little laughter.” – Andrew Carnegie

  18. “The average person puts only 25% of his energy and ability into his work.” – Andrew Carnegie

  19. “You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb.” – Andrew Carnegie

  20. “Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole clear, glorious life lies before you.” – Andrew Carnegie

  21. “The man who has millions will want everything he can lay his hands on and then raise his voice against the poor devil who wants ten cents more a day.” – Andrew Carnegie


“The Empire of Business” by Andrew Carnegie is primarily for individuals interested in business, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy. Specifically, it targets:

  1.  Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Those who seek to understand the principles of success in business and learn from the experiences of one of history’s most successful entrepreneurs.
  2. Business Leaders: Established business leaders looking for insights into effective management strategies, innovation, and ethical business practices.
  3. Philanthropists: Individuals interested in philanthropy and social responsibility can learn from Carnegie’s philosophy on wealth redistribution and the importance of giving back to the community.
  4. History Enthusiasts: Readers interested in the history of American industry and the Gilded Age will find “The Empire of Business” to be an engaging and informative read, offering a glimpse into the economic and social dynamics of the era.

Overall, the book appeals to a wide range of readers interested in business, entrepreneurship, leadership, and social impact, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking inspiration and guidance in their professional or personal endeavours.

PART 1: The road to business success

In this book Andrew Carnegie started by advising young people who want to be successful in life to avoid these 3 things:

  1. Alcohol: as it will destroy them and not allow them reach their dreams.
  2. Speculations or gambling: Gambling can make you rich today, but you would never be able to sustain the wealth. Instead of speculating, start a business that is providing solutions to the problems of other human beings. Starting a business may be hard, but it is a sure way to sustainable and enduring wealth. Money gotten from speculations doesn’t last. Most time, the person loses all to gambling.
  3. Don’t stand as a guarantor for a friend if you are also a debtor to another person. If you are to stand as a guarantor for a loan, never let the amount exceed your own means. Treat the money you are standing as a surety for as a gift and do not stand for an amount you cannot part with.


If you want to be taken serious in your place of work, do all you can attract your employer’s ATTENTION.  Prove to your boss that he does not have a mere hireling in his employ.

Instead of being one who is content to give so many hours of work for so many dollars in return, be the one who devotes his spare hours in constant thought to the business – this will make your boss to think of you first when he is thinking of a worthy partner.

Always break orders to save your boss. Do not hesitate to do it whenever you are sure the interests of your employer will be thereby promoted and when you are so sure that the result is such that you are willing to take the responsibility.

You will never be a partner unless you know the business of your department far better than the owners possibly can. These are the kind of men business owners are looking to help their business grow.

People who have the interest of the business at heart and will do all they can including disobeying rules they know are not in the interest of the business to make the business grow.

These are the true bosses. So, boss your boss and do this early enough.

To become a millionaire, you must start early to save most of the money that enters your hand. The money you have saved must them be invested in something that will yield you more money and never to be gambled with.

This habit of putting away money will attract business men (who are willing to go into partnership) to you. They will trust and want to partner with you because you have developed discipline which is a great habit for creating wealth.

When you start a business, concentrate all your efforts and resources in the business. Don’t scatter your resources in several businesses at a time. Put all your eggs in one basket and watch the basket closely.


PART 2: The ABC of Money

Money as we know it today are just worthless papers and do not reflect the value of what the government institutions printed on them and would like you to believe.

A medium of exchange is supposed to be equivalent to the value it is to be exchanged with in value, but this is no longer so.

The government institutions print notes and make us believe that those notes are of the same value as what is printed on them.

The governments are shortchanging their citizens with the instrument of money.



PART 3: Interest of Labour and Capital

Employers should embark on corporate responsibility to maintain to some extent the old feeling of kindliness, mutual confidence, respect and esteem which formerly distinguished the relations between the employer and his men.

Wages of employees should be based upon a sliding scale, in proportion to the net profit received for product month by month. This way employees would not be seeking to make more money when the business is not doing so well and when the business is doing well, everybody gets paid well.

This can be achieved by making your business’ financial statements available to employees.

This way, the employees and the employers work as partners working towards the growth of the business as they know when a business is doing well and when a business is doing badly.

An employee that knows that the growth of the business is equal to more money for her will work hard to ensure the business grows.

Make reading a habit and focus on specializing on an area which gives you support; know that thoroughly and well, to be an expert in your area of specialty. If you are a mechanic, then study every work about the subject of mechanics.

Seek to be among the world first 10 people in your area of work.

Don’t let anyone know more of your specialty than you. Then read widely, seek to know little about every other thing. “Just as on his farm the farmer must first attend well to his potatoes and his corn and his wheat, from which he derives his revenue, and he may spend his spare hours as a labour of love in cultivating the flowers that surround his home.”

Becoming a specialist in the work that brings you revenue is your number one priority, while acquiring general knowledge in other areas is your recreation and also important.

This is how an employee moves from the level of a worker to the partner of the employer.

Learn everything you can about the fundamental laws of demand and supply, the law of competition

Know when to take a break and find amusement. Engage in sports or other games as it is a great mistake to think that the man who works all the time wins in the race. Become interested in baseball or cricket, or horses, anything that will give you innocent enjoyment and relieve you from the usual strain.

You are not to consume every earning that you make. You must consistently save a part of all money you earn to be used for the purpose of investment in building capital projects that will give you more returns. This is the difference between the rich (civilized) and the poor (savage). One saves a part of his earnings for the purpose of investment while the other consumes everything earned.

“Each man, by thrift, saves a little, puts the money in a bank, and the bank lends it to the shipbuilders, who pay interest for the use of it.”

The amount you should save per earning does not need to be great, just ensure you are saving something for future investments or projects whenever you earn money.

Keep money in the position of a useful servant. Hoarding millions is not thrift. It should be used to make the world a better place. Always seek to leave the world better than you found it.


PART 4 How to win fortune

“The millionaires who are in active control started as poor boys, and were trained in that sternest but most efficient of all schools—poverty.“ Most of these people did not go to the regular schools, but where instead hotly engaged in the school of experience (started actively working from age 14-20), obtaining the very knowledge required for future triumphs in business.

Andrew Carnegie saw college as a waste of time as it does not confer on the student the required skill and experience necessary for running a business.

The graduates who enter the world of work at the age of 20 mostly fit the position of workers who are compensated with salary and do not stand a chance to compete with the people who have been working and gathering business experience since the age of 14.

Education is good, but the education that should be valued is only the one that leads a man to the road that will bring him the desired fortune.

Businesses of vast concerns cannot be successfully conducted by salaried employees. No great business of any kind can score an unusually brilliant and permanent success which is not in the hands of practical men particularly interested in its results as against men who are just interested in receiving salaries.

When, therefore, the young man, in any position or in any business, explains and complains that he has not opportunity to prove his ability and to rise to partnership, the old answer suffices “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.


PART 5: Wealth and its uses

Andrew Carnegie is of the opinion that poverty is a stimulating school that takes ordinary people from the ground to greatness. He believes that being born poor is one of the greatest things that can happen to anyone unlike being born with a silver spoon.

“We can scarcely read one among the few “immortal names that were not born to die, ” or who has rendered exceptional service to our race, who had not the advantage of being cradled, nursed, and reared in the stimulating school of poverty.”

He admonishes people who have amassed fortune not to make their children victim of their wealth by over pampering them. They should instead make them go out and create their own wealth and not depend on their parent’s wealth.

Anyone who was born poor is regarded by Andrew Carnegie as fortunate. All he needs to do is to find wealth is to first ask himself “what shall I learn to do for the community which will bring me in exchange enough wealth to feed, clothe, lodge, and keep me independent of charitable aid from others?”

Then the next thing he is to do once he starts earning from his choice of means of income, is to start saving a portion of all his earnings to be invested in securities, properties or business.

You do not need to put together so much money before you can start investing. Save from your earnings, invest them and watch it gradually grow and make you rich. If you are able to save as little as $50 or $100, you can start a business or start investing in stocks (own a part of a big business), real estate etc.

So, you don’t need to have up to a million to start. Anyone can start growing money. All you need is that first $50 or $100.

Don’t invest your savings in any business or stock you don’t understand. This is the one of the reasons most businesses fail.

And when you have accumulated so much wealth, distribute for the good of humanity to make the life of others better while you are still alive by building institutions or creating innovative developments that will last for generations.

Andrew Carnegie describes any rich person who was not able to distribute his/her wealth for the good and the advancement of humanity while alive as a sad failure.


PART 6: The Bugaboo of Trusts

All industries should hold firmly the doctrine of free competition and keep the field open for all who are interested. There should be freedom for all to engage in manufacturing or any business as long as the person has the capital to invest in the same condition open to all.

Any attempt to maintain a monopoly in any branch/industry will likely end in failure for there can be no permanent extortion of profit beyond the average return from capital.

Monopoly in the form of TRUST strangles the growth of an industry while healthy competition helps it to grow and benefit the public.



PART 7: Anglo-American Trade Relations

The principle of free trade should be allowed by nations as the world respects a nation that can supply it with its needs.

This principle of free trade does not respect flags; it respects best bargain as nations buy from and sell to countries from which they obtain great bargains. Political acquisition is not essential for acquiring the trade of new territory.


PART 8: Business

Focus on one kind of business and master it. Don’t jump from business to business. Concentrate all your efforts and resources in one for no one can master two businesses. You will end up spreading yourself too thin and lose both businesses.

The difference between a business person and a worker is that the first depends on profit while the second depends on a fixed salary. The business person bears all the risks and makes more money while the worker bears no risk and earns so little, but we must all start from somewhere. You can start as workers but never stop there.

While working for your boss, do not work for salary alone. Do all you can to help grow the business of your employer; go the extra mile. And when he is looking for a partner, you will be the first person that comes to mind. This will be your beginning of owning part of the business.

Here is a secret to business success: conduct your business with just a little more ability than the average man in your line. If you are only above the average, your success is secured, and the degree of success is in ratio to the greater degree of ability and attention which you give above the average.

There are always a few in business who stand near the top, but, there are always an infinitely greater number at and near the bottom. And should you fail to ascend, the fault is not in your stars, but in yourselves.

Anyone who intends to acquire a degree should ensure that as he/she is getting the degree gets business skills too in the area he intends to focus on. A graduate who also has business knowledge is far better than a person who never got a degree but acquired only business skills.

A business creates value and benefits the community by improving their lives, while speculation does not provide any value and supplies no want.


PART 9: The three legged stool of business

Capital, labour and business ability are the three legs upon which any business stands. Without any of these three, the stool of a business collapses for a business cannot succeed without any of these three and the stool becomes of no use until the 3rd leg is restored.

None of the three legs is more important than the other. The three are equal partners of a grand role.

Here are other interesting and recommended books related to the themes explored in “The Empire of Business” by Andrew Carnegie, for further reading:

“Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.” by Ron Chernow: This biography provides a comprehensive look at the life and career of John D. Rockefeller, another influential figure in American business during the Gilded Age.

“The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail” by Clayton M. Christensen: This book explores the concept of disruptive innovation and its impact on established businesses, offering insights into how companies can navigate and adapt to disruptive change.

“How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie: While not directly related to business strategy, this classic self-help book offers valuable insights into interpersonal skills, communication, and leadership, which are essential for success in business and beyond.

“Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies” by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras: This book examines the common characteristics and strategies of enduringly successful companies, providing valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and business leaders.

“The Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith: Considered a foundational work in economics, this book explores the principles of free-market capitalism and the division of labor, providing insights into the economic theories that influenced Andrew Carnegie and his contemporaries.

“Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t” by Jim Collins: Drawing on extensive research, this book identifies the key factors that differentiate great companies from their competitors and offers actionable insights for achieving sustained success.

“The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business” by Charles Duhigg: This book explores the science behind habits and how they shape individual and organizational behavior, offering practical strategies for creating positive change and improving productivity.

“The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses” by Eric Ries: This book introduces the lean startup methodology, which emphasizes rapid experimentation, iterative development, and customer feedback to build successful businesses in a fast-changing world.

“Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” by Simon Sinek: Exploring the concept of the “Golden Circle,” this book examines the importance of defining a clear purpose and vision to inspire loyalty, innovation, and success in business.

“Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future” by Peter Thiel: Written by entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel, this book offers unconventional insights into building successful startups and creating innovative solutions that reshape industries.

These recommended books cover a range of topics related to entrepreneurship, business strategy, leadership, and personal development, providing valuable insights and inspiration for readers interested in further exploring the themes of “The Empire of Business” by Andrew Carnegie.

Based on the teachings of “The Empire of Business” by Andrew Carnegie, here are some recommended action points that you need to start implementing immediately:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define your long-term goals and create a clear vision for success in your chosen field or industry.
  2. Invest in Education: Continuously seek opportunities to learn and improve your skills. Invest in education and personal development to stay competitive in the rapidly changing business landscape.
  3. Embrace Innovation**: Embrace innovation and technological advancements in your industry. Stay ahead of the curve by adopting new tools, technologies, and strategies to enhance your business operations.
  4. Build Strong Team: Recognize the importance of teamwork and collaboration in achieving success. Surround yourself with talented individuals who share your vision and complement your skills.
  5. Practice Ethical Leadership: Lead with integrity and ethical conduct. Build trust and credibility with your employees, customers, and stakeholders by demonstrating honesty, transparency, and fairness in your actions.
  6. Diversify Investments: While focusing on your core business, consider diversifying your investments to mitigate risks and seize new opportunities for growth.
  7. Give Back to Society: Recognize the importance of giving back to the community. Allocate resources for philanthropic initiatives that address pressing social issues and contribute to the greater good.
  8. Monitor Finances Closely: Keep a close eye on your finances and investments. Regularly review your financial statements and performance metrics to identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions.
  9. Stay Committed to Success: Stay committed to your goals and persevere in the face of challenges. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity and remain resilient in your pursuit of success.
  10. Focus on Efficiency: Prioritize efficiency in your work and business operations. Identify areas where you can streamline processes and eliminate waste to maximize productivity.

Here are some steps to prioritize efficiency in your business:

Prioritizing efficiency involves identifying and focusing on tasks, processes, or strategies that yield the highest returns in terms of output, productivity, and resource utilization. 

  • Identify Goals and Objectives: Clearly define your goals and objectives, both short-term and long-term. Understand what you want to achieve and what outcomes are most important to you or your organization.
  • Analyze Tasks and Processes: Assess your current tasks, workflows, and processes to identify areas where improvements can be made. Look for tasks that are time-consuming, repetitive, or inefficient.
  • Use Prioritization Techniques: Use prioritization techniques such as the Eisenhower Matrix, ABC prioritization, or Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to categorize tasks based on their importance and urgency. Focus on high-priority tasks that align with your goals and provide the most significant impact.
  • Delegate and Automate: Delegate tasks that can be done more efficiently by others, freeing up your time to focus on higher-value activities. Additionally, automate repetitive tasks using technology or tools to save time and reduce errors.
  • Time Management: Manage your time effectively by setting deadlines, breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and allocating time blocks for specific activities. Avoid multitasking, as it can decrease productivity and efficiency.
  • Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and optimizing your processes. Encourage feedback from team members and stakeholders to identify areas for enhancement and implement changes accordingly.
  • Eliminate Waste: Identify and eliminate any unnecessary steps, resources, or activities that do not add value to your goals. Streamline workflows and reduce inefficiencies to maximize productivity and minimize waste.
  • Utilize Resources Wisely: Make efficient use of available resources, including time, money, and manpower. Allocate resources strategically to tasks and projects that offer the greatest return on investment.
  • Stay Flexible and Adaptive**: Remain flexible and adaptive in your approach to efficiency. Be open to trying new methods, technologies, or strategies that may improve your processes and outcomes.
  • Measure and Track Progress: Monitor and measure your progress towards efficiency goals using key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics. Track improvements over time and adjust your strategies as needed to maintain efficiency.

By implementing these action points, you are applying the valuable lessons from “The Empire of Business” to your life and business, fostering growth, success, and positive impact in their endeavors.

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How to start and grow a zobo drink business

Zobo drink Goldmine: Your Complete Guide for a Successful Zobo Drink Business

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How to make zobo drink for sale

Starting a profitable Zobo drink business can be a lucrative venture, especially considering the growing demand for healthy and natural beverages which according to IMARC Group is growing at the rate of 9% between 2023 – 2028.
As the Zobo drink trend continues to surge, the potential for profit in this business has never been greater.
Zobo can become your ticket to financial freedom, creative fulfilment, and the sweet taste of entrepreneurial triumph.
Join me as I dive deep into the secrets of crafting the perfect Zobo drink, creating an irresistible brand, conquering the market, and building a business that’s not just profitable but also a passion-fuelled journey.
Get ready to sip your way to success; it’s time to make your Zobo drink business dreams a reality!

Table of Contents

Why you need to start zobo drink business today

Think of Zobo drink as Your Treasure Chest:

Imagine you have a magical treasure chest, but instead of gold and jewels, it’s filled with bottles of delicious Zobo drink.
The more bottles you sell, the more money you make. That’s because people love Zobo, and they’re willing to pay for it.
So, when you start your Zobo drink business, you are making something that people already really want.

Low startup cost, big profit

Here’s another cool thing. Making Zobo drinks doesn’t cost a lot of money. You can start a zobo business with as little as ₦10,000 or $12 (for small scale businesses). If you want to go into large scale zobo production, you will need a startup capital of ₦200,000 and above.
As more and more people discover your tasty Zobo drink, your business will grow. You might start by selling to friends and family, but soon you could be supplying Zobo to stores, parties, offices and even events.
The more you expand, the more money you can make.

Increase in demand and trends due to:

  1. Rising Health Consciousness. The global trend towards healthier beverage choices has contributed to increased demand for Zobo drink. Consumers are seeking natural and nutritious alternatives to sugary and artificial drinks.
  2. African and Diaspora Markets. Zobo is a staple in many African countries and among African diaspora communities worldwide. The demand for Zobo is consistently strong in these regions due to its cultural significance.
  3. Growth in Natural and Organic Beverages. As people become more health-conscious, there is a growing preference for natural and organic beverages. Zobo, made from hibiscus petals and other natural ingredients, fits this trend.
  4. Expansion of Ethnic Food and Beverage Markets.

    Zobo drink has gained popularity in markets with diverse ethnic populations. Ethnic food stores and restaurants often offer Zobo to cater to the tastes of their customer.
how to sell zobo drink online

What you need to know about zobo drink

What is zobo drink?

Zobo drink, also known as hibiscus tea, is a popular and refreshing beverage made from the dried petals of the hibiscus plant (scientifically known as Hibiscus sabdariffa).
It is a traditional drink that is enjoyed in many parts of the world by both old and young people, especially in Africa, the Caribbean, and some parts of Asia.
Zobo drink has strong roots in Africa, particularly West Africa. It is believed to have originated in the northern parts of Nigeria. In Nigeria, it is often referred to as “Zobo” or “Sobolo” in Ghana. The name “Zobo” is derived from the Hausa language, one of the many languages spoken in Nigeria.
To make Zobo drink, the dried hibiscus petals are steeped in hot water, often along with other flavorful ingredients like ginger, cloves, cinnamon, and sometimes fruit juices. More on this later.
This infusion is then sweetened with sugaror dates or honey to taste. Zobo is typically served cold with ice and can be garnished with slices of citrus fruits, mint leaves, or other herbs for added flavor and visual appeal.
Zobo drink is known for its vibrant red color and tart, fruity flavor. It is not only delicious but also has several potential health benefits. It’s often enjoyed as a refreshing and thirst-quenching beverage, especially in hot climates.
Additionally, Zobo is sometimes used in traditional medicine for its reported health properties, including being rich in antioxidants and having potential blood pressure-lowering effects.
In recent years, Zobo drink has gained popularity for its natural and healthy qualities, making it a sought-after choice for those looking for an alternative to sugary or artificially flavored beverages.
Many people have started businesses centered around making and selling Zobo drinks due to its growing demand as a flavourful and health-conscious drink option.

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Zobo drink health benefits

  • Takes care of your liver: Scientific studies reveal that zobo drink consumption contributes to fighting liver damage and serves as a safeguard against liver diseases.
  • Helps digestion: Embracing zobo drink can enhances digestion through the stimulation of stomach acid production, alleviating gut inflammation, and providing gentle, natural relief for constipation.
  • Antioxidants power house: Packed with antioxidants, zobo drink acts as a shield, safeguarding your cells against free radical damage, thus reducing the risk of chronic illnesses.
  • Strengthens your immune system: Rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, hibiscus tea lends a hand in fortifying your immune system, aiding in the battle against infections.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Elixir: Zobo drink’s anti-inflammatory properties offer widespread relief by reducing inflammation throughout the body.
  • Weight Management Ally: Zobo drink proves to be a valuable companion in weight loss endeavours by curbing body fat, suppressing appetite, and fostering a sense of fullness.
  • Blood Sugar Regulation: Zobo drink can regulate blood sugar levels by diminishing insulin resistance and enhancing glucose metabolism.
  • Mood Enhancement: Experience a sense of calm and reduced stress with the potential mood-boosting effects of Zobo drink.
  • Glowing Skin: The generous antioxidant content in zobo drink contributes to skin health and fights signs of aging.
  • Heart Health Promotion: Your heart will thank you as drinking zobo tea helps reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and mitigate the risk of heart disease.
  • Sharpens your brain: Scientific investigations suggest that zobo drink could sharpen cognitive functions, including memory and concentration.
  • Menstrual Pain Relief: Find relief from menstrual discomfort with zobo drink’s ability to ease inflammation and serve as a natural pain reliever.
  • Respiratory Wellness: Amplify respiratory health with zobo drink’s vitamin C content, known for reducing inflammation and combating infections.

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Marketing and branding

Effective marketing and building a strong brand can attract more customers and allow you to charge premium prices.


Expanding your business by reaching new markets, supplying to retailers, or diversifying your product line can also increase profitability.
It’s important to note that profit margins can vary widely, and it may take time to establish your business and build a customer base. To determine the profitability of your specific Zobo business, you should estimate your expenses, and conduct market research to understand demand and competitive pricing in your area.
A well-run Zobo business has the potential to generate huge profit, especially if you can sell a high volume of Zobo drinks consistently.

Is zobo drink business profitable?

How to package zobo drink for sale
A lot of people wonder why they should go into zobo business. Some have asked if the zobo drink business is profitable. Others wonder if they can make big profit from zobo drink.
Zobo drink business can give you 100% return on investment. However, the profitability of the business can vary significantly based on several factors, like location, market demand, production scale, pricing strategy, and operational efficiency.
Profit margins can fluctuate based on these variables:
  1. Cost of production. The cost of ingredients, labour, packaging, and overhead expenses will impact profitability. Purchasing ingredients in bulk can help reduce costs.
  2. Pricing strategy. Setting the right price for your Zobo drink is crucial. It should cover your costs and leave room for profit while remaining competitive in your market. Prices can vary widely, but let’s assume you sell a bottle of Zobo for ₦200 per 35cl bottle (this is its current price in some locations like Lagos) and that your cost of producing one bottle is ₦150.

  3. Sales volume. The number of Zobo drinks you sell daily, weekly, or monthly plays a significant role. If you sell 100 bottles per day, that’s ₦200,000 in daily revenue, before expenses. If you are making ₦50 per bottle, that is 100 x 50 = ₦5,000 profit daily.

  4. Location. Operating in high-traffic areas or markets with strong Zobo demand can increase sales and profitability.
  5. Operational efficiency. Reducing wastage, optimizing production processes, and minimizing overhead costs can improve profitability.

Ingredients and equipments for zobo drink production

Raw materials for zobo drink production (ingredients needed for Zobo drink) :

  1. Hibiscus flower (zobo leaves): This is the primary ingredient that gives zobo drink its tart flavour and red colour
  2. Water: This is used as the base for brewing the concentrate
  3. Cloves: Used for flavour and as natural preservative
  4. Cinnamon sticks: Used for its flavour
  5. Ginger: This is grated and added to the mix
  6. Lemon: Used for its flavour and nutrients (optional)
  7. Lime: Used for its flavour, nutrients and as natural preservative (optional
  8. Pineapple: Used for its flavour and nutrients
  9. Sweetners: Common sweetners like sugar, or natural sweetners like dates, honey can be used. The amount depends on your preferred level of sweetness, but a typical ratio is 1 to 2 cups of sugar per liter of water.
  10. Preservative (sodium benzoate). Helps it to last upto 28 days outside the refridgerator and 2 months inside the refrigrator.

Zobo drink making equipments and supplies

To start a Zobo production business, you will need various equipment for the production process. Here’s a list of the essential equipment you will require:

  1. Large Pots or Boilers: These are used for brewing the Zobo concentrate. You will need at least one large pot, preferably made of stainless steel, with a capacity of 20-50 liters or more, depending on your production scale.
  2. Strainers or Sieves: These are essential for separating the Zobo concentrate from the hibiscus petals and other ingredients. Multiple sizes of strainers may be required to ensure their is no particle in the final zobo drink.
    Blenders or Grinders or mortars: You will need blenders or grinders or mortars to break down spices, ginger, and other flavoring ingredients to ensure they mix well with the Zobo concentrate.
  3. Bucket Containers with tap to fill the zobo concentrates in bottles. Ensure these containers have a tight lid to stop the concentrate from being contaminated. You will need at least one which will cost around ₦5000
  4. Bottles for packaging the final Zobo product. These should come in various sizes, such as 35cl, 50cl, or 1 liter, depending on your target market. Cost of bottles range from ₦30 -₦100 per bottle depending on the size and your area.
  5. Product label: Print your product label. Professional labels make your product look more appealing and informative.
  6. Heat gun and packaging nylon for packing the drinks in cartons. Heat gun helps you to seal your products in cartons. The cost of heat gun is around ₦15,000. Price may vary depending on your location.
  7. Stirring Utensils: Long-handled stirring utensils, such as ladles or paddles, are necessary for stirring the Zobo concentrate during the brewing process.
  8. Measuring Cups and Spoons: You will need these for accurate measurements of ingredients to ensure consistent product quality.
  9. Heat Source: Depending on your production scale, you may require a heat source, such as a gas burner or electric stovetop, to brew the Zobo concentrate in large pots.
  10. Water Source: Ensure you have access to clean water for various stages of production, from washing ingredients to cleaning equipment.
  11. Quality Control Equipment: To maintain consistent product quality, you may need equipment for pH testing, sugar content measurement, and other quality control measures. This is optional. Ensure you cover the zobo concentrate to avoid contamination.
  12. Cleaning Supplies: Stock up on cleaning supplies such as brushes, detergents, and sanitizing agents to maintain hygiene in your production area.
  13. Storage Racks and Shelves: These are essential for organizing ingredients and packaging materials, as well as for storing finished products.
  14. Safety Gear: Ensure you and your staff have necessary safety gear, including aprons, gloves, and hair nets to maintain hygiene and safety during production.
  15. Utensil Washing Area: Set up a designated area for washing utensils and equipment to maintain cleanliness in your production space. Your kitcken sink is perfect for this if you are producing from your house.

The specific equipment you need may vary based on your production scale and the complexity of your Zobo recipe. It’s essential to maintain strict hygiene standards and adhere to food safety regulations throughout the production process.

How to get a standard equipment to process zobo drink in large quantity

To produce zobo drink on a large scale, you will need a zobo making machine. You can get a zobo making machine at FIIRO office if you are in Nigeria.

Zobo drink recipes and production process

Recipe for large scale zobo production

NOTE: 200 litres of zobo drink will give you 571 bottles of 35cl, and if you are using 50cl bottle, 200 litres will give you 400 of 50cl bottles.
Pineapple flavour zobo drink recipe
To prepare fruity pineapple zobo drink, you will need the following:
  1. 3 1/2 custard buckets or 13kg of dried zobo leaves (broken leaves).The broken leaves yeild more than the unbroken (whole) leaves and they are also more expensive than the unbroken zobo leaves.
  2. 10 big pineapples (peeled and cut into pieces)
  3. 250g of fresh ginger (blended)
  4. 200 liters of water
    200g of clove
  5. 5kg of sugar (adjust to taste) or 6kg of dates if you want to make zero sugar zobo drink.
  6. 10 pieces of lime (cut in pieces)
  7. 4 sticks of cinnamon (ground into powder)
  8. 30g of sodium benzoate and 50g of potassium sorbate for preservation mixed in 200ml water.

How to process your zobo drink

To process your zobo drink or hibiscus tea, do the following:

  1. Wash the zobo leaves. While washing, some colours will go out. Don’t bother about that as the zobo leaves or petals are rich in colour.
  2. Wash the back of the pineapples preferably scrub them under running water with a brush as you are going to use the peel as part of your ingredients. Once you are done watching it, cut it and put the peels aside for later use. Cut the pineapple into pieces and use a juicer to bring out the juice. If you don’t have a juicer, use blender. Once you are done blending it, use a strainer to separate the pulp from the juice and set it aside. Also keep the pulp separately.
  3. If you want to use dates as sweetner, wash the dates and soak in water over night if they are dried dates. Once they are soft, remove the seeds and blend them with blender until they become smooth and turn to paste. Set it aside.
  4. Wash and blend your ginger. Set it aside.
  5. Wash your lime and lemon and cut them in pieces with their backs intact.
  6. Wash your cloves and blend them too.
  7. Set your pot on the fire. Pour water, add the pineapple peel and pulp, cloves, ginger, and the dried zobo leaves and cook for 30 minutes. Once done, pour out the zobo concentrate into another container, add water again to the leaves in the pot, cook again for 15 minutes. Repeat this until you get your 200 litres of zobo. You can do this upto 3 times to ensure you get all the redness out of the zobo leaves. Allow to cool down to room temperature. Pour the pineapple juice and the dates into the zobo concentrate and stir well. Then strain the zobo concentrate again to ensure there are no particles in it. Pour it into your dispensing tank or bucket with tap and pour into PET bottles for sale. If you are using sugar instead to sweeten it, add the sugar instead of dates.
  8. If you don’t want to use natural pineapple juice to flavour it, use pineapple flavour like Fresh or Viva pineapple powder flavour and add to taste.

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Zobo drink cucumber flavour recipe

To make 200 litres zobo drink with cucumber flavour, use the same recipe as stated above and replace pineapple with cucumber.
For this recipe, you will need 15 pieces of big cucumbers. Cut them in pieces with the back, blend them until they form a paste.
NOTE: You must not boil your cucumbers or you will have a bad tasting zobo. Once you have strained and seperated your zobo concentrate from the leaves, pour the alreay blended cucumber and mix well. The flavour of the cucmber will infuse into the zobo.
It’s this same time you add your dates or sugar. Then strain the zobo drink for the last time to be sure there are no particles. Pour into your dispending tank or buckect with tap, fill in your PET bottles and sell.
If you don’t want to use fresh cucumbers, use powder cucumber flaours like Fresh or Viva cucumber flavour and add to taste.

What is the best preservative for zobo drink?

The problem people have been having with commercializing zobo drink is not knowing how to preserve it.
Here is how to preserve zobo drink without refridgrator and increase its shelf life for upto 3 months using a combination of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate (you can buy these in open markets from people who sell baking ingriedients or people who sell zobo ingridients in large scale).
So, to preserve your zobo drink, (I am still working with the above recipe that contains 200 litres of water) get 30g of sodium benzoate and pour it in a 200ml bottle. Then get 50g of potassium sorbate and add to the same 200ml bottle.
Add water to fill the 200ml bottle to get a total solution of 200ml. Shake the mixture until it mixes very well. Then pour the 200ml solution into your zobo concentrate and mix together by stirring it.
NOTE: Before pouring the preservative, you must have finished cooking and strained the zobo drink by removing all the particles and leaves from the zobo, allow the zobo to cool. Then once you have mixed the preservative with the zobo concentrate, pour into your packaging bottles and sell.
If you want to make more than 200 litres of zobo drink, you can adjust the measurement by adding 1ml of the solution to every extra 1 litre of zobo.
If you are making 100 litres of zobo drink, you will mix 15g of sodium benzoate and 25g of potassium sorbate together in 100ml of water.
Please don’t exceed this measurement as this the highest you can use . You want your drink to be safe for consumption.

Zobo drink branding and packaging

Here is how to package zobo drink for sale.
Packaging plays a crucial role in attracting customers and building a strong brand identity for your Zobo business. Here are some tips on how to package your Zobo business to attract more customers.

Eye-Catching Labels and Packaging

Use professional, and eye-catching labels and packaging for your Zobo bottles or containers. The design should reflect the quality and uniqueness of your product like zero sugar, sweetened with fruits and dates, fruity, no preservative, infused with herbs etc. depending on the quality of your product.
Use vibrant colours like red, yellow etc. and images that resonate with your target audience like fruits (for health conscious people).

Clear branding

Create, consistent and memorable brand identity for your Zobo business. This includes a compelling business name, logo, and tagline if applicable. Ensure your branding is consistent across all your packaging and marketing materials.
Use the same marketing materials across all platforms where your business is present.

Product Information

Provide essential product information on your packaging, such as type of the drink (zobo drink or hibiscus tea), ingredients, nutritional facts, product name, weight/volume, batch number, best-before date, and business contact details.
Customers appreciate transparency and need to know what they are consuming.

Use unique bottles

If possible, use unique bottle or container shapes to make your Zobo drinks stand out on the shelves. Unconventional packaging can be a great conversation starter.

Don’t use used PET bottles if you plan to stand out.

Customise it

Offer customization options, such as personalized labels or bottle sizes, for special events like weddings or corporate functions. Personalization can attract customers looking for unique gifts or event favors.

Tell your story

Use your packaging to tell the story of your Zobo business. Share your journey, your commitment to quality, and any unique aspects of your production process that set you apart from competitors.

Loyalty programs

Incorporate loyalty program details on your packaging, such as QR codes that customers can scan to sign up for discounts or rewards. This encourages repeat business.

Seasonal Packagings

Consider seasonal packaging for special occasions like holidays or local festivals. These limited-time packages can create a sense of urgency and excitement among customers.

High quality labels

Ensure that your labels are professionally printed, adhere well to the bottles, and are resistant to smudging or fading.

Interactive packaging

Incorporate interactive elements, like contests, puzzles, or QR codes leading to online content or promotions. This engages customers and encourages them to interact with your brand.

Health and nutritional claims

Highlight zobo health benefits on your packaging. En to make people know they would live  a healthier life drinking zobo or hibiscus tea.


Maintain consistency in your packaging design across all product variants. This creates a cohesive and recognizable brand image.


Place your products in high-traffic areas or use creative in-store displays to ensure visibility. Eye-catching packaging is only effective if it’s seen by potential customers.

Customer feedback

Consider gathering customer feedback on your packaging and making adjustments based on their preferences and suggestions.
Effective packaging not only attracts customers but also communicates the quality and value of your Zobo products. It can be a powerful tool in building a loyal customer base and increasing patronage.

Zobo drink business plan template

Creating a business plan forces you to clarify your business idea and vision. It helps you define your unique selling proposition, target market, and long-term objectives.
It serves as a roadmap for your business and outlines your business goals, strategies, and the steps you need to take to achieve them. This helps you stay focused and on track.
Having a business plan in place also helps you estimate your startup and ongoing costs which includes revenue projections.
This means you will be able to budget, secure funding, and understand when your business is expected to become profitable.
To create your business plan for your zobo business. use this zobo drink business plan template

How to get names for your zobo business

Creating a business name for your zobo drink business can be fun as you can use Chatgpt to generate as many names as you want in just seconds.
To get a name for your business using chatgpt, go to their website and type this prompt in: “suggest unique business name for a classic zobo drink business targeting (state your target audience here)”
Once you type this promt in, and hit send, it will generate a lot of names for you.
Review the suggestions and highlight the ones that resonate with you. If you don’t like any, you can ask for more ideas or provide additional information for better suggestions.
You can take the generated names and combine elements from different suggestions or tweak them to create a name that feels just right.
Once you have a shortlist of names, check if they are available as domain names, social media handles, and with the appropriate authorities for business registration in your region. Make sure there are no trademark conflicts.
A great business name can make a positive first impression and contribute to your brand’s success.

Zobo drink business marketing and sales strategies

Running a successful Zobo drink business requires effective sales and marketing strategies to attract and retain customers. Here are some key strategies to consider:

High quality product

Start with a high-quality Zobo drink. Ensure consistent taste and quality, using fresh ingredients and maintaining proper hygiene during production.

Target audience

Define your target audience. Are you aiming at health-conscious consumers, event planners, local cafes, or a specific demographic? Understanding your audience helps tailor your marketing efforts.


Create a strong brand identity. Your business name, logo, and packaging should be visually appealing and memorable. A compelling brand story can help you connect with customers on a deeper level.

Pricing strategy

Set competitive but profitable prices. Consider factors like production costs, market rates, and customer willingness to pay. Offer different pricing options, such as bulk discounts or loyalty programs.

Marketing Campaigns

Run marketing campaigns tailored to your target audience. This might include email marketing, social media ads, and content marketing. Highlight the health benefits and unique flavors of your Zobo drink.
Build an email list of interested customers and send out regular newsletters with product updates, promotions, and special offers. You can use Getresponse for your email marketing. There free plan is enough to get you started.


Partner with local businesses, such as restaurants, cafes, or event planners, to feature your Zobo drink on their menus or at their events. This can broaden your reach and provide consistent sales.

Customer reviews and testimonials

Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews or testimonials on your website or social media. These reviews can build trust and attract new customers.

Loyalty programs

Implement a loyalty program to reward repeat customers. Offer discounts, free products, or exclusive access to new flavors.

Event sponsorship

Sponsor local events, such as festivals, sports events, or charity fundraisers. This not only supports your community but also provides opportunities for product visibility.

Customer engagement

Engage with customers through social media, email, or in-person interactions. Respond to their questions and feedback promptly and build a loyal customer base.

Seasonal promotions

Use seasonal promotions to create excitement and boost sales during special occasions or holidays.

Market research

Continuously conduct market research to understand changing consumer preferences and stay ahead of market trends in the beverage and tea industry.
The more you know about what your customers want and give it to them, the more money you would make.

Product development and innovation

Continuously experiment with new Zobo flavors or variations to keep customers interested. For example, you can introduce several flavours and give your customers exciting options.

customer segmentation

Conduct surveys or gather customer feedback to understand their preferences. Segment your customers into categories such as health-conscious individuals, event planners, or cafe owners. Tailor your marketing efforts accordingly. You can learn how to do this from this guide.  

Localized marketing

Target local customers by participating in community events and sponsoring local sports teams or fundraisers. Consider using local influencers to promote your Zobo brand to a regional audience.

Online sales and delivery

Expand your reach by offering online sales through your website or partnering with food delivery platforms. For example, you can partner with Jumia foods, Chowdeck, Glovo, Domino pizza, Areachops, chopnownow, Uber Eats, DoorDash etc. to reach a wider audience.

Referral program

Encourage your satisfied customers to refer friends and family. Offer discounts or free drinks to customers who refer others to your business. For instance, for every referral that leads to a purchase, the referring customer receives a 10% discount on their next Zobo order.

Sampling events

Host Zobo sampling events in busy locations like shopping malls, farmers’ markets, or local fairs. Give out free samples and gather contact information from interested individuals for future marketing.

Email marketing campaigns

Build an email list and send regular newsletters with updates, promotions, and exclusive offers to keep customers engaged.

Sustainability efforts

Highlight your commitment to sustainability through eco-friendly packaging, waste reduction, or support for environmental causes. This can attract eco-conscious consumers.

Educational content marketing

Create content that educates customers about the health benefits of hibiscus tea, the origin of Zobo, and the nutritional value of your products. This can be shared through blog posts, social media, or short educational videos.
By implementing these strategies, can attract more customers to your Zobo business, engage with them effectively, and build a loyal customer base.

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Distribution and sales of zobo drink

Here are places you can sell zobo offline
Selling Zobo drinks can be a profitable venture if you know the right channels to distribute your drinks faster. Zobo drink business is a business that becomes very profitable on high sales turnover.
ere are some effective marketing channels to consider for promoting your Zobo business offline:

Local markets

Set up a stall or booth at local markets, where you can attract a wide range of customers, including shoppers and passersby.

Street vending

Sell your Zobo drinks on busy streets or near popular local attractions. Ensure your setup is eye-catching and clean.

Community events

Participate in or sponsor community events, fairs, and festivals. These gatherings often draw large crowds looking for refreshments.

Catering Services

Offer catering services for local parties, weddings, and corporate events. Provide Zobo drinks as part of your catering packages. You can also partner with event planners to add your drinks to the menu. This will help you sell more.

Local retail stores

Partner with local grocery stores, health food shops, and convenience stores to stock your Zobo drinks.

Local Restaurants and Cafes

Collaborate with nearby eateries to have your Zobo drinks featured on their menus. Ensure your branding is prominent in these establishments.

Mobile Carts or Kiosks

Use mobile carts or kiosks in strategic locations, such as near offices, schools, or public transportation hubs.

Schools and Colleges

Approach schools and colleges to provide Zobo drinks as part of their canteen offerings or at school events.

Sports events

Sell your zobo drinks at local sports events, from community soccer matches to larger tournaments.

Churches and Religious Gatherings

Attend local church events and gatherings, where you can set up a booth to sell your Zobo drinks.

Corporate Offices

Offer Zobo delivery services to corporate offices during breaks or meetings. Establish standing orders with companies for regular delivery.

Hospitals and Clinics

Explore opportunities to supply your Zobo drinks to hospital cafeterias or clinics.

Word of Mouth

Encourage satisfied customers to recommend your Zobo drinks to their friends and family. Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool in Nigerian communities.

Here are places to sell zobo online

To sell Zobo drinks online, you can utilize various online sales channels and platforms. Here are some online sales channels you can consider:

Your Own E-commerce Website

Create a dedicated website for your Zobo business where customers can browse your product offerings, place orders, and make payments.
Platforms like Shopify, Systemetrical, WooCommerce (WordPress), or BigCommerce are popular options for building e-commerce websites. Systemetrical offers you an easy e-commerce site builder and an all in one marketing platform. You can start with their free plan.

Social Media Platforms

Leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to showcase your Zobo drinks. You can use these platforms to engage with customers, run promotions, and link to your e-commerce website for online orders.

Online marketplaces

Consider selling your Zobo drinks on online marketplaces like Jumia, Konga, or Etsy. These platforms already have a large user base, making it easier to reach potential customers.

Food delivery Apps

Partner with food delivery apps like Uber Eats, Jumia Food, or Bolt Food to have your Zobo drinks delivered to customers’ doorsteps. These apps can expand your reach and handle the delivery logistics for you.

Subscription Box Services

Collaborate with subscription box services that curate and deliver food and beverage products to customers. Your Zobo drinks can be included in monthly subscription boxes. You can also start your own suscription box and send your drinks to your members on a monthly basis.
This helps you to sell more and increases your customer retaintion rate.

Local Directories

List your Zobo business on local online directories, such as Google My Business, Bing, Yelp etc. This helps local customers find your business when searching for Zobo drinks in your area.

Review Websites

Encourage customers to leave reviews on websites like Trust pilot, Yelp, TripAdvisor, or Google Reviews. Positive reviews can boost your online reputation and attract more customers.

Online advertising

Use online advertising platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads to target specific demographics and promote your Zobo products.

Food Bloggers and Influencers

Partner with local food bloggers or social media influencers who can review and promote your Zobo drinks to their followers.

Video marketing

: Create engaging videos showcasing your Zobo products and share them on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Video content can be highly effective in capturing the attention of potential customers.

Local Online Forums and Groups

Join local online forums, discussion groups, and community websites where you can share information about your Zobo business and connect with potential customers.

WhatsApp business

Utilize WhatsApp Business to communicate with customers, provide information about your products, and receive orders directly through the app.

Online payment systems

Offer various online payment options, including debit or credit card payments, mobile wallets, and bank transfers, pay on delivery etc. to make it convenient for customers to purchase your Zobo drinks. In other words, make it easy for your customers to pay you.

Google Shopping

If you have an e-commerce website, consider listing your products on Google Shopping, which allows customers to discover and compare your Zobo drinks on Google search.
By leveraging these offline and online marketing channels, you can expand your reach and attract a diverse customer base to your Zobo business.
Remember to maintain consistent branding and product quality to build trust and loyalty within your community.

Legal requirements and permits
for starting a zobo drink business

Starting a Zobo business like any food and beverage business, requires compliance with several legal and regulatory requirements to ensure the safety and quality of your products.
This does not mean that if you don’t comply with all of these requirements at the beginning, that you should not start your zobo drink business. You can start your business from the comfort of your kitchen even without a registered business and start making money immediatly.
However, If you intend to build a strong brand that people can trust, you will need to comply with the following regulations as time goes on in your business no matter how small you started.
Here are some of the key legal requirements you should be aware of:
  1. Business Registration: Register your Zobo business as a legal entity. You can choose to register as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC). Registering your business enables you to open a corporate bank account for your business which also helps for branding. Without registering your business with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) if you are in Nigeria, you will not be able to register your product with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) which is necessary if you want to be able to sell your products in big supermarkets. You can register your business with the CAC here.
  2. Food Safety Standards: Register and adhere to food safety standards and guidelines set by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON). Comply with their regulations for food production, labelling, and packaging.
  3. Premises and Equipment: Ensure your production facility and equipment meet hygiene and safety standards. Your premises should be inspected and approved by relevant health authorities.
  4. Quality Control: Implement quality control measures to maintain the consistency and quality of your Zobo drinks. Regularly test your products for safety and quality.
  5. Taxation: Register for tax purposes and fulfill your tax obligations, including Value Added Tax (VAT) and other applicable taxes.
  6. Insurance: Consider insurance coverage, such as product liability insurance, to protect your business from potential legal claims.
  7. Employment Laws: If you plan to hire employees, understand and comply with Nigerian labour laws or the law of the country where your business is situated, including minimum wage requirements and employment contracts.
  8. Trademark and Intellectual Property: If you plan to create a unique brand or product name, consider trademark registration to protect your intellectual property. To be able to register your zobo drink business with NAFDAC and SON, you will need to also have registered your trademarks. You can register your Trademarks here

It’s essential to consult with a legal adviser or business consultant who is familiar with the regulations and legal requirements for food and beverage businesses in Nigeria. The specific requirements can vary by location and may change over time, so staying informed and up-to-date is crucial to operating your Zobo business legally and successfully.

Cashflow management for your zobo drink business

Budgeting and Startup Costs
How much does it cost to start a zobo drink business?
You can start a zobo drink business with as low as ₦10,000 or $12 and it can go as high as ₦200,000 or $250 – ₦1m or $ 1,250 depending on how big you want to start. Starting with ₦10,000 will only cover the cost of the raw materials and bottle (used PET bottles). This means that you won’t be able to brand your products as the amount won’t be enough to cover the cost.
However, this should not deter you from starting if that’s how much you have, but don’t stop there.
NOTE: If you want to use new bottles and label on your bottle for packaging, you may need to increase your startup cost to ₦30,000 minimum.

Breakdown cost for starting large scale zobo drink production

  1. Business Registration and Licensing permits: Expect to spend approximately ₦105,000 to ₦180,000 for business registration,Trademarks and NAFDAC registration if you are in Nigeria. If you are in another country, find out the cost for business registration and the cost of obtaining the necessary permits
  2. Production Equipment: Allocate ₦50,000 to ₦200,000 for the purchase of essential equipment.
  3. Ingredients and Raw Materials: Initial inventory costs for ingredients could be ₦70,000 to ₦350,000
  4. Packaging Materials: Budget approximately ₦30,000 to ₦100,000 for initial packaging supplies.
  5. Transportation and Delivery: Anticipate transportation costs of ₦40,000 to ₦80,000.
  6. Marketing: Allocate ₦60,000 to ₦200,000 for marketing expenses.
  7. Utilities and Insurance: Plan for monthly costs of ₦20,000 to ₦40,000 for utilities and insurance.
  8. Initial Working Capital: Ensure you have enough working capital to cover day-to-day expenses, with a budget of ₦50,000 to ₦100,000 for the first few months.

Total Estimated Startup Costs:
The total estimated startup costs for a small-scale Zobo drink business in Nigerian Naira can range from ₦335 to ₦1,250,000. Please keep in mind that these are rough estimates and that actual costs can vary based on location, specific business choices, and the scale of your operation.



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Setting Pricing for your zobo drink business

If you are wondering how to price your zobo drink product to maximize profit, here is how to set competitive prices:

  1. Cost Analysis: Calculate your production costs, including ingredients, packaging, labour, utilities, and overhead. This will be your baseline cost.
  2. Competitor Research: Study your competitors in the Zobo drink market. Identify their pricing strategies, portion sizes, and any unique selling points.
  3. Market Research: Understand your target market and their price sensitivity. Conduct surveys or interviews to gather insights into what customers are willing to pay for Zobo drinks.
  4. Positioning: Determine where you want your Zobo brand to stand in the market. Are you offering premium, mid-range, or budget Zobo drinks? Your pricing should align with your brand positioning.
  5. Profit Margin: Decide on the profit margin you want to achieve. Consider industry standards and your business goals.
  6. Choose a pricing strategy: Use Cost-Plus Pricing strategy (add a markup [e.g., 30%] to your production cost), competitive Pricing (match or slightly undercut your competitors’ prices), Value-Based Pricing ( set price based on the perceived value your Zobo offers), Penetration Pricing (set lower initial prices to gain market share), Bundle Pricing (offer discounts for combo deals) or dynamic Pricing (adjust prices based on demand, time of day, or seasons) etc.
  7. Pricing Tiers: Consider offering different Zobo drink sizes or flavours at various price points to cater to a wider customer base. You should offer something like 35cl, 50cl and even 1 litre and in different flavours too.
  8. Promotions and Discounts: Use limited-time promotions or discounts strategically to attract new customers or encourage repeat business.
  9. Sustainability: Ensure that your pricing is sustainable in the long term, accounting for changes in ingredient costs and market conditions so you won’t need to change your prices again too quickly.
  10. Testing: Start with your initial pricing strategy, but be prepared to adjust it based on customer feedback and market response. Monitor sales and customer reactions to your pricing.
  11. Transparency: Be transparent about your pricing. Make sure customers understand what they are paying for and why your Zobo is priced the way it is. Highlight quality, unique flavours, or other value propositions.
  12. Cost Reduction: Look for ways to reduce production costs without compromising quality. This can help you maintain competitive pricing.
  13. Feedback Loop: Continuously gather feedback from customers regarding your pricing and product. Adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.
  14. Monitor the Competition: Stay updated on your competitors’ pricing and adapt as needed to maintain your competitive edge.
  15. Local Market Considerations: Factor in local economic conditions and income levels when setting prices, especially if you have a local customer base.

Setting competitive prices is an ongoing process. Regularly review and adjust your pricing strategy to stay competitive, meet customer demands, and ensure a healthy profit margin for your Zobo drink business.a

Zobo drink business challenges and tips for success

The beverage market can be highly competitive, and there may be many other Zobo producers in your area because its a business that is easy to start. So, a lot of people will be doing it too.
Your brand must stand out for you to be able to make a lot of money from the business.
A lot of people like Zobo King who started zobo drink business with just N600 are millionaires today just from selling zobo.
You can make lots of money from this business if done well.

Here is how to excel in zobo business

If you want to make big profit from zobo drink, do the following:
  1. Smart Ingredient Purchases: To increase your profits, consider buying your raw ingredients in bulk when preparing for production.
  2. Prioritize Taste: The taste of your Zobo drink is crucial. Think about a time you tried something that didn’t taste good; it’s not fun. For instance, I once had a scotch egg with a nearly rotten egg inside, and it was definitely not a pleasant experience. To avoid this, make sure you use the right proportions of all essential ingredients to ensure your Zobo drink tastes delicious.
  3. Hygiene is Vital: Cleanliness and hygiene are super important. Nobody wants to consume something that might make them sick. People will steer clear of any drink that causes stomach problems or contains dirt particles. If someone tries your product and it leaves them feeling satisfied and healthy, you’re likely to gain a loyal customer. Make sure you prioritize cleanliness in your production process.   By the way, avoid using saccharine instead of sweetener in your Zobo; it’s not a good substitute.
  4. Consistency Counts: Don’t start making a delightful Zobo drink today and then stop tomorrow. Likewise, don’t compromise on quality by diluting your drinks with water just to increase your supply. Consistency, both in terms of quality and quantity, is key to building a strong customer base and growing your Zobo business.


In conclusion, embarking on a journey to start your own Zobo drink business can be a refreshing and lucrative endeavour. As we have explored in this comprehensive guide, the world of Zobo offers a rich blend of flavours, traditions, and entrepreneurship. Whether you are drawn to the natural sweetness of dates, the zest of ginger, or the tangy delight of pineapple, Zobo presents an opportunity to craft unique and tantalizing concoctions that can captivate the taste buds of your target audience.
The demand for Zobo drinks continues to rise, reflecting not only a thirst for its vibrant flavors but also an appreciation for its potential health benefits. As you navigate the journey of starting a Zobo drink business, remember the importance of crafting high-quality recipes, maintaining impeccable hygiene, and adhering to legal requirements.
Moreover, in the competitive landscape of beverage businesses, setting the right pricing strategy is essential. By understanding your production costs, researching your competitors, and gauging the preferences of your target market, you can find the sweet spot for your Zobo pricing, ensuring your products remain competitive and profitable.
Your journey into the world of Zobo is not only about crafting delectable beverages but also about building a brand that resonates with consumers. Consistency, innovation, and customer feedback will be your loyal companions on this path.
So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of Zobo and turn your passion for crafting flavourful drinks into a thriving business, remember that the journey begins with a single sip. Take that first step, mix your first batch, and watch as the vibrant flavours of Zobo drink captivate the hearts and palates of your customers, turning your zobo drink business business into a success story. Cheers to the journey ahead, where Zobo’s richness meets your entrepreneurial spirit!

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